thirty one.

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three days later

"I'm going to the gynecologist Qua. I really don't want my security there with me." I argued while crossing my arms. He always wants me to take these big ass niggas places with me but they're annoying. They just stand there and they don't make conversation with me at all.

"It's not about what you want Ayanna." He rubbed his face and leaned against the door. "I need you to be safe and take them."

I shook my head and slid my flats on. He was making me mad with all this shit. Nothing's happened to me yet, so why would anything happen to me now? She hasn't done anything and it's been a week. I doubt she'll do anything now.

"So I'm about to go. Make sure to feed my babies." He waved me off. I walked out of the house and got inside Quavo's coupé. I didn't feel like taking my truck today.

I reached under the seat and grabbed the keys. He keeps the keys to all his cars under their front seat. Someone's gonna realize it and rob his ass.

I drove to the office and sat in the lobby until my doctor called my name. She went over everything with me and told me I was doing fine for my age. Everything was healthy and I was great.

"That should be all. Have a good day Mrs. Marshall." She smiled before leaving the room. I got all my things together before exiting the room then the whole doctor's office.

"I told that nigga I would be safe. He worry too much." I said as I got in the car. I stopped at a red light. I saw a car driving fast and out of control. That wasn't safe. I squinted my eyes and saw that it was Latoya. Crazy ass bitch.


I paced back and forth in the living room. Ayanna was stressing me out. She act like she can't ever answer the phone.

"And she know I'm crazy. Ion know why she playin." I said to Takeoff and Offset. They were on the couch with the kids eating wings I bought from American Deli. "She trippin bruh. On god."

I picked up a wing and leaned against the counter. I was stressed and irked.

I went to the fridge and started drinking some orange juice. It's so good. "Aye we needa bounce. Like now." Set said. I raised my eyebrows. What the hell?

"Why?" Quenton asked. He waved him off. "Get ya shoes. We'll tell you when we get there." He said while slipping on his Gucci sneakers and picking up his plate.

"Yay surprise time!" Amaya said while jumping off the couch. She slipped her sandals on and went out the door with her brothers.

"Aw you takin the kids somewhere fa me? You a real nigga." I said. He just shook his head and walked to his truck.

"Come on nigga damn." Takeoff said while walking out the door.

I sighed then grabbed the box of wings and walked to the truck with them. I sat by Amaya and Sam. Quenton was in the row behind us.

"Wassup?" I asked while taking the skin off my chicken and dipping it in ranch. "Where we goin g? Slow down." I laughed while Offset was up there putting all his damn pressure on the gas. He was pulling some Fast and Furious type shit.

"She in the hospital." My smile immediately faded off my face. I dug my phone out my pocket. Three missed calls from Ayanna. Damn.

"Who daddy?" Amaya asked. I told her to hush so I could think.

"Here. Put the headphones in." I handed her my phone with the white headphones attached.

"Car accident. Doctors called my phone and said we needed to be there asap. So yeah. That's all I know." Set said while running a red light.

"Car accident? Is she okay?" Quenton said from the back. I thought that nigga had headphones in.

"To be honest, I really don't know. They said she's in critical condition." I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face. I knew she should've took her security with her. She's so damn stubborn.

I moved the box of wings on Amaya's lap and laid my face in my hands so nobody would see me crying. Truth is, I'm a real softie. Especially when it comes to my wife. I love her so much and I just want her to stay safe and stay happy. Which is one of the main reasons I apologized about all the things I said to her a while ago.

A few minutes later, we pulled up to the hospital. We all piled out. Set and Takeoff first, then me and Amaya, then Q and Sam.

"Y'all stay in the lobby. I'll talk." Takeoff said as we went to the critical condition area of the hospital.

I sat in the chair with my fists balled up. He was the best one of us to do it. Me and Set got some real ass anger problems. I leaned my head against the glass behind me and let a tear roll down my face. My wife was in the hospital, all because of me.

"She said she's doing well on the tests. They're boutta do surgery though." Takeoff said while coming towards us. He sat in the chair beside Amaya. "And Latoya caused the wreck." I scoffed. Of course that bitch caused it. I got somethin for her ass though.

"Don't. She pregnant." Takeoff said. He must've sensed my ass trying to plan something. I waved him off and looked down at Amaya. She looked just like Ayanna. Like they could be twins. I kissed her cheek and leaned against the window. I hope my baby is great. I feel bad for putting her through all this.

Maybe a divorce would be best for us after all.

UHHHH imma need some votes and comments on this chapter please and thank you

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