twenty two.

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We got to auntie Angie's house an hour later. Greg had woke up but he tried to pop off so Set had knocked that nigga out again.

"Auntie, before you get mad, he was tryna-" Set had started. She looked at all of us then at Amaya.

"Why the hell do y'all have blood on y'all shirts?" She picked Amaya up and led us al in the house. "Go upstairs and take a bath baby." She smiled as Amaya ran up the stairs.

I laid Greg on the floor. She smacked me in my back so I put him on the couch.

"Mama, he is trying to kill us." Andrea pointed to Greg. "He made this elaborate ass scheme just to get me and Ayanna killed."

Ayanna was on the rocking chair with her eyes closed. "Oh shit!" I picked her up and ran to the car. I quickly started it and drove her to the hospital. I definitely don't need my wife to die on me.


We were all in the waiting room. The kids and us. Even my mama came. Her mom didn't come. That's some shit.

"Family of Ayanna Marshall?" The doctor looked dead at us. I got up and went up to him.

"She's doing great on the tests. She lost a bit of blood but we got that handled. The bullet didn't hit anything major so just a few stitches should be good." He smiled. I dapped him up then hugged him.

"Can I go see mommy?" Amaya looked up at the doctor while she hung on my leg.

"Yeah, she's groggy because of the anesthesia but she should be good for visitors. Five at a time please."

I told the boys to come with me and Amaya. We went to her room. She looked just like how she did when she had Quenton. Her hair was all over her head. Her legs were up. And she had all the cords hooked up to her body.

"Mama!" Amaya yelled and jumped on the bed next to her.

"Careful." I said while positioning Amaya in a way that she wouldn't be squishing Andrea or her cords.

"Hey y'all." She waved. She looked high. I just know them doctors didn't have my baby smoking.

"You been smoking that loud?" She waved me off before smiling. "I'm sleepy. A 35 year old shouldn't have to do what I did today. Stuff got me tired."

"Dang mama I didn't know you was that old." Sam said when he looked up from his phone. Quenton took one look at Ayanna then went to the bathroom.

"Aww go get my baby." Ayanna poked her lip
out. I opened the bathroom door. He was in front of the mirror crying. Dramatic ass.

"You can cry around us. We family." I pulled him in for a hug. He was almost taller than me. Nigga need to be on the court.

"Man I know, but I feel bad." He wiped his nose off with a paper towel. "I'm always bein mean to her. Shit really just hit me. Ya feel me?" I looked at him and nodded.

"I feel ya. That's why you gotta be nice to everybody, especially ya mama. You never know when she gon go." I ran my hand through my dreads. "Ease up on her a lil bit. Maybe she'll give you her Coupé."

He gave me a small smile, showing his braces. He was a pretty nigga, no homo. He looked just like me! Except he had that nappy hair cut. He needs cut that shit and get some waves or somethin though because that shit ain't cuttin it.

"Man, ight. Preciate ya." He dapped me up before walking out.

"Yo soft ass. What's up?" Ayanna said once he went beside her bed.

"Mane." He laughed and waved her off. "Daddy, take a picture of me and mama."

His happy ass. He threw me his phone and I snapped a picture of him and her.

"Mama a real og bruh. You know she got shot before?"

"Well duh, we all have." Amaya said while playing with Ayanna's hair.

"Not that kind of shot girl." Sam laughed. He a pretty nigga too. But he look like a boy Ayanna. And he got them big ass lips. The bitches love that though.

"Are y'all almost done? The sooner we get her stitches, the sooner she can go home." The doctor came in and smiled.

"I'm done." Amaya kissed her cheek then got out of the bed. Sam kissed her hand then walked out with his sister.

"Let him say some parting words."

"I'm not dying Qua." I waved her off as the doctor walked out. I walked to the door and waited for Quenton.

"I love you mama. Sorry about how my attitude's been towards you. That's how I show my love I guess. I love you. See you in a minute." I peeked my head around the corner and saw him kiss her cheek.

"Big soft ass, come on." I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and laughed as I led him to the lobby. We got there and auntie Angie was wearing Greg ass out.

"And for me to pay all that tuition, pay for all them damn Polo shirts, and every single pair of them uglyass Sperrys and you wanna kill me? I'm putting yo ass in a damn asylum." She pointed at him and poked his chest after every word of her last sentence. He had his lip poked out like he was a baby.

"And when that girl get her stitches, you better apologize to her like you did Amaya and Andrea." She sat in a chair and put Amaya in her lap.

That was my baby girl. She looked like a mixture of me and Andrea. And she had these light ass eyes. I don't know where she got them from because she definitely didn't get them from me.

"Can we get some Waffle House? A young nigga hungry." Set said. I laughed and sat next to my mama.

This whole family dysfunctional and crazy.


"You good G. I'm not holding nothin against you." Ayanna said while I laid her on the bed. She was talking to Greg. He had just apologized to her. It seemed forced but she didn't care.

"Cool." He left out of the room. Amaya was on the couch, Quenton was on the edge of the bed, and Sam was in the shower.

"Turn this up." She said. I turned the tv up. It had a picture of the hotel room but without Karreuche, Rashad, and Rakim.

"All the victims are dead and there aren't any suspects at this time. If you know anything, please tell the police. Your help is greatly appreciated." The cop from earlier at Greg's house said. That's crazy.

Ayanna looked at me then shook her head. "You good?"

"Yeah, I don't care. Bitch should've just stayed with her nigga and none of this would've happened."

"And Greg should've went to work instead of coming up with this crazy ass plan. But whatever." I laughed. She rolled her eyes then laughed.

"You so crazy Qua."

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