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I laid back on the silk pillowcase and stared at the ceiling mirror. I looked a mess. My face was tear stained. My hair was all over my head. And I got bloated after we ate so my stomach looked big and gross.

"Ugh." I groaned and got up. I took my dress off and grabbed some pajamas. I took a very long shower, thinking of ways to save our marriage. I really want to save us. I love him. And I don't want the kids to go through that because I know what it's like having your parents go through a messy divorce. I stayed with my mom five days a week and saw my daddy some weekends before he died. I didn't like it. I doubt the kids will.

I got out and put my white shirt and black pajama pants on. Qua was on the end of the bed when I got out of the bathroom.

"I want a divorce." He said while looking down at his feet. I was upset to say the least, but I expected it. He still thinks he's 22 even though he's about to be in his early 40s. "Yeah I know the kids will go through all that shit. But fuck em. I don't even want them. Just keep em."

I leaned against the bathroom door while staring at him. I can't believe he said that about  our kids. "Okay." I smiled. I'll gladly take him to court.

"So, I'm gonna go on this tour, and when I get back, I'll tell Set to get my stuff."

"No, get it now." I crossed my arms. It was taking all of me to not jaw that nigga. He was so fucking stupid and just dumb. Ugh.

"Ight. Shit." He got off the bed. I tore the cover and sheets off of it. "Whatchu doin that fa?"

"I don't want anything here to remind me of you. So get all of your shit and get out of my house." I grabbed the cover and sheets and threw them at him. He laughed. He always think something funny. It's not gonna be funny when I'm fucking another nigga though.

"Yeah, ight." He packed a total of six bags. All of his stuff was in there except his shoes. "Imma come get these tomorrow."

"Well they're probably gonna be at Goodwill or burned tomorrow. So..." I shrugged and sat on the bare mattress.

"I'll beat yo fuckin ass if you do that shit I swea."

I guess I was supposed to feel threatened by that. I didn't though. "Well I guess we gon be in this bitch fightin."

He laughed then stuck his middle finger up at me. I looked up at my mirror and sighed. What happened to us? We used to be the it couple. This generations' Bey and Jay. Hip hop's Brangelina. Now look at us. Barely even speaking, and if we are speaking it's harsh words or insults.

"Bitch." I pushed past him and looked his side of the closet, making sure it was all empty. It wasn't, so some people at Goodwill are gonna be having a good time tomorrow.

"Cheating ass. Them prolly Lonzo light ass babies."

"And coochie prolly just had yo black ass son." I threw one of his Gucci sneakers at him.

"Bet her shit not loose though."

"And I can promise Lonzo shit longer than yours when he soft."

"You didn't even have to go there bruh on g. This why I'm divorcin yo hoe ass."

"And that's a-okay honey. Me and my kids will be just fine without yo broke ass. These bills get paid by my money. My money puts the food on the table. My money puts the clothes on their backs."

"Yeah I'm not giving them a dime because they not my damn kids."

"And you needa get the fuck out because this not yo damn house."

"Ight. I'm done witcho loose pussy ass." He grabbed a few pairs of his shoes and put them in his hands. He walked out of the closet then out of my room, then out the front door. I sat on my bed and cried my eyes out. I can't believe my first love, first baby daddy, my first husband is gone. Just like that. It's crazy. But it's life.

I'll get over him eventually. But now I need to get some rest.

"Mama! It's almost 8 o'clock! Why didn't you take us to school?" Quenton burst in my room. I slowly got up and looked at my clock. It was 7:49. I sighed then rubbed my eyes.

"Come on." I slid on a pair of my Nike slides and put my up just to get it out of my face. I went downstairs and saw Amaya and Sam eating pizza.

"Sorry guys. Let's go." I grabbed my keys off the counter. They followed me to my truck. I rolled my eyes. He keyed my doors. Very mature.

"Mama what happened to your car?" Amaya asked.

"I'll tell you later honey." I got inside and leaned against the steering wheel. I was still tired and upset, but I'll get over it.

"Have a good day baby." I kissed Amaya's cheek after I signed her into school. She waved at me before heading down the hall and to her class. I went back to the car with my teenage boys.

"Alright, now Sam." I got at his school at 9:15. Only because he kept making up excuses on how he can't go in if its past 9.

"Have a good day honey bunny." I kissed his forehead but he wiped my kiss off. I was used to him doing that. He wipes everyone's kisses off.

I walked back to my truck and saw Quenton in the front seat bobbing his head. "If you hurry up and get your license, you won't have to worry about me waking up late. You can drive yourself." I glanced over at him while driving to his school.

"Uh huh, yeah. And when you and dad get a divorce, I'd rather stay with him." I chuckled. He's always trying to show me that he prefers Qua over me. Too bad I couldn't care less. "Bye." I pulled into a parking space on the side of his school. I made sure he got inside before driving off. I'm so irked. All of this Quavo shit is really getting to me.

I drove back to my house and saw Qua's luxury car in the driveway. I sighed and walked inside. He was on the couch, watching Jerry Springer or Maury. They both look alike to me.

"Just the girl I wanted to see." He turned towards me. I held my hand up, signaling for him to hush.

"Just get your shit and leave. If you wanna talk, give my lawyer a call."

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