thirty nine.

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Once she left out the house, my stomach started hurting even more. I got up and walked to the door, placing my hand on the knob but not twisting it. I sighed and walked back to the table. I'm just clingy so I probably just wanted her to stay home. But I can't be selfish and make her stay with me if she wants to go interact with the Lord.

"Well." I said to the papers. I had finished signing them before Ayanna left and I was bored out of my mind. I went upstairs and grabbed my silver laptop off the nightstand. "Let's get some questions ready." I typed away on the keyboard, trying to get my mind off things but it didn't work. My mind was all on Ayanna. I've been so clingy with her ever since we patched things up, but tonight isn't like one of my usual clingy times. It was almost like I knew something was going on with her, like I knew something was going wrong.

An hour had passed since she'd been home and all I could think about was her. I decided to take matters into my own hands and go check up on her. I put on a pair of shorts and a regular white tee. I was over dressing to impress everyone. A nigga just wanted to be comfortable. I walked downstairs and saw my children watching tv together. They're all so close.

"I'm boutta go to the store." I lied. I didn't want them to come with me. "Want anything?"

"Slim Jim?" Sam threw me a dollar but it didn't come anywhere near me. I chuckled then shook my head. He always eating them things. That's why he built like one I guess.

"I wanna go daddy!" Amaya got off the couch and ran to me. She was too damn cute. I almost couldn't resist.

"Uh uh mama, daddy gotta do this by himself so he don't get distracted. Okay?" I bent down to her height and smiled.

"Okay daddy. Love ya." She kissed my cheek then ran back to the couch. I don't know what Ima do with that girl.

"Can you bring me back some water? A young nigga breakin out like shit." Quenton turned and pointed to his growing bumps.

"Don't let ya mama hear you talkin like that." I pointed at him before heading out the house. I got in my red car and my phone started ringing. It was Set.

"What's good witcha?" I'm growing up and shit but I still got a lil hood in me.

"Aye nigga. Come to the church right quick. By ya self. Hurry up." He hung up. I knew something was gonna happen! I sped out of the driveway and was on my way to the church but I got pulled over.

I sighed to myself and got all my forms ready so this pig wouldn't have no reason to shoot me. I sat my phone on the dashboard with the camera recording.

"Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" The officer came up to my car with his hand on his belt, fingers touching the gun.

"Okay my bad. Here's my forms and shit. Just give me the ticket so we both can be on our way." I really didn't have time for this. My wife could be in danger and this nigga was fucking the flow up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa sir." The officer took the baton out his belt loop and held it in his hand. "That's not how you speak to an officer. Do you know how much I do for hoodlums like you?"

I snickered. This nigga was crazy and he was blowing me. "Beside killing me and my brothers out in the streets, what do you do for me officer?" He smiled.

"Get out the car." He said. I shook my head then bit my lip. He had me fucked up. I sat still in my seat, getting even more comfortable. "I said get out the car boy." Aw nah. This nigga had me all the way fucked up.

"Ight." I said. He backed away from the car. I took my seatbelt off and moved my forms to the passenger seat. I stuck my middle finger up before pressing hard on the gas and speeding away from the cop. He had me fucked all the way up. I sped to the church and saw Offset by his car.

"Help her in here nigga." He said. I got out my car and widened my eyes when I saw her. Her everything was bloody. Shirt, pants, face. Blood was even spilling out of her mouth.

"What happened to her?" I pushed him out the way and picked her up, putting her on his backseat.

"Greg." Was all he said before he sped off to the hospital. "It's okay ma. Just hang onto a nigga." Her eyes kept drooping low and then opening. I started to cry. My beautiful wife shouldn't be going through all this pain.

"Qua." She squeezed out. I rubbed her cheek, hot tears falling down even faster. I couldn't bare to see her like this. "The kids. Love em." She croaked and coughed up blood. She had her hand on her stomach. She had gotten shot there, her shoulder, and her lower leg. "Love y'all."

She did a small smile, you wouldn't be able to tell if you were looking at her far away but I could see it. It was a small smirk. I leaned back against the headrest and let all my tears come out. I was in the backseat sobbing like a bitch.

"Nigga come on." Offset said while parking the car. I shook my head. My nose was running and tears kept coming out of my eyes every time I looked at her lifeless body.

"Fuck it. She's dead." I choked on the words. After I said that, I broke down in that backseat. My actual first love, mother to my kids, gorgeous wife, was dead. Right in front of me. Killed by our cousin. That shit definitely ain't right.

"Man. Damn." Offset swore from the front seat. I could see him crying through the mirror. "We gotta get that nigga."

"Nah. It ain't even worth it." I said while rocking her in my arms like she was a baby. She was my baby.

"Fuck you mean it ain't worth it? He just killed-" He stopped and started crying. We were in the truck crying like some babies, I swear. Ayanna was cool and close with everyone in the family. I don't know why Greg would do this shit. I know he tried a while ago but he went to rehab, he got all that shit out of him. Well, at least I thought he did. Shit.

"We gotta let go, and let God."

the picture at the top is how you can imagine Qua holding Yanna in the car ride to the hospital. ik this is sad but the book will have a very nice ending, i promise! oh yeah one more chapter left 💕

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