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"Waffle House?" Kiari asked and Angela slapped him in the back of his head.

"You tryna eat when my son could be hurt? What's wrong witchu?" She said with her arms crossed.

"No auntie, the back of Waffle House has a secret lil room. That's where me and Qua and Kirsh-" Takeoff punched him in the shoulder.

"We just know there's a secret room ight? And a lot of niggas get they bidness done there." Quavo said while picking at his wrinkled shirt. Nigga should've picked some clothes off the hangers instead of out his drawers.

"Yeah, and they might be back there." Kiari shrugged while Angela rubbed her temples.

"We gotta split up. And the kids needa go somewhere. We can't have them gettin blasted at Waffle House." Andrea said.

"Daycare." Kiari shrugged. We all looked at him like he was retarded. "Oh shit, Kiana!"

Quavo rubbed his chin and nodded. "She got kids too don't she? We can drop the girls off there and take the boys to Marcus."

"Marcus, crackh-" Takeoff punched Kiari in his other shoulder. This nigga was just acting retarded today.

"Not crackhead Marcus dummy. Money makin Marcus." Andrea said. Everybody knew Marcus except me. What the hell?

"Well Andrea old car still at my house. I'll take that because this truck hard to drive." Angela said. We nodded and got in the car, lapped up again like how we were before we got out.

We got to her house about 45 minutes later and she found something on her porch.

She slammed her hand on the door and started saying low profanities.

"Can I see?" I rubbed her shoulder and smiled at her. I looked at the note. Literally who has enough time to do this?

"He's gone." I repeated to myself in a low whisper. "It could mean a lot of different things auntie. I promise, if we don't come back with Greg, you can kill me yourself." She let out a low laugh and hugged me.

"Get my baby back for me." She said while rubbing my back. I kissed her cheek and walked to the truck.

"Come on. Let's drop them off then come up with a plan." I got in the truck then Andrea pulled me out.

"We droppin the girls off." She handed me the keys and picked Amaya up from the truck. She was sleep.

"Aw my honey." I kissed her forehead while Lani got in the backseat of the small car.

"Why can't I go with the boys?" Lani asked after I started the car and put the directions in.

"Because you're a girl Lani." Andrea said while staring at the road. "And if you wanna be a boy, we can talk about that later."

"I don't wanna be a boy mama, I just don't wanna be with a baby all day." She pointed to Amaya who was laying on her leg, sleep.

"She not no baby girl. And Kiana got some kids yo age. Now hush." She said as I pulled up to an apartment complex. Her apartment was number 21 in the C building.

"Come on, lemme walk y'all in." Andrea said as we both got out the car. I picked up Amaya and walked to the apartment. I knocked on the door. A girl answered the door. She had on a maxi dress and had braiding hair in her hand.

"Hey Kiana, I got 200 for ya if you watch my kids right quick. We gotta go do a lil sum sum." Andrea smiled and handed her two one hundred dollar bills.

"They ate already?" She asked and we shook our heads.

"300 if they finna spend the night." She held her hand out. She looked just like the oldest Gross sister with the ponytail.

"Girl we'll be back. We gotta do our business." Andrea said while Lani walked in and sat on the couch. She sat Amaya on her lap then kissed their heads.

"She coo peoples I swear. Yo baby will be fine."

I made a noise then got back in the car. Quavo had texted me an address and told me to ask for Greg. I guess they were going to Waffle House.

"You know this addy?" I showed her the phone while I started the car.

"Girl do I? That's Greg house." She laughed. I laughed and drove to the location. It took a mean 45 minutes but it's okay.

I got out and knocked on the door. The plan was to say I was lost and I needed a phone.

I knocked and no one answered. I twisted the knob but it was locked.

"Lift me up." I told Andrea and pointed to the window.

"Girl this white ass neighborhood. They prolly called the cops as soon as they seen that raggedy ass car." She pointed to the car and I laughed.

"Lift me up girl damn. It's open." She grunted then bent over. I climbed on her neck and then she put my hands in her hands, lifting me up all the way to the window. "Bitch come on cause these white folks is starin!" I put my hand on the window ledge and lifted it up. I threw myself inside and screamed. I landed and a dresser.

"If you don't open the door in one minute I'm calling Qua." I ran down the wooden stairs and opened the door.

"Don't think she'll make it in a minute." I looked up and said a silent prayer once I saw the teenage girl with a small gun in her hand.

"Lord, I know you finna be disappointed but I'm finna have to lay these hands on this lil girl."

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