Chapter 7

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Call or text? That was the question racing through my mind. It was now seven o'clock at night, and I had just waved Mary off as she walked down my driveway to head home. The night was cold, and the sky was already darkening. As I shut the door to the outside world, I stood against the inside of it. How can all of this have happened in the past twenty-four hours? I thought to myself as I walked up the stairs to my room.

Once there, I shut that door too, even though I was the only person in my house. I slipped off my shoes and took off my jacket. My Converse box was placed on top of the other boxes and my bag was put next to my bed as I fell onto it. None of this made sense; why would a celebrity ever give me their number? I pulled out my iPod and went onto twitter. After scrolling for a fair few minutes, I put my iPod into the dock and played my favourite playlist. The first few beats of The 1975's new album started to play.

I reached into my bag again, this time pulling out two items; my phone and the napkin. I created a new contact on my phone and typed in the number. With this done, I knew there was only one thing left to do, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I found myself gazing at the green 'call' button for a reasonably long amount of time, yet my lack in confidence shone through and I ended up formatting a text instead.

Hey, is this Tristan? :)

That didn't seem too bad for a first text, and so I hit send. I must admit, I had contemplated putting a few kisses onto the end, though I didn't want to seem too desperate or needy and so settled for a smiley face. It seemed casual enough, but as I locked my phone and laid back down onto my pillow I started to doubt it. Not long after, my phone screen lit up and beeped a tone that informed me I had a new message. Seeing Tristan's contact name beside the New Message symbol made my stomach drop, but I knew I had to open it. Upon doing so, it turned out my stomach wasn't the only thing to drop; my jaw was too.

It depends who this is - though I'm guessing it's Alice, and if so yeah it's me. ;) Did you get my follow beautiful? Xx 

There is NO way on earth that Tristan Evans had just called me of all people beautiful, but I knew I had to have a calm and non-fangirly response to reply with. I composed and sent the message, telling him that I had indeed gotten the follow, as had Mary, and thanked him. I also apologised for walking out the way I did. Practically as soon as I had hit send, I got a reply through.

Don't worry! I understand that people cope with meeting famous people in different ways, it can be hard. I hope you all had fun though! Xx


We continued to send eachother texts all evening, until he told me he had to go for band practice. It was only at this point that I was reminded of who he really was and what he did for a job. All the time that we had been texting, he was just a guy who I had met and fallen for. We laughed together, exchanged a few jokes and chatted about food and friends. We said our goodbye's, and I knew that my life could never be the same..

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