twenty one.

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"Okay well before we do all this, I wanna talk to my kids." I crossed my arms. Quavo smacked his lips then Facetimed some dude.

"Was- damn who is this?" The darkskin dude looked down at the phone while licking his lips.

"Hi I'm Ayanna, you're watching Quenton and Sam right? Can I talk to em?" He handed Sam the phone.

"Wassup mama." He was looking at the tv, most likely playing a game. "Nothin baby just wanted to check up on y'all, where Q?"

He pointed to his brother who was right beside him. "Y'all ate?"

He nodded. "Yeah mama we had some chicken and stuff. Lemme call you later though cause this game intense." Rude boy. "Uh uh boy lemme see ya brother and Trey." I handed the phone to Andrea. "Aww my baby." We blew them kisses then they hung up.

Andrea tried to call Kiana but her phone went straight to voicemail. Weird.

"Okay so how this finna work? Cause I ain't sittin on no glass." I said while putting my hand on my hip.

"We'll drive in the car. Y'all take the truck." Takeoff handed me the keys as I handed him mine.

"Ight, I sent y'all the address so. See y'all soon." I kissed Quavo before getting in the truck. I started it and quickly drove to the hotel with the boys behind me the whole time. We got there 30 minutes later. I did a prayer with Andrea then got out the car with the bag full of guns.

I texted him off of the girl's phone that we were here. I got out and so did the boys.

"Ight bulletproof vests, guns, everything good? You got everything?" I asked everyone while they all unloaded the bag, each of them getting two guns, leaving me and Andrea with one.

"Here go a knife. Knock yourself out." Kiari pulled a blade out of the bag.

"And there go a bat for Andrea. Ion know how you gon sneak that bitch up there but gon head get it." Quavo said. I chuckled before we all did a prayer.

"Okay y'all if we die today, just know I love each and every one of you." I pulled the phone out. He texted me the room number. The boys walked up the flight of stairs. I did a silent prayer for them. I hope nothing happens to my baby.


I knocked on the door with Set and Takeoff right behind me. They had their straps in their socks and pants but I had mine in my pocket. Easy access.

Some darkskin nigga opened the door. "Where Andrea?" He asked while looking past me. The girls were downstairs. I couldn't have them getting hurt in here. That's why we came up first.

"Man nigga where Greg?" I asked. He was getting on my nerves. Long hair ass lil boy.

"Hol up nigga who you think you talkin to?" He tried to buck up to me. Nigga was like a damn midget.

"Nigga move before I blow ya head off. Now where my nigga Greg?" Kiari asked. This nigga always tryna fight. Ain't a day he not.

"Where Ayanna?" A lightskin came to the door. That must be Rakim. Ayanna has horrible taste.

I chuckled at my thoughts and put my hands in my back pockets. "Where Greg nigga damn? How many times Ima have to ask?"

"And Ima ask where the fuck my girl is at again." The lightskin crossed his arms and leaned against the door.

"Hol up." I pulled Ayanna's ring out my pocket and showed it to him. "I gave her this rock. Now I'm done talkin. Gimme my cousin or Ima have to put my chrome to ya dome." I tilted my head and crossed my arms. This nigga was getting on my nerves.

"Loosen up baby. Just give them what they want so you can get what you want." I heard Karreuche but I didn't see her. They moved out the way. She had Amaya in her lap. She was reading a book.

"Hey daddy! I'm reading auntie a book!" She showed me the Junie B. Jones book.

My eye twitched. Ayanna would be throwing a damn tantrum if she knew what was happening.

"Oh shit." Takeoff said while looking back. Ayanna and Andrea were right behind him.

"Y'all slow asses. Y'all been up here for twenty damn minutes." Ayanna pushed us all out the way and put her hair in a bun. "And I heard my baby. So are we finna fight or shoot it out because I'm done playin this shit. On god I'm threw with it." She put her fist in her hand and tilted her head. I swear she so bold and crazy. I love her.

"Lay a hand on either one of them and I'm shooting you and her." Karreuche pointed to Ayanna and Amaya who was quietly crying.

Ayanna pushed past both of them and walked towards Karreuche. She picked up her gun and aimed it at Ayanna. She fell back. Her shoulder was bleeding.

"Fuck no." I punched Rakim in his throat then pushed him in the room, closing the door behind all of us. I definitely don't need no opp ass white folks to see a nigga and snitch.

"Mommy!" Amaya yelled while Ayanna held her shoulder. I punched Rakim until I was sure he was knocked out. "I'm your mommy now baby." Karreuche said. My eyes widened. I know she did not just say that.

"Amaya, go pee." I pointed to the bathroom. She kept bobbing her legs so I knew she had to pee. After she got off her lap, Karreuche smiled at me.

"You're such a good-" Pop! I punched her dead in her jaw. Her whole head tilted and I heard her neck bones pop.

"I try not to put my hands on females, but you on some shit." I backhanded her so her head turned the other way. Tears ran down her face.

"Move out the way." I heard Ayanna say. She had pushed Greg off the bed and wrapped a sheet around her shoulder. Uglyass.

She held the pink gun in her hand and put it to Karreuche's forehead.

"Nah move lemme do it." Set got off Rakim and took the gun out of Ayanna hand. "You remember when we was in the car goin to they barbecue and you was givin me sloppy? You used too much teeth. That shit hurt a nigga." I laughed as he pulled the trigger. He always sayin stupid shit that make a nigga laugh. Her brains spilled all over the wall.

"Now you," He pointed the gun at Rashad and cocked it again. "Yo breath stink. When you was askin where Andrea was, I was askin where yo toothpaste and toothbrush. I hope they got mouthwash in heaven cause you need some playboy." He said as before he shot him in the chest twice. Nigga is too wild.

"And Ayanna, I should shoot yo ass for dating this giraffe neck ass nigga for a year! A whole damn year! Like what was you thinkin? Look at this nigga neck!" He yelled while stepping on Rakim neck. "Shit longer than my hair. Long neck ass nigga. Yo neck a damn tunnel. I'm disappointed in you." He shot him in the neck three times before wiping the gun off and putting it in Karreuche's hand. It looked like she killed them then killed herself. Love triangle type shit.

Ayanna walked in the bathroom with Amaya. As soon as she opened the door, the room got funky.

"Sorry mama. I had some Taco Bell." She laughed and flushed the toilet. "Close your eyes so you can hear what I'm saying okay?"

"That's where she get that dumb shit from. Qua get Greg. Ayanna dumb ass just pissed me off." Set walked out the door with Takeoff. Ayanna carried Amaya bridal style while I got Greg from the side of the bed.

"Ion know if you can hear me but I'm beatin yo ass when we get to ya moms house."

I just finished writing the ending chapters of the book sooooo keep voting and commenting and I'll update more often :)

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