Chapter 16

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After hearing the click of my door closing behind Hannah, I sat back on my bed and opened my phone to four new messages. The first and most recent was from Tristan, telling me that he was home and that he had enjoyed today. My hands were still trembling from the twitter discovery only moments before, and I was unsure as to whether I should let him know about the uproar fans from this afternoon had caused. I was taken aback from my thoughts when my phone vibrated again, and so I closed the message planning to return to it later.

 The new message was from Mary, and as I opened the text it appeared she had been trying to get through to me for quite some time.  

OI I know you're never far from your phone, care to explain what the hell is happening on twitter?! you're everywhere!!! REPLY ASAP   

Reading Mary's words made the whole thing seem more real, and suddenly my heart started racing once again. With the sound of my far too regular beats ringing in my ears, I chose to close her message and look at the others. Lacey's read:

 omg wtf is going on you're in an online article with TRISTAN EVANS???? apparently you're in a relationship? desperate talk needed. x 

 Grace's wasn't much better. It included a screenshot of her twitter feed, showing too familiar pictures, but this time it was of me running away. I hadn't seen this one before, and it made me feel uneasy. The pictures were blurry, and my face could hardly be seen, but the outfit was evidently mine and the caption was asking for who I was and what I was doing with Tris.

Instead of replying to all of them seperately, I went onto facebook and logged on to our group chat. I told them how they can come round my house on Saturday, and I'll explain all then. I hadn't asked my parents yet but I knew they wouldn't mind; they know my friends and I are trustworthy. I was thanked, before we all went to bed for school tomorrow. We said our goodbye's, but I had one more person I had to talk to before I could sleep.

hey! glad to hear you're back safe - can we meet up soon? Xx 

The reply was instant and so I only had time to climb into my duvet covers before the buzz went off.

yeah, me and the lads are back together tomorrow, but we're having a party on saturday, I can put your name on the guest list? I'd love to see you there xx 

Oh no.. OK. Now I had a whole other problem on my hands. 


"Hey chummy!" I exclaimed, hugging my best friend as I met her to walk to school. 

Mary stood there, with her arms trapped by her sides, as I hugged her tight before letting go. "Hi..?" She said, almost asked, back. I knew she'd know almost automatically that there was something up, but not this soon.

"OK.." I tried to think of how to phrase what was coming next. We began to walk, and as we eased into our strides I eased into conversation. "So, Tristan may have asked me to a party on Saturday." I looked up from the floor, of which I had been looking at for quite some time, to see her reaction. Her facial expression hadn't changed as such, but a confused look appeared in her eyes. I took this as a cue to explain. "I have you all invited though! You just have to ask your parents!" I smiled and grabbed her arms, trying to make her see that this is a great opportunity. I knew Lacey and Grace would be allowed to go, and so I just had to make her be able too to.

It wasn't working.

She looked back at me with sad eyes, and I knew exactly why. Ever since we'd hit our teenage years, Mary's already strict parents had hit a whole new level. She was rarely allowed out anymore, as she had to look after her dog Brownie and 10 year old brother Rich. It was lucky that she was allowed around my house this Saturday with the girls, let alone go to a house party. 

"You know that's not likely." Her eyes hit the ground that mine had left a while before. She had missed out on so many party's before, and I just wanted her to come to this one. 

My desperation and her obvious sadness drew our conversation to what I believed was a close, but then an idea entered my head. Her parent's would never let her go to a party knowingly.. so why do they have to know at all? 


As the bell to mark the end of the day went, I rushed into the halls to meet Lacey and Grace. I had been getting the occasional stare and funny look all day, and put it down to the various online articles written about me yesterday and pictures shared on social networks. Lunch had been and gone, and I had explained everything up to the current problem of the party to Lacey and Grace, and also told them how it was a secret. They nodded and seemed to understand, and thankfully didn't blame me for leaving them out of the loop for so long.

Now, however, I was meeting Lacey and Grace at the gate for a last minute meet-up. Mary had a quick drama rehearsal for 5 minutes after the bell, so we took the opportunity to arrange tomorrow. I looked at my watch before picking up my pace as I turned the corner. As I did so, my two best friends came into view. Grace waved and I panted as I finally reached them.

"Hey, you ok?" Lacey asked, as I placed my hand on her shoulder. I could only nod as I caught my breath and rested my body weight on her, before asserting myself.

"Ok ladies," I started, slightly rushing as I knew time wasn't in our favour. "I know none of us like lying to Mary, but we all want to go to the party tomorrow night, right?" I was answered by intrigued faces and nodding heads, urging me to go on. "Well, I have a plan. We are going to tell Mary we are going out for a nice meal tomorrow, just the four of us, and so she needs to come to my house wearing her nicest dress and shoes."

"I know where you're going with this.." Grace interrupted, and Lacey and I turned to look at her. "The only problem with that is, she's going to realise we aren't going out for a 'meal' when the cab that Tristan's ordered you turns up at your door to take us an hour and a half away to Bristol."

My cheeks flushed as I knew she was right. I heard Lacey sigh, and Grace did the same. 

"It's the best we can do, I guess.." Lacey began, but then seemed to change her mind half way through. "Wait. It will work. We'll just explain that we'd rather take a taxi than get the train into 'Exeter' that late at night, and she'll understand."

I'm not sure whether it was just the new glimmer of hope that our plan could work, or whether it was actually a good plan, but we all exchanged smiles and nodded, giving slight cheers as we realised that tomorrow night we could be partying with an array of celebs. It could work, especially as Mary is so sensible. She'll be glad we chose the cab once we explain the reasons why we wish to get it, and hopefully she'll be even more glad to find out that our actual destination is a party.

Just as our mini celebration ended, and our excited chatter faded, the figure of our best friend came walking up to us. I gave the girls one final knowing look, before turning to hug Mary. However, as much as I tried to deny it, one worried voice kept repeating in the back of my mind; how can this work? 

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