Chapter 17

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Rummaging through my locker, I grabbed my jacket and bag from inside. I replaced them with my till lanyard and mouse ears, and locked it shut. 

"You off now?" My manager and now close friend Vickie poked her head around the staff room door. She was about 20 years my senior, but she was so kind hearted and funny that it was hard not to love her. Her brunette hair hung straight, falling just above her shoulders, and the pink ears that we are required to wear were placed on top.

I work in a family orientated gift shop on a holiday park placed about 10 minutes away from my house. It's always a hectic shift on a Saturday, but I knew I was needed and so sacrificed a morning preparing for this evening to earn some money.

Her kind eyes looked at me, waiting for my reply.

"Yeah, my shift just finished." I put one arm into my jacket and smiled, as she smiled too.

"Well thank you for working such a busy shift!" Vicki said, as she walked back towards the shop door. "Oh, and enjoy tonight!" 

I could hear the smile in her tone. I finished putting my jacket on and swung my bag over my shoulder, silently answering her question; I don't doubt I will. 


"I'm so nervous.." It was 5pm and I had invited Lacey around my house to get ready for the party. She was sat on the end of my bed, with her hands and fingers outstretched on her lap, waiting for the red polish that she had just applied to dry.

"There's nothing to be nervous about." I replied, momentarily looking up from my nails that I was painting a shimmery navy blue. "Mary is non-the-wiser about the party-"

"Exactly!" Lacey interrupted me, her eyes meeting mine. "That's what's worrying me. What if, when she figures out we aren't actually going for a girly meal, she's mad? You know Mary, she can get all funny with things like this."

I looked back down to concentrate on painting my nails, and silence overtook our conversation. I knew she was right, but we had to go to this party; and Mary had to come with us.

After a few moments Lacey stood up and made her way to her bag. She knelt beside it, taking out her red smock dress that she had packed for tonight. "Look, I'm probably just being paranoid. But, we'll probably get into the cab, and when she realises we have passed Exeter she'll question it. What are we going to do then?"

I furrowed my brows, trying to think of a reply. I did up the nail polish and put it on my bedside table, resuming the postition that Lacey had just moved out of. "We tell her. Then it's too late for us to turn back. She'll be excited once she knows where we're going, it's just that her parents wouldn't let her. I'm sure she'd go if it was up to her." 

I was answered by a wry smile, that wasn't convincing in the slightest. But Lacey knew just as well as I did; there was no going back now.

"Anywaaaaay," I said, desperate to change the topic in attempt to lighten the mood, "James is going to be at this party.." I raised my eyebrows at her suggestively, and she threw a nearby cushion at me inbetween laughter.

"Yes, and your point is?" 

"You know my point, Lace, don't act dumb on me now."

She smiled and covered her face to try and hide her face that was now five shades redder than it was two minutes ago. Now it was my turn to laugh, and I threw my cushion back down to her.

"OK, OK! I surrender!" She said, finally removing her hands from her face. "I might be looking forward to that certain element, but it's also a nice night out with the girls!"

I smiled at her response, and a wave of excitement rushed through me. Lacey got up and started to get changed, and I took my cue to get changed too. The dress I was wearing tonight was a skater skirt with cut-out shoulders, and sleeves that went down to my elbow. It was a faux denim colour, and I matched it with nude tights and my white converse. Comfortable, yet not too casual.

Blowing my left hand in attempt to speed up the drying process, I used my right to turn some music on. As I pulled my dress out of my wardrobe, I knew tonight was going to be a good night.


Mary was first to show up, wearing a cute plaid shirt with a plan black pencil skirt, black tights and converse. Her hair was beautifully curled at the ends, and her eyeliner was perfected. The next arrival, and to complete our group, was Grace. She was wearing dark jeans with a shimmery top, completed with her natural curly hair and a black leather jacket.

They had planted their bags full of sleep over things in the corner by my wardrobe. We were all sat on my bedroom floor, in a circle, listening to 'This Week Top 40' on the TV. 

"When is this taxi getting here?" Mary asked, lifting up her phone to check the time. We had filled her in on the transport (that we wanted to get a taxi rather than train tonight), and she didn't seem to notice anything yet.

"Any minute now." I replied, standing up to grab my converse. "Are you excited?" I asked, sitting on the edge of my bed and beginning to put on my shoes.

"Yesssss!" Grace exclaimed excitedly, standing up and taking her bag with her.

"Snap!" Lacey agreed, doing the same.

"Obviously!" Mary chirped, brushing her skirt down after she stood.

My mum's voice called up the staircase to announce that our cab was here just as I tied my laces, and I made a quick dash for the remote to turn my telly off. I shoved my hand in my bag, to check that my phone and purse was there, and followed the girls out of my room.

Grace opened the door and stepped outside, shortly followed by Mary and Lacey, as I thanked my mum. "Be no later than eleven please." She said, before planting a kiss on my cheek. "And stay safe!" I smiled and nodded, waving goodbye as I walked down to the taxi.

The girls were already inside, chatting between themselves. I shut the car door behind me, before sitting next to Mary, with Lacey and Grace sat opposite facing us. "Is this all of ya?" The taxi man asked.

"Yes thanks." I replied, smiling as the crunch of the tyres on gravel signalled that we were pulling out of my driveway.

"Why are you so happy?" Mary looked at me, her eyes scanning the huge grin on my face. My heart started to pound as I realised that I wasn't covering us very well, though the smile on her face only reassured me that she wasn't concerned.

"I just love being with you guys, that's all!" I said, a nervous laughter emerging at the end, and thankfully Lacey and Grace joined in.

"That's so gay!" Grace complained, though she never stopped smiling.

As our laughter died down, I realised that the last time I had been in a car was with Tristan. A warm feeling began in my stomach, soon spreading all over my body as I remembered that I would be seeing him again tonight.

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