Chapter 5

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As the familiar first beats of a song came blaring through the radio, I leaned over and turned the sound off. It was a bank holiday Monday, and so everyone had a day off from work or college or whatever. My teachers had suggested we use this day for revision, as we had many exams coming up. This, however, especially after last night, was not on my to-do list.

After a few minutes, I flicked the sound up on the radio again. Thankfully, those four boys had left the speakers and had been replaced by The Arctic Monkeys. That's more like it, I thought to myself as I resumed my position on my bed and continued scrolling down my twitter feed. The rain was drumming against my windows, reminding me of the cold temperature in my room. Throwing my iPod down onto my bed, I pulled my knees to my chest, and shouted down to my mum.

"Mum! Have you turned the hot water on?"

There was no reply, as usual. To be fair, she had probably gone to work by now, but I just wasn't in the mood for anything today. The humiliation and anger was still fresh in my mind. I stepped off of my bed, the cold hitting my newly revealed feet, switched off the radio and made my way down the hallway. Just as I reached the top of the staircase, there was a knock on the door. The front door was visible from where I was standing, and so I could see the silhouette of a familiar figure easily. 

"Door's open." I called out, continuing down the hallway to my bathroom.

"Okay, I'll be in your room then!" Mary shouted back. I heard the click of the door shutting followed by footsteps making their way to my bedroom. 

To my relief, the hot water had been turned on and so the droplets from my shower were a nice change from the cold temperature outside. Knowing that Mary was waiting on my bed, I tried not to spend my usual 20 minutes in the shower and as quickly as I got in I was out again. I wrapped a towel around my hair, and quickly got dressed. As I plodded back down the hallway to my room, I heard that she had turned my TV on and was watching the music channel. 


"Hey!" There was something in her voice that told me she was excited about something, but it was too early for me to deal with being informed that 'Cheryl Cole has had a haircut' or 'Did you know that Union J have dolls out now?'.

"You okay?" I asked, as I released my still damp hair from the towel to reveal long, curly brunette locks. I knew this could give her the advantage to slip in what she was so hyped up about, but to my surprise she didn't take the chance.

"Ugh, I hate this song." She replied, as she turned over music channels. She continued to do so until she saw four familiar faces appear on screen. "Oh my gosh! Look who it is!" Mary excitedly said, standing up from a lying position in a surprisingly fast motion. Her hands were doing some weird clapping fangirling thing, so I thought it best to just switch the TV off.

"Do you not remember how much of an utter douchebag he was?" I said in reply to Mary's change in facial expression. Her lips were in a sad pout, as if to try and persuade me to turn the telly back on. Suddenly however she was back to standing again, holding my hands and her eyes were wide.

"Have you not seen yet!?" She asked, frantically jumping around and fishing my iPod from under the covers. After hearing her type in my code, she went onto my twitter page and went on my notifications. She then did the same with her iPhone, and going onto her twitter notifications. After shoving both into my hands, she continued by exclaiming, "Look!".

Following her demands, I looked down into my iPod that rested in my right palm. At first glance, nothing seemed irregular, until I scrolled down a bit further and saw something that made my heart stop. Not believing what I saw, I clicked onto my and Mary's notification. It was real. I wasn't imagining it. Confirming my beliefs, Mary grabbed her phone off of me and screamed ecstatically "TRISTAN EVANS FOLLOWED US LAST NIGHT!"

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