Chapter 21

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"I just have to go to the loo, be right back!" Tristan's slurred words fell from his mouth before it was once again attatched to mine. The feeling of that connection wasn't one I was yet used to, but the alcohol racing through my system made it easier. 

He smiled as he lifted my legs from his lap, and detangled his arms from mine. I then watched him as he walked away, closing a door behind him. I took a sip from my cup, the contents leaving a burning sensation that tingled the back of my throat. Pulling myself up to a sitting position, I let my feet hit the floor as I put my cup down amongst many others.

I ran a hand through my hair, before sitting back. I took a moment to gaze around the room. Lacey was giggling to a joke that James must have made, her hands wrapped around her cup, his hands furiously making gestures as the joke he told unravelled. Both were leaning against the wall with very little space between them.

Mary was sat in the circle that contained Hannah (Connor's girlfriend), Brad and six others that I didn't recognise in the middle of the floor. Surrounded by emtpy cups and screwed up cans, it seemed like they were participating in some sort of drinking game, which was unusual for Mary, but her constant glances at Brad made it clear who she was doing it to impress. Laughs from that group were audible above the loud music that was still going on downstairs, and every time she did so Mary's brown hair bounced on her shoulders.

There was something amiss though; Grace.

My eyes raced around the room a few more times, but to no avail. I was about to get up when Tris appeared by my side, letting his arm hang loosely over my shoulder. "You alright, babe?" I turned to make eye contact with him, to be greeted by a look of concern searching my eyes for some sort of answer.

His eyes were easy to get lost in, even more so when we were both intoxicated, and my response was sudden. I pulled the hem of his shirt towards me, causing our mouths to collide. Tristan was obviously surprised at my movement, but as the kiss continued he relaxed. My mind seemed to empty, and once more it was like we were the only people in the room. I didn't know what to do, but it seemed my body did.

The kiss intensified, and as it got more heated Tristan moved his hands to underneath me, pulling me onto his lap. My hands made their way through his hair, the gel that he had styling it before being removed rapidly. I needed to breathe, so I lifted my head from his and rested my cheek on his forehead. With this, Tristan moved his lips to my neck, causing me to react with a sharp intake of breath. As his lips worked on my lower neck, I knew he was creating a masterpiece that wouldn't be easy to get rid of.

I lowered my head in ecstacy, my lips now against his ear. His name escaped my lips, followed by a kiss on his temple. Our lips then met once again, but only briefly. I pulled away, still close to his face, and looked into his eyes.

How can this be real? 

"I have to go and find Grace." I said, before kissing him gently on the cheek and pushing myself from the sofa. 

"Such a tease.." Tristan joked as I turned my back to make my way out of the room. "Call me if you get lost yeah?" I turned around to make a face at him, before turning back to open the door to the corridor. More than anything, I didn't want to leave Tristan and the comfort of our quietened room, separate from the hoards of people outside. 

But more than anything, I had to find Grace.


It was hotter in the corridors than I remembered, and the music was so much louder. I could feel every drum beat make it's way through my body. "Grace?" I knew my shouts wouldn't be able to reach anyone over the music, but I had to try. "GRACE?"


About ten minutes had gone by, and I hated missing out on the party. I began pushing my way past sweaty bodies and kissing couples to get back, when I heard Grace's hysterical laughter coming from one of the rooms a few doors down from the one the rest of the guys were in. What is she doing? 

I knocked quickly before opening the door. Grace's shoes were on the floor, accompanied by another person's. I raised my eyes to see where they were, and there on the sofa underneath the large window, their faces lit by the natural light from outside, was Grace and Connor.

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