twenty nine.

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I woke up to the doorbell ringing through the house. I got out of bed and rubbed my face before going downstairs. Its too damn early for niggas to be at my door.

I didn't even bother looking through the peephole, I just opened the door. I looked the girl up and down. The biggest thot of Atlanta was at my door.

"Where Quavo?" She asked with her hand on her belly. She was huge. Like looked like she was havingf twins.

"Quavious is not here." I put my hand on my hip, showing off my new pinky ring and my wedding ring. She glanced at it then chuckled.

"Well, you finna let me in or what? It's too hot in here and my babies kickin up a storm." She held her lower back. I almost let her in but she's the biggest hoe of Atlanta, she might put diseases on the couch or something.

"No I am not. I'll tell Qua that you stopped by." I said and almost on cue, Quavo's Bentley truck appeared in the driveway. He was too busy into that phone to notice he has a visitor.

"He must've sensed his girls were here." She smiled and rubbed her stomach. He was walking on the porch and noticed her. He started saying low profanities while she grinned at him.

"This y'all shit. Burn yo clothes and come in the house when you finish." I closed the door in their face. I definitely didn't want to get involved in their little drama.

I made myself a peanut butter and jely sandwich before taking a peep out of the blinds. He must've said something that made her mad because she was yelling and clapping after each word. He was about to walk in the house but she pulled him back. I don't know what he said but it was probably something mean because he started cracking up. She got off the porch while he came inside.

"She looked like a big ass grape. Prune head ass." He laughed and held his stomach. He always roasting somebody. I swear.

I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch. I turned on my favorite show, the Proud Family. He laid his head in my lap and stretched his legs across the couch.

"You know you the Trudy to my Oscar right? Nobody can ever take yo place, not even Halle Berry fine ass." He said. I slapped his stomach and rolled my eyes.

"Hmm, Denzel ass could take your place in three seconds." I smiled and leaned my head back. He was so fine. Big old ass.

"His old ass. I bet he don't got this great black in his pants." He gripped himself through his black skinny jeans. Nasty ass. "His fine ass don't need a big dick."

"Mane stop playin wit me before I beat yo ass." He sat up. I licked the excess peanut butter off my fingers and nodded. That aggressive shit always turned me on.

I pulled my gym shorts down and laid on the couch. "Gon head do ya than play boy." I rested my head against the arm of the couch.

"Where this hand print come from?" He said while rubbing my left cheek. "Nigga yo heavy handed ass. Remember when we was in the shower?" He grunted and laid on top of me.

"Damn you comfortable as hell. Feel like a squishy ass marshmallow." I rolled my eyes. Nigga get on my nerves.

"You know, we should make a show." I said. I watched the Proud Family so much. I wanted to be just like them. "Head Hunchos. Huncho something shit." He laughed and pulled my shorts up.

"Mhm, what would it be about?" He asked while getting off of me. He sat on the other end of the couch. I laid on his lap and stared at the TV.

"Us, duh. Like TI and Tiny." I said. He started rubbing my back. "Nah you needa make a cooking show. I'd pay to watch that."

I rested my hands on his legs. That wouldn't be a bad idea. I do throw it down in the kitchen. And I make all my shit pretty.

"Mhm, and you need to finally open that shoe store and barbershop you've been talking about." He always talks about wanting to expand horizons but he once he gets started, he never finishes.

"We gone both work on stuff tomorrow right?" He said. He rubbed my back up and down while I watched the show. I love us as a couple. We have our ups and downs but we always stick it out. That's real love.

I smiled at Oscar and Trudy. They depicted Qua and I so perfectly. Dysfunctional but stuck together.

this is just a filler, next chapters will definitely have drama in them

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