Chapter 11

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As I put my front door key into my bag, I turned around to walk towards the car. My cheeks ached from the permanent smile I'd placed on my face, but I knew I needed to seem confident. All of my fear and worry was pushed to the pit of my stomach, and I put a confident skip in my step as I strode over to the door nearest to me.

Just as I bent down to open the door, an outstretched arm reached over the seat to unlock it for me, pushing it wide open for my entrance, before returning back to the drivers seat. I couldn't help but smile, this time a true one, as I climbed in to the passenger seat. I analysed every move I made to ensure I didn't embarrass myself already, and as I shut the door behind me and strapped myself in I felt his eyes doing the same. 

"Hey you." Tristan said, and I could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Ready to go?" I looked up from my buckle and our gazes met. For what felt like eternity, we just sat there, the engine running, getting lost in eachothers eyes. "What?" He asked, releasing a small laugh half way through.

I felt my cheeks burn as I looked down at my hands which rested in my lap. "Nothing!" I laughed, trying to put myself at ease. "Where are we going by the way?"

"Well, let's go and you can find out when we get there." His eyes lifted off of my face, and his hands were put onto the steering wheel. As he pulled out of the driveway, another bout of nervousness hit me. "Don't worry," he said, as if he had just read my thoughts, "I've been driving for quite a while."

His words relaxed me, and so I sat back into the seat. The radio was on, and so any silences weren't possible to be awkward. Tris was obviously focusing hard on the unrecognisable roads in front of him, and I took this opportunity to glance at him properly; the first time since Sunday. 

Today, he was wearing dark blue jeans, folded at the bottom to emphasise his navy leapord print converse. His jumper was grey with a navy blue top and red stripes on the bottom, which nicely matched his American flag design bandana that held his long hair out off his face. There were however the odd blonde strands that escaped, touching the top of his eyebrow, but that added to the chilled look. 

"I love this song!" He exclaimed excitedly before turning the radio up a notch. The Arctic Monkey's were now blaring out of the cars speakers, and I couldn't help but start to sing along under my breath. It wasn't long before Tris began tapping his hands against the steering wheel, adding in beats where there weren't any in the song. 

As we pulled onto the motorway, the last few notes of the song played and Tristan turned the radio down again. "OK, are you really not going to tell me where we're going?" I asked, my impatience shining through. I leaned over to the drivers seat, creating a pout with my lips and sad eyes; a look I'd been given by my little sister Hannah many times.

Tris turned to look at me, and I was suddenly aware of how little space I'd left after leaning over. I quickly pulled myself back into my seat, hoping that I had done so quick enough for the redness of my cheeks to have gone unnoticed. His eyes stayed on my face though, and a laugh soon escaped his perfect smile.

"Nuh uh missy, that kinda stuff doesn't work on me." I looked over at him, trying to think of a comeback that would make him tell me. My thoughts were cut off, however, as I heard the introduction of a band I knew too well, and their latest release.

"Oh my gosh!" I said a little too excitedly, "Listen who it issss!" This time it was my turn to turn the radio up, and a Birmingham voice started floating through the speakers. "I talk a lot of sh when I'm drinking baby, I'm known to go a little too fast.." 

"I don't think so.." Tristan said, moving his had to turn the radio down. I smacked it away however, and he acted like my feeble attempt had hurt him. In response, I simply turned the radio up even louder, and began singing the lyrics as the too familiar words played at the same time. I overacted hand and arm movements, testing his patience.

"Hey, don't tire yourself out." He said halfway through my act. His eyes gleamed in the light, and I hadn't noticed how beautiful they were. "We've got a lot of walking to do." I turned the radio down, anticipating more clues about what our day was going to hold, but he said no more. He just smiled and returned to looking at the road ahead.

Damn, I thought as I continued to look out of my window, I let him win. 

"You have a nice voice, by the way."

As the rhythm of the car's engine and the slow beat of the new song on the radio kicked in, I smiled as I gazed at the fastly moving surroundings through the passenger window. This is going to be a good day..

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