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"So mama...died?" Amaya asked as the two men in black tuxedoes lowered the rose gold casket into the ground. I looked at the roses I had put on there and bit my lip, holding back tears. Shit was really getting to me. My first actual love, had died. After all we been through, her ass done fucked around and died.

I looked over and saw Greg throw a few dandelions on the casket. I shook my head. Set went over and jawed him. I swear, it ain't a day where he ain't tryna fight. I guess some people just don't grow up.

"So it's just gone be us?" Sam asked while we walked to my grey truck. Quenton got in the driver's seat and I got in the passenger seat. Amaya and Sam got in the back.

"Yep. Looks like it." I sighed and leaned my head against the headrest. I was truly stressed and upset and they were asking these stupid ass questions. They're not stupid, they should know what the fuck is going on. "That's good wit y'all?"

"Daddy, just get ya emotions out. We know you ain't no hard ass nigga." Quenton said. He got a chuckle out of me. I am a hard nigga. He trippin. "You can cry around us. We family." He smiled at me before stopping at a stop sign.

I bit my lip then put my black sunglasses over my eyes. I let hot tears run down my face. I just didn't want my kids to see me cry. A nigga was upset. But I had to be the grown one and show them to be tough and not to be soft and emotional. But right now I couldn't. My wife just died. She got shot by my cousin. And he had the audacity to show up at her funeral. And throw the flowers she's allergic to on her casket. If that's not disrespect, I don't know what is. That shit was downright wrong.

"How's your restaurant coming daddy?" Amaya asked from the backseat. They all had helped me paint the place and get it ready to open. They were a huge help.

"Ight." I croaked out. I didn't mean to be short, but I didn't feel like talking. I just wanted to be by my lonely and think. Think about why the Lord chose to take the perfect girl from my life. Think about what I did to deserve this.

"Ight, we not finna roll around and feel sorry for ourselves. We gotta get out and do something." Quenton said. He was right, but it was too early. His mother had died less than two months ago and we just left her funeral. That's kinda disrespectful. "Like, doing something mom would've wanted. Like going to church. Getting ice cream. Watching the Proud Family."

I chuckled. Ayanna did all those things frequently. Especially watched the Proud Family. She swore that was her on that show. She was Trudy and I was Oscar. Her silly ass.

"Ooh daddy can we get ice cream and go to church? I love church!" Amaya asked. She was in the children's choir and she loved it. I let out a soft laugh.

"It's Saturday. We can go to church tomorrow morning. Both services. But first, let's get some ice cream." I said.

Quenton smiled and looked at me. "Cookies and cream, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate?" He pointed at me. I nodded and took a twenty dollar bill out my pocket and gave it to him. He got out the car and ran into Baskin Robbins. We all loved this place. We came here daily.

"Aye, I know you sad and stuff daddy, but you gotta look up. Mama in a better place. Done suffering. Done avoiding certain people. Done being hurt. She's all good." Sam said from the back. I put my face in my hands. My kids were so damn grown and wise. They definitely inherited that from they mama. "I know she's looking down on us, guiding us through life without her."

"Why isn't she guiding me?" I asked out loud. Ever since she died, I've been slowly dropping everything. My music, the restaurant, even talking to my family.

"Cause daddy. You gotta let go, and let God. The rest will fall in place. I promise." He said before Quenton opened his car door. He handed us our ice cream one by one.

"What?" He asked once he realized we were all staring at him. We laughed then got started on our ice cream.

I guess Sam is right. I do gotta let go, and let God. That's the only way my life is gonna end up going right.


"I just wanna thank all y'all who came out here to support ya boy." I said with a smile. I looked over all the people who were standing outside my newly renovated restaurant. Paparazzi was flashing pictures, girls were practically fainting, and my family were all on the sides of me, proud as ever. "Without y'all, I wouldn't have never made it this far."

I smiled and admired all the different people who were gathered before me. Whites, blacks, Japanese, Chinese. You name it, they were there. It was a really nice feeling to know that they were all here for me. All here because they support me. That made me feel really really good inside. Almost as if Ayanna was here herself.

"Whoo! That's my boy!" Set yelled from the audience. He was a damn fool. I laughed and adjusted my blue blazer.

"One last thing." I chuckled and looked down at the golden scissors in my hand. I was gonna use them to cut the golden 'welcome' sign. "Not only are we doing it for the culture, but we're doing it for Ayanna. She's the brains behind this whole thing." I bit my lip then looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out, the skies were clear. Just beautiful. "Thank you Ayanna. And thank y'all for appreciating my vision. Now without further ado, I present to y'all, Culture."

this chapter was so good when i first thought of it but i didn't write it down so this is all i remember lol. i hope you guys enjoyed my book!

completed: august 26, 2017.

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