Chapter 10

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Wednesday came and went, and before I knew it I was sat on my bed looking at my best friend search my wardrobe for the perfect date outfit for the next day. It was 7pm on Wednesday night, and I'd invited Mary over to help me with preparing for tomorrow. However, as I was watching her this evening she seemed more excited and nervous than I was.

"It's a bit weird that he hasn't been in contact since he asked you out, don't ya think?" She asked, emerging from my wardrobe with a skirt and a top. She handed these over to me, and turned to my shoes to see which would match. 

I didn't know what was normal and what wasn't when it came to dating, so I had no real answer. "I don't know.." I said, before adding "What do you think?"

Handing me over a pair of blue Converse, she smiled and quickly said "No, no. Don't worry, I'm just overthinking things." That didn't surprise me; Mary did often overthink things to the point where she made herself ill, and so I decided to change topic.

After slipping into the top and skirt she threw me, I asked how it looked. Her eyes wandered over me, processing her outfit choice. A few moments passed before she gave a huge smile, clapped her hands and ran up to give me a hug. 

"You look amazing." She whispered, only loud enough for me to hear. I gave her a squeeze before letting go to observe myself in my long length mirror. Mary was, of course, right; the top she'd given me was a Hollister top, navy coloured with lacy sleeves, and the skirt was a white skater skirt. Matched with my curly hair and navy blue Converse, it was the perfect outfit.

I caught Mary's eye in the mirror, and I turned around and hugged her again. "Thank you so much!" I wasn't only thanking her for her outfit magic - I was also thanking her for being there. Just as we ended our embrace, my phone buzzed on the table. 

I walked over and picked it up, to reveal a new text from Tristan.

hey! looking forward to tomorrow - remember, it's nothing too fancy so don't dress like it! ;) Xx 

I only had a few seconds to process the text before Mary snatched it out of my hands, reading it herself. "Oooohhhh, speak of the devil!" She laughed before handing me back my phone. "At least now we have confirmation on the dress code!" I tried to prevent myself from smiling and gave her arm a hit, before typing out my reply.

same, and thanks for the dress code! Xx 


My room felt empty once Mary had left, but I was thankful for the thinking time. I shut my bedroom door and slowly walked over to my desk chair, where y outift for the next day was placed. I hope this is OK, I thought as I traced my fingers over the lacy pattern on the top. The buzz of my phone went off, and I collected it from my bed.

I plugged in my fairy lights and turned the main one off, climbing into bed clutching my phone. I turned it on, to see who had texted me. Seeing Tristan's name next to the new message symbol had become so familiar to me that I was slightly surprised when I saw Mary's name instead. I unlocked the screen to read the message, that told me to enjoy tomorrow and not to worry about college and my parents - she has it covered! I smiled nd thanked her, before putting my charger into my phone and putting it to the side.

Staring up at my ceiling, I couldn't tell whether I felt nervous or excited for tomorrow. Just as I closed my eyes I realised; it's a wonderful mix of both.


The usual sound of my alarm went off 10 minutes after I had actually woken up. I leant over and turned it off, only to lie back down again. I waited to hear both of my parents and my sister say goodbye as they left, and decided to get up.

I plodded to the shower, and reluctantly climbed in. Morning showers weren't really my kind of thing, but on days like these I needed one. After washing my hair through and wrapping myself in my dressing gown, I looked into the bathroom mirror. Why would a guy like Tris want me? I dismissed this thought immediately, as it only brought my spirits down.

I headed back down the hall way to my room. I put on my outfit expertedly picked out by my best friend the night before, and released my curls from the towel. Grabbing some syrum, I ran my hands through my hair. I then ran a blow-dryer through it, before moving on to my makeup. I decided that a light makeup look would be better, and so I only placed some concealer under my eyes and on my cheeks, on any blemishes I had and ran mascara through my eyelashes. I brushed a nude shade of eyeshadow over my eyelids, powdered some blusher on my cheeks and put some lip gloss on my lips.

Looking in my mirror, I couldn't help but let a smile grow across my lips. I felt confident, and this was an unsual emotion. I turned around and put my shoes on. Following this, I took my mascara, lipgloss and powder and placed them into a makeup bag, of which I then put into my handbag. Alongside this, I also added my phone and iPod, ticking off a mental checklist as I went. Before I left my room, I gazed at my alarm clock, and the time read 10:31am. 

Butterflies started fluttering in my stomach, as I calculated there were only 29 minutes left before Tristan would be here. I grabbed my bag and a jacket, turned off my light and went down stairs to the kitchen. I had to practically force myself to eat a piece of toast as it seemed the butterflies had reappeard and decided to set up camp.

I switched the TV on, in attempt to take my mind off of it, and took my phone out of my bag. I scrolled through twitter, smiling and sometimes even laughing at how girls were trying to figure out where the boys would be on their break. I felt a sudden sense of pride; as if I had been let into this world of fame by one of the celebrities I looked up to most. Just as I clicked my phone to lock, I heard a car horn beep outside. I stood up and walked over to the window, and opened a gap in the blinds. 

There, on my driveway, was a cute silver mini cooper, with the windows rolled down. The side that I could see was the passenger side, and I couldn't make out who the driver was; though I knew anyway.

Running over to the sofa to pick up the TV remote and turn it off, my heart was racing. I contined to run to the mirror in my living room, for a last minute check. My cheeks had reddened, and I put that down to sheer excitement. 

Another beep from outside.

I quickly applied another coat of lipgloss before packing everything back into my bag. I scrunched my curls up also, just to enusre extra volume, and quickly walked to my front door. This is it, I thought to myself as I opened it, turning around to lock it behind me. Putting the key back in my bag, I put on a smile and told myself to act natural. I turned around and started walking towards the car, with only five words racing round my head.

There's no going back now.

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