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"Why is that bitch in my driveway?" I asked Quavo while he rubbed his face.

"Come open the door dickhead!" Kiari yelled. I laughed but was still angry. They, Kiari, Takeoff, and coochie, walked inside the house and came out back.

"Nice house Aniya." She smiled at me while fixing her dress. If she knew we were having a barbecue, why would she wear that YSL dress. I'll drop a hot dog on her shit on purpose.

"Thanks coochie." I smiled and put the corn on the grill. "Sorry we don't have any cat or dog."

Quavo laughed then came up behind me. "Chill out." He kissed my ear. I rolled my eyes. I'm not about to chill. Why the fuck would anyone bring my husband's ex to my house?

"Ight, I'm finna cut all the shit." I closed the grill and looked at all four of them.

"You want a threesome or some?" Kiari asked. I rolled my eyes. Nasty ass.

"Who the fuck brought this hoe to my house? And why you got on that tacky ass dress?" She had on a floral dress that came off her shoulders. It sounds cute but it's not. And she didn't wear it right.

"This is YSL!" She snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay..?" I hit that Waka Flocka. "You tryna be the baddest bitch in the backyard or some?" I wrapped the plates with food on them with aluminum foil.

Kiari and Takeoff laughed. Wasn't nothing funny. Bitch tried to stunt but she looked fuckin stupid.

"Where the kids?" Takeoff asked. I looked at Quavo.

"The boys went to their friends' house. They'll prolly be back later for some food and shit since they right down the street. And Amaya went wit Drea. She comin later too."

"That's crazy." Khlymidia said. I wasn't even gonna entertain her by asking what she meant. "I've never seen you with your kids. I've seen Qua with them multiple times, but you Arianna, I've never seen you with them."

"Nah Qua ain't never wit them niggas. I'm here more than him." Kiari said. I nodded.

"He right." Quavo agreed with Kiari then dapped him up.

"Yeah bitch so you needa kill yo messenger for tellin you that damn lie." I said before going in the house. I got more hotdogs and hamburgers.

"Can y'all go get me all the condiments from the kitchen?"

"Ooh, big word coming from a little girl."

"Bitch you got one more time before I put you on this damn grill." I pointed the tongs at her while a car pulled up in the driveway.

"Ayanna!" Andrea yelled. I grinned at her and waved. "Come on in girl! The door open!"

I haven't spent quality time with her in years. Ever since I had Sam. She was here every day to help me with him because Qua was on tour. I took the corn off the grill then placed it on a plate.

Andrea tackled me into a hug. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"What's it been? Ten years?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Girl I saw you on Valentine's day." I laughed as Amaya came out with the boys.

"Mama!" She ran up and hugged my legs. I picked her big self up and kissed her forehead. "You like spending time with auntie Andrea?"

"Yeah mama, she was teaching me some dance moves."

I chuckled. "Don't have my daughter in there twerkin."

"Girl." She looked at me and popped her lips. "I taught her that New Edition dance. You remember it?"

Of course I did. We did it at every family get together. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years. All of em.

"Oh um, who got her that ugly ass dress?" Andrea pointed at coochie.

"This is YSL!" She yelled and crossed her arms.

"And these are these hands." Andrea put her dukes up. "Yell at me again and you can catch em." That girl is something else. She hasn't changed at all.

"Mama, I'm hungry." Amaya tapped my leg.

"You got some baked beans right?" Takeoff asked while Amaya and Andrea's little boy, Trey played in the backyard.

"You already know Huncho made em. Wit bacon bits and everythang." He led them inside. Coochie sat in one of the white lawn chairs.

"What else y'all got?" Andrea asked while taking a hot dog off the plate.

"You gotta ask Qua. He made everything. I'm just grilling." I looked over and Amaya and Trey.

"Go ask the Qua to make y'all a plate." They got up and went inside the house, leaving me, Drea, and kangaroo neck.

"Why are you even here?" Andrea asked. Her blunt ass.

"I can't check up on my baby daddy?"

"Not without the baby bitch." Andrea said and leaned against the table. Karmen got up like she was finna do somethin. "Ooh yes, gon head pop off girl." Andrea lifted her hands up. Karen put her hand to Andrea's face then walked inside the house.

"Ooh I just know this bitch did not. Watch the food. And put some more hot dogs on the grill."

I went inside the house and saw Karen all on my husband. He wasn't even entertaining her. He know what he got.

"Get out." I pointed to the door.

"Excuse me?" She put her hand over her chest. She was getting older. We all were. But you could tell she was. Her wrinkles were very profound and bold.

"I said get out." I crossed my arms. She rolled her eyes then rubbed her stomach.

"Let me show you the baby pictures first." She pulled her phone out her black purse and showed us all the pictures of her light skin baby.

"Okay?" I said. The kids sat at the kiddy table and started eating their food.

"Oh and the newest addition to the family." She pulled ultrasound pictures out her purse. "Looks just like Quavo."

"Bitch I ain't even black and white!" Quavo said while the kids laughed. I swear this nigga is so stupid sometimes.

"Look! That's your nose and that belly button. This is your baby!"

"Mmkay you can leave now." I pointed to the door which had opened. Damn my ass got
magic powers.

"Wassam!" Jack walked in with Bryson and Dolph.

"Dolph!" I ran in his arms and hugged him. I loved him. He was my favorite rapper and he was cool as hell. He always came to check on the kids when he was up here.

"Was good witcha?" He hugged me back. Coochie finally left the house.

"Damn. Can't get a hug?" Bryson held his arms out. I mushed his face and made myself a plate.

"Ooh damn I gotta get back to this food." I went outside and saw Andrea picking up a hot dog that had fell on the ground. She examined it then put it in her mouth.

"Girl you nasty." I said while walking outside.

last update for the night, not much but i gotta leave yall wanting more :)) gn and don't forget to vote and comment!!

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