thirty five.

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"I don't feel good." I said. It was 5 o'clock in the morning and my head felt like someone was hitting a hammer against my brain. Hangover.

"Nobody told yo ass to order all that shit." Quavo said while rubbing my back. "Ion even know how you didn't get in a wreck. Drunk ass." He chuckled and started to trace my tattoo of his name on the back of my shoulder.

"Shut that shit up bruh." I said while slowly getting out of bed. I bent over, my hair touching my legs. I stayed like that for a few seconds before standing up straight. "Waffle House deliver?"

He shook his head before laughing. I don't even know why he's up so early. Weird nigga. "They need to. That'd be some good ass business."

"It'd be old when it gets here though." He said and I shrugged. I don't care. I'm in the mood for chicken and waffles and I don't feel like cooking.

"The kids start school in a few weeks. They want to go with you to get some shoes. They claim I don't know how to dress." I rolled my eyes while picking a water bottle up off my dresser. I always keep at least one water bottle
in my room for those late night thirst cravings.

"You can dress yourself, but not them." He said. I stuck my middle finger up as I finished the water. I dress them cute as hell, he trippin.

"Mhm, whateva." I threw the bottle away then laid back down, my hangover slowly going away.

"You remember when you knocked Amaya teeth out?" I laughed. It happened a few weeks ago but it's still funny.

"And you made me stay out there for a damn hour lookin for those rabbit ass teeth like I'm a child. I remember." He said. I chuckled then turned to face him. I rubbed down his hairy chest and traced some of his tattoos.

"You gotta shave this." I pointed to his trail of hair that was leading to his boxers.

"Real niggas don't shave." He said while lifting his underarms up. I scrunched my face up when I saw pieces of deodorant in his underarm hair. "And I'm going for the Tupac look. How I'm lookin?"

I rolled my eyes. "Tupac was fine wit his hair. You look like a damn beast. Big hairy ass."

"I know you ain't talkin. You and Sam got the same chest." We laughed and spent the morning roasting each other. I would've rather woke up to breakfast in bed but our moment was cute and funny.

"It's damn near 8 o'clock. Go cook the kids somethin to eat." I yawned.

"Ayanna I can't even make a damn grilled cheese." He said. I gave him a 'really nigga' face and he laughed and held his hands up. "Ight man damn. You want somethin?"

"Whatever you make. Just make sure to use the rest of that pork bacon." He nodded and kissed my forehead before getting out of bed and leaving the room.

I sat up and leaned my head against the brown headboard, looking at myself in the ceiling.

I admired myself for about an hour, just saying the things I love about myself which was basically everything until Quavo called my name.

I put on my shirt and a pair of gym shorts before going downstairs. The kids were down there at the table eating steak and waffles.

"Ooh, is chef Huncho back?" I laughed before pecking his lips. He rolled his eyes and handed me a glass plate.

"He ain't ever left girl. You just always wanna cook so I let you." I scoffed and poured the syrup on my waffles. "Aw yeah since we on that topic, I got you that cooking show."

"Mama's gonna be on tv?" Amaya asked. She was about to get up but I held my hand up.

"Mama's about to beat yo ass if you don't sit yo ass down and get out of grown people business." I gotta be rough with her bad ass. She always into everything except her shit. "But, when's this happen?"

"Yesterday. I meant to tell you but it really slipped my mind." He shrugged while taking the syrup from the side of my plate and pouring it onto his waffles.

"Well, thanks baby!" I kissed his cheek and hugged him. Amaya laughed after he pushed my body away.

"Yeah yeah, you just gotta submit a tape. You really don't have to but they said it'd be nice. So gon head do the shit."

"The stuff." I raised my hand and he didn't even flinch. Non scary ass. "Aw my bad. Was I sposed to be scared? Do it again."

I rolled my eyes. He got a smart ass mouth. I brought my hand back and he jumped like how Amaya does when she hears that I'm about to whoop her.

"That's good for ya boss?" He asked. I nodded and pecked his lips. I leaned against the stove and took a bite of my waffles.

"Daddy, wait y'all done?" Sam asked while using his two fingers to point to us. Quavo stared at me as I nodded. "Can we go shoe shopping with you soon?"

"Shit we can go today, ain't no thang." I raised my hand back again and he just stared at me. He didn't move or nothin. "Big body ass." I mumbled.

"Aw yeah daddy, I want some Giuseppe's!" Quenton said and I looked at him like he was crazy as hell.

"What yo young ass know bout some Giuseppe's?" I asked while putting my plate down on the counter and putting my hand on my hips.

"A lot. My friend got some red ones and I want some." He shrugged and picked at his steak. I saw Quavo mouth something out the corner of my eye but I couldn't tell what it was. "Bet." Quenton grinned.

"Well if y'all wanna go, y'all needa hurry up and get ready." I said. Sam and Quenton stuffed their mouths before putting their plates in the sink and running upstairs.

"Mama, I want some Heelys." Amaya shrugged. I laughed. "Girl what you know bout them?"

"Nothing. They just look fun." She handed me her plate. I scoffed and handed it back to her. She put it in the sink then put her blue cup in it too.

"Daddy got you lil mama. Now go shower so we can go get ya shoes." Quavo kissed her forehead. She smiled then ran upstairs.

"You spoil them too damn much." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't complain when I'm spoiling yo grown ass." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Boy don't even try it, I make my own money baby. If anything," I wiggled out of his grasp and got down on my knees. "I spoil you."

alright im gonna hold off an updating because people are barely reading and one ones even voting or commenting! so when my reads, votes, and comments get up, i'll update again :)

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