Chapter 9

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I was awoken from my dreams by my radio blaring the local radio stations broadcast. I rubbed my eyes, ridding them of any 'sleepy dust', and stretched my arms. Folowing this, I leaned across my bed to my bed-side table, and turned off the radio. The clock read 7:31am, which meant I could either get up now, shower and have plenty of time to get ready or scroll through twitter. The latter choice was more appealing, though I knew a shower would wake me up as well as freshen me up for the day ahead.

Shower complete, make-up and outfit on, I tied my still wet hair into a pony tail. I grabbed my school books needed for todays lessons and put them into my school bag, followed by my pencil case and make-up bag. Time check: 8am on the dot. Perfect.

I took my phone off of charge and put it into my pocket, alongside my iPod. I picked up my bag and swung it on my shoulder, and put my new Converse on my feet. I headed downstairs, took my dinner money off of the table that my dad had left me and did myself a piece of toast. Once buttered, I took it to eat on my way to school.

With my front door closed, I texted Mary to let her know I was on my way. Our meeting spot was only 5 minutes away, but I like to reassure her paranoid mind to stop her from panicking. The day was a sunny but cool one, and you could tell the weather was going to hold out. Finishing my toast, I placed my headphones in my ears to listen to one last song before college. 


"Here she isssss!" Mary said, smiling and strecthing her arms out, motioning me to hug her.

"Morning!" I say, hoping that my cheery mood is being reflected in my voice. I want her to ask me what's making me so happy, I want her to know everything before we get t school and have to keep everything a secret.

"So," she says, the breeze causing her hair to blow behind her, "What's happening with 'you know who'?" The last three words were quietened, and she leaned in close so I could hear them. She laughed, pulling away, and I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Well, it turns out he wants to meet on Thursday, and he's gunna be at my house to pick me up at 11am. That does mean that you're going to have to fill in for me at college though.." I trail off, looking Mary in the eye to see her reaction. It doesn't take long to show.

"YES! Of course I'm happy to do that, you numpty! Why's he picking you up at 11am though? That seems really early for a date."

"What do you mean?" I've never been on a proper date before, but Mary has an older sister and so has seen enough to know more than me.

Luckily, she laughs, before saying "Wait, no, not in a negative way! I just mean, normally first dates are things like going out for dinner orrrrrr going to the cinema, night time kinda things."

I breath  a sigh of relief; thank goodness it's not a bad sign. All I need to do is ask what we'll be doing so I'm dressed in the right attire and have a slight idea as to what the day will include. 

Mary and I chat all the way to school, mostly about Tristan, sometimes about other topics such as prom and yesterday, and I only just remember to tell her to keep it a secret as we reach the school gates. She tapped the side of her nose and winked, causing us both to laugh, and we walk into college for the rest of our day. 


I wave goodbye to Mary as I unlock my front door. Upon shutting it, a sound from my phone indicates I have a new twitter notification. I take my phone out of my bag whilst walking to the sofa in my living room, throwing my bag down onto the chair next to it. 

Suddenly, I'm glad I had chosen to sit down, as the notification informs me that I have 4 new followers; Brad Simpson, James Mcvey, Connor Ball and The Vamps Band account. What is happening? I can't help but smile though, as I also notice my followers has risen by an incredible amount. They're all Vamps fans, and I have tonnes of tweets asking me to DM them to the boys. Since when was I this popular? I put my phone down, and do the only thing that I can think of doing; I laugh. A short, hysterical burst of laughter; of confusion, of wonder, of awe.. 

Two days ago these follows would have been something from my dreams, and I would have been these people begging me for DM's. What happened? Then I remember. Tristan happened.

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