Chapter 18

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Conversation began to slow as we got half an hour into the journey. The constant hum of the engine and darkening of the sky outside was relaxing, and everyone was evidently being hit by it's calming nature. As I looked around the car, I saw Lacey leaning on Grace's shoulder, her eyes almost closed but blinking now and again to show that she was still awake.

Grace was gazing out of the window, her eyes moving as the surroundings outside passed. I then looked at Mary, whose phone screen was brightening her face to turn it a light blue. The movement of her thumbs old me she was scrolling, and my guess was Twitter. Something obviously caught her attention as she tapped onto it and smiled. Her smile made me smile, and I suddenly realised how much I loved her.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked, quietly so not to disturb Grace and Lacey but just loud enough for Mary to be able to hear. She turned her head before removing her eyes off of the screen, still smiling. 

"The boys are having a party tonight, and I was thinking how cool it would be to go.." Her eyes caught mine briefly, before I had to move mine to the floor. My stomach was suddenly filled with nervousness, and I was unsure as to whether I should let our plan slip whilst the topic was fresh in her mind.

Without a second thought, my mouth was open. "What would you do if I said that's where we're going tonight?" I watched her face carefully, trying to make out any change in expression. Her eyes stayed on mine, before creases appeared next to them.

Suddenly, her smile broke into laughter. Quietened by her hands, I could still tell it was hysterical. "What are you laughing at?" I asked, concerned and surprised by her reaction.

"You, you can't be serious!" Mary said between laughs, tears now building in the corners of her eyes. I kept her eye contact, desperate for her to see the sencerity in my face. It took a few minutes before the laughter stopped, her smile faded and her eyes thinned. "You are being serious, aren't you."

Suddenly, I wished she was still laughing. I wished we were going for a girly meal, wished we were just heading to Exeter. I blinked hard, trying to think of what to say, trying to read her expressionless face. I started fidgeting with the hem of my dress, looking at my fingers fiddle with the material. I felt awkward under her scrutinising gaze. "I.. I.." My stammering words obviously wasn't what she was after, as she sighed and sat back in her seat.

"What I can't believe," she began, talking louder. Lacey and Grace were now wide awake, and looking at this dispute. The excitement was drained from their faces, concern replacing it. I turned to look up at Mary, who was facing out of the window her side.

"I can't believe that you never told me!" Suddenly her head turned, and a huge grin was printed all over it. Her hands grabbed my arms, shaking my body before moving her hands to hit Lacey and Grace's legs. "THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE! WE'RE ABOUT TO PARTY WITH THE VAMPS!"

I shared confused looks with Lacey and Grace, before Grace said "Well, in half an hour we will be.."

"I'M SO EXCITED!" Mary relaxed back into her seat, before typing out a tweet. She sent it, then put her phone back in her bag and sitting upright again. "Do I look OK?" She asked, fiddling with her hair and pouting her lips a bit.

A relieved laugh escaped my lips. "Yes, you numpty!" She smiled back. 

"I thought you were going to be mad!" Lacey laughed, relief readable all over her face.

"Um, no? As long as my parents never find out, all is well! Now let's go PARTY!"

Relief came over me, like a huge tidal wave washing away all fear that I had felt minutes before. As I watched my three best friends gossip and giggle, excited for the night ahead, I couldn't help but let it rub off on me.

A vibration went off from inside my bag. It took me a few moments to register it, but as soon as I did so I removed it and checked who it was. Tristan.

hey you, the party has started, where are you? Xx 

I quickly responded, checking the time before I did so. It was 7pm, and we left mine at about 6.30.

about ten mins, the girls are excited! Xx 

The response was immediate.

OK, see you then babe. Xx 

I smiled as I put my phone away. Only ten minutes to go until I see Tristan Evans again.

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