thirty six.

516 21 16

"We finna bounce." Quavo said after I finished 'spoiling' him. I got off my knees and went to the couch.

"Okay, don't get my babies no expensive stuff. Have fun." I said to him like he was gonna listen. I chuckled at how he does the opposite of everything I say. The kids came back downstairs all around the same time.

"See y'all in a few." I kissed each of their heads.

"Yo breath stink." Sam wiped my kiss off his head and me and Quavo laughed. If only he knew.

"Lemme put on some new pants and then we can bounce." Quavo ran up the stairs. I laid on the couch. He came back down and kissed my cheek.

"Have a good day. I'll leave the security here with you." I nodded. Ever since my car accident, I've appreciated security more and more. I haven't been taking them out with me, but I did appreciate them.

"Have a good time." I kissed him and locked the door after they walked out. I went back to the kitchen and saw the sink full of dishes. "All these damn dishes in the damn sink." I groaned and started to wash them.

They got home a few hours later when I was in the midst of cleaning the house. "Mama why you on yo knees?" Amaya asked right when she walked in. I was scrubbing the kitchen floor because it had a stain on it and it wouldn't come off. It was stubborn.

"Cleaning up." I got up and took my latex gloves off. "Lemme see what y'all got."

They took out five pairs of shoes each. They were very nice. Too nice for school, but I'm not even gonna start that right now. Quavo came in the house last, with groceries and more mall bags in his hand.

"I got some groceries cause I used all the eggs, steak, oil-" I cut him off because he would literally tell me the whole list. "Just put the groceries up baby."

I mopped the rest of the floor then started on the stairs. I finished cleaning the whole house with no interruptions about two hours later because everyone was occupied. Quenton trying on his clothes, Sam on his phone, Amaya on her DS, and Quavo on the computer.

"Yanna the maid." He said when I walked into our room. I was tired and worn out. Cleaning this whole damn house would make anyone tired.

"Hmm?" I sighed while going through my drawer for a pair of pajamas. I just decided on one of Qua's shirts and took a long shower despite how tired I was. I let the hot water hit all my tense points, especially the back of my neck. I had got a crook in it because I had my head bent down for half the day.

I got out and sat on the bed. I wasn't tired at all anymore. Just hot and paranoid.

"I'm paranoid as hell." I admitted to Quavo who was searching stuff up on my laptop.

"You been smokin or some?" One thing about me is when I smoke, I either get boujee or paranoid. No in between.

"No, I'm just paranoid about the Latoya thing. The Karreuche thing. All of it. I just feel like it's gonna come back to me. Like Deja Vu and shit. And we got kids. I don't want it to effect them. Ya know?"

He shook his head then closed the computer. "The Karreuche situation is done with baby. She dead as hell. And Latoya crazy ass still in the hospital, so-" I cut him off. "She might have niggas out on these streets tryna kill me! Why don't you get that?"

He sighed and rubbed his face. He hates to be interrupted. I do too but he wasn't understanding me. "Qua, you of all people should know about how people hire people to do their dirty work. You were in the drug game for the-"

Now it was his turn to interrupt me. "Ayanna, her peoples are in Atlanta. This is California. Ight?" He squeezed my hand. "And it sounds like you're about to near that time of the month. So I'll go get you some of that stuff." He was about to get out of bed but I grabbed his arm.

His awkward ass. He could never bring himself to say period, pads, tampons. None of it. He acts like a damn teenager. But he was right, I was about to start my cycle.

"No baby stay here with me. Just tell Kiari to bring some over here or something. I don't want you to leave." I pouted.

"Nah, I see that nigga too much. If he come over, he gone try to stay. And I'm gettin tired of his ass." Quavo shook his head. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Okay but just go to the Walgreens up there. Don't go to Walmart. You're gonna take too long."

"Just invite somebody over so you can stop being paranoid." He handed me my phone. I don't know how he got it but I took it out his hand.

I dialed Kiari's number and asked him if he could come over. He said yeah and that he was on his way.

"Imma beat yo damn ass." Quavo got up and pushed my forehead back. I laughed and bit my lip.

"Gon head do it playboy." I turned around and laid on my back. I arched it so my butt would be high up in the air. He gripped it and then slapped it roughly.

"You don't want this Ayanna." He said while rubbing up and down the back of my legs. "Gon fuck around and have you in a wheelchair again."

He always talking mess. But he right, the night I got pregnant with my oldest son, he hit me from three different positions. Had me in bed and a wheel chair for at least two weeks. He broke my damn cervix. Rough ass.

"Mhm, whateva. You know you can't swim." I put my butt down and laid down on my stomach.

"Shitttt," He laughed and crawled on my back, popping a few bones. "I'm Quavo Phelps, fuck is you screamin?"

"Well you finna fuck me to sleep before I start my period or what?"

"I'll do it even when you on yo period girl the fuck?" He laughed and played with my hair. "You know all I need is a towel."

I laughed before turning around and pushing him off of me. He is suck a damn freak.

this was just a filler lol but can you guys tell where this story is going? bc the ending is kinda like a surprise but if you guys know what's gonna happen i'll rewrite it lol

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