Tessa The Match Maker

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I slipped on my jacket, preparing to step into the brisk London Sunday afternoon air. I closed my apartment door and locked it. I put my keys back into my bag as I pulled my hood up to protect myself from the rain.

I headed to the park and took a seat on my favorite bench. It had the perfect view of both the dog park and the playground. I smiled as I saw kids running around playing. I put my headphones in clicking on my favorite playlist.

I took my notebook out of my bag and opened it up to a brand new page. I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to draw but I usually found it along the way.

I smiled as I drew the playground surrounded by the houses. I got lost as I looked between what was around me and what I was drawing in my notebook.

I started humming along to my song when I was interrupted. I jumped when something jumped onto the bench and then climbed onto my lap. I looked up to see it was a blue-gray dog.

"Hi," I laughed. "Who do you belong to, sweetheart?" I asked petting her head as I took out my headphones. I laughed as she licked my face.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry!" I looked up to see a guy with brown curly hair looking at me apologetically. "I am really sorry, Miss. She is a little too friendly. Tessa, come on darling. Get off this poor woman. I am so sorry," he said nervously as he led Tessa off the bench by her collar.

"It's. . . It's fine really. She seems like a very sweet dog." I said looking up at him through my bangs. He surprised me by sitting next to me.

"Wow," he said under his breath.

"What?" I asked quietly finally gaining the courage to look at him.

"Your um... your drawing. It's pretty amazing."

I looked down at my notebook and could feel the blush creep up onto my cheeks. "Oh umm. . . Thanks."

We sat in silence until he cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "So do you come here a lot? To draw I mean. I wasn't trying to like pick up on you or anything. Not like I wouldn't have like cause you're ugly. No! That's not what I meant. You aren't ugly. You are actually really beautiful. I oh jeez.... I just meant to ask like.... wow I am just embarrassing myself. I should probably just stop talking."

I couldn't help but smile as I saw him scratch the back of his neck. He was cute when he rambled.

"Thanks," he laughed. My eyes widened when I realized I had said that out loud. "Don't worry. I think it's cute that you just blurt things out like that." We fell into another comfortable silence.

Suddenly, Tessa jumped onto his lap before walking over to mine and then back to his before sitting in between us. "Sorry," he laughed causing me to smile.  We looked down at her as she looked up at us, switching back and forth between me and him.

"I'm Tom, by the way." He laughed nervously, reaching his hand out for me to shake.

"Y/N," I said taking his hand in mine. My breath caught in my throat as I felt a shock go up my arm the minute our hands touched.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N." My cheeks redden when Tessa licked our hands, making me realize our hands were still connected. I nervously giggled as I put my hand back in my lap.

Tessa stood up before laying back down but with her head in my lap. I smiled as I reached down and started to pet her. "I think she likes you," Tom laughed.

"Well, she is likeable." I cringed at how dorky that sounded. "That was. . ."


"I was going to say dorky." I laughed.

"Hey so ummm, I was wondering if I could take you to get lunch or coffee or something. You know, as like a makeup for my dog jumping on you. We could do now. Unless you're busy or don't want to go out at all. . ."

"Tom," I said, cutting him off. "I'd love too."

"Great! How about lunch? There is this amazing cafe not too far from here. They even allow pets." He laughed. I smiled as I stood up slipping my notebook into my bag. Tom grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers as he led us to the cafe.

Who knew a dog would be such a great match maker.

Author's Note: so new book!! What do you think? Comment and let me know! Also requests are open!

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