Chapter 12

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"We're here!" Tristan exclaimed, pulling into a secreted car park. The last sign I'd read on the motorway was one that signalled the turn-off to Plymouth was in 10 miles, and so I guessed from that and the amount of time it took to travel here that Plymouth was our destination. After successfully finding a car parking spot, Tris turned off the engine and climbed out of the car. "You wait here," he said as he leant his head through the still open window, "I'll go and get a ticket."

With that, he left. I looked into the rear-view mirror to see him walking to the closest ticket point, taking change out of his pocket and placing it into the machine. I took this time to reapply my lipgloss and scrunch up my hair, and also think over the car journey. It seemed to pass in a blink of an eye; many jokes were shared, and I felt as if it helped us be more comfortable around eachother. I also got an insight into his life, learning about his brother James and little sister Mollie. I already knew these things, though I hoped he wouldn't know this as my fan-girling days were over. Now I had the real thing.

I smiled at the thought as the door on the drivers side opened again. Tristan sat on the car seat, and rolled the windows up. He then placed the parking ticket onto the dashboard, before looking at me. "We're sorted for the next 4 hours." He said, before adding "So, are you ready to find out where we're going?"

It was at this point that he climbed back out of the car, and so I decided to do the same. As I stepped out onto the concrete below, the wind tickled my bare skin and flowed through my hair. The air was nice, cool but not cold, and the sun gave off a nice warmth. "Of course." I replied, shutting my door.

I watched Tristan lock the car and walk to my side, where he stood directly in front of me. My heart started racing as he lifted one arm, his hand millimetres from my face, but then stopped as he dropped it to his side again and turned to face the other direction. "Follow me." He said as he motioned the direction with his hand.

I did as I was told, and started walking alongside him. "So," I asked after a few seconds of silence, "can I know where we're going yet?" He gave me a knowing look, and I could tell he wasn't going to tell me yet.

"Well, if you look into the distance," he said, wrapping the arm closest to me around my waist and planting his hand on the small of my back, just as he had done a few days before. He then lifted his other hand to point out a building close to us. "That's where we're going."

"Ahhh, so you told me at last." I said, a smug grin passing over my face. I looked up at him, to see a smile on his face too. Though it didn't seem smug, it seemed content and fulfilled. I liked that look on him, it made him glow, and as I looked at the building ahead of us I couldn't wait for the date to commence.


As we approached the tall building, it's sign became readable; Plymouth Aquarium. "Oh my gosh!" I said excitedly, walking in front of Tristan to get a closer look. It was only then that I felt the cold wind brush against the patch of my back that Tristan's hand hadn't left since we left the car, and it was only then that I realised I missed it.

I looked back to see Tristan walking to catch up with me, laughing as he did. "One place that you've always wanted to go to but you haven't been able to." He said as we walked through the doors.

"How did you know?" I'd only told a few people that item on my bucket list, in fear of people thinking it's sad and petty, and Tristan definitely wasn't one of them. I looked at him quizzically, as he played it cool, paying for our entrance.

He caught my stare and laughed before thanking the lady at reception. "I have my sources." With this, he winked cheekily and took my hand into his, as we began walking down the corridor. I was suddenly conscious of the warmth of my hands; the excitement had gotten my quite hot and clammy, and I dreaded having sweaty hands whilst holding Tristans hand.  The way our fingers intertwined, and our palms fit perfectly together made the butterflies in my stomach return, but this time it was different. 

I gazed at our hands and then up at Tristans face. He was smiling at the ground, before continuing to look up and guide me down into the depths of the corridor. "Are you ready?" He asked as we approached a door at the end, and I nodded. My heart was still in my mouth, and so I couldn't form any words just yet.

And, as he opened the door, it seemed I wouldn't be able to speak for a while anytime soon. This corridor had glass as walls, ceilings and floors. Water filled this glass, and shone a beautiful sea blue. Various types of fish swam in different directions, and I didn't know where to look. I dropped Tristans hand and walked towards the wall closest to me, and placed onto the glass surface instead. The glass was cold compared to Tristans hand, but I refused to take it off as I looked into the depths of the water.

My eyes darted from fish to fish, desperately trying to note their colours and sizes, trying to take in their environment. I continued to (slowly) walk down the corridor, trailing my finger along the cool glass. I heard a camera shutter shound in the background. Suddenly, an arm made it's way to rest on my shoulder, snapping me out of the trance. "Beautiful, right?"

"Yeah.." I said, trying to think of the word to describe it's beauty. "It's.. mesmorising." 

Tristan laughed, which made me laugh too. My cheeks began to redden, as I realised how stupid I must have looked, and I covered my face with my hands. I felt two warm hands hold each of my wrists, and pull my hands away from my face. These two hands then held my face, and I felt a thumb rub against my cheek. I looked up, into the eyes of Tristan Evans.

Our surroundings didn't matter to me anymore. All that mattered was me and him. We were so close that I felt as if I was breathing his air and he was breathing mine, and that alone made my heart stop. I felt him leaning towards me, closing the little space that there was between my face and his. I did what only felt natural, and closed my eyes.

I felt another warm spot on my forehead, in between my eyebrows. I heard the sound of a kiss, and felt the feeling of butterflies once again. Once the warmth had left, I opened my eyes to look straight into the eyes of Tris. He smiled, and I mirrored him. The notion of a kiss on the forehead meant more to me than anything ever had before, and I was suddenly happier. I knew then that, though I'd had the obvious fan kind of love towards him before, it was something real this time.

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