twenty seven.

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I paced back and forth in my room as I thought about what happened a few weeks ago. They killed them. I didn't see it with my eyes, but I saw the evidence on them. Ayanna's bloody hands and shoulder, blood all on Takeoff's shoes, specks of blood on Qua's shirt, and blood all on the gun Offset had used. It was crazy. I didn't even see them do it but the whole thing was bothering me.

"What's wrong mama?" Trey asked me after he got out of my bed. He was having trouble sleeping. I was too, shit. But we both had totally different reasons. He thought monsters were in his room while I had monsters in my head haunting me.

"Nothing baby. Just go back to sleep." I smiled at him then kissed his head. I laid next to him and looked at my ceiling. I wanted to get help- needed to get help. But I can't have them going to jail. I wanted to try a therapist but I can't have my shit getting out to the police and eventually the media. I can't ruin their reputations like that just because I can't hold water.

I laid my head on Trey's shoulder as tears started to run down my face. This was getting to be way too much. I can't keep this to myself anymore. I sat up and grabbed my phone before calling the one person I knew I could trust regardless. I told him to come over as soon as he could. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to my kitchen. I made me a cup of coffee and thought about the situation again. It made me cringe. And the fact that I was apart of it was crazy. I couldn't believe myself.

Like I always put up this crazy, bold, confident facade but in reality, I'm actually very scary and emotional. It's crazy how my alter ego is so different from my normal one. Well, I guess that's why they call it an alter ego.

I heard the doorbell ring. Why don't this nigga ever have his key? I opened the door and grinned.

"Wassup lil mama?" Dolph asked as he walked inside my house. He looked so tired. I'm glad he came though. I couldn't sleep.

"I can't sleep and I'm stressed." I said while taking a sip of my coffee then handing him the cup. He needed it way more than me.

His eyes perked up after the first sip. "Wassup?" I told him about the whole Karreuche situation and he crossed his legs. "You want them to reopen the case or something?" He asked and I quickly shook my head.

"No I just feel bad because I know everything that happened. You think I'm gonna go to hell?" He laughed but I didn't see anything funny. I didn't tell a damn joke.

"No. I think you should just tell me everything all over again, including how you feel so you can feel better. Talking about it will make you feel better lil mama." He said while adjusting his durag. This nigga came into my house with his white beater, Polo pajamas, and air forces on. He looked like an average hood nigga when he went to sleep, I swear. I chuckled at my thoughts and he just glared at me.

"Anytime now Drea." He said while setting the mug down on my floral themed coaster. I told him everything he asked for and I immediately felt better. Not all the way better, but I felt like I could go to sleep.

"See, you just had to get it out." He said and I smiled. A real smile, not one of the fake ones I've been giving out this whole week. "There go that beautiful smile. Now go upstairs and sleep with Trey. You know his ass gon be down here in a few minutes if you not in that bed." He said while I chuckled. He was right. Every time I got out of bed, he got out a few minutes later. He's a clinger.

"You gon stay with me tonight?" I asked while he walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "If you want me to." He rested his forehead on mine. His breath smelled just like the french vanilla creamer I had put in the coffee. I nodded and he smiled. I got on my toes and kissed his lips. He kissed me back then laid me on top of the couch, deepening our kiss.

"Oh, hey Dolph." He quickly got off of me when he heard Lauren's voice. She was in the kitchen getting a midnight snack. "Hey mama." She laughed after grabbing her desired snack and went back to her room.

I laughed while Dolph smacked his lips. "Mane, I swear every time I come over that shit happen. It's like she know our schedule." I giggled at how mad he was then kissed his cheek. I led him upstairs to my room. Trey was still in bed, sleeping quietly. That was strange. I turned the tv off and got in the bed on the left side of Trey. Dolph got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I closed my eyes, trying to sleep but I couldn't because this nigga kept pulling me closer to him.

"Nigga what the hell you doin?" I asked while he pulled me against his body.

"I gotta get comfortable." He laughed before resting his hands on my hips. "You gon take care of my morning wood tomorra?"

His country ass. He sound like somebody straight outta Memphis. "I might if you let me get some damn sleep." He laughed then kissed my neck.

"Goodnight Andrea."

i just finished writing the ending soooo don't be ghost readers and i might upload it today!

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