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Few months had passed and my belly are getting bigger... Jungkook and me are in good term for now but he look different... He doesn't talk much with me and when he come back home he look so messy.. One day I ask him what happen to him and why he look like this but he just ignore me and go to sleep without taking bath... In the next morning he will be fine and say sorry to me... I don't understand him but I hope he will take care of himself more.... When I'm in my thought suddenly my phone ringing...

Phone call

Y/n: Hello?

Joshua: Hey y/n... How are you?

It strange... why would he call me tho...

Y/n: Well I'm fine.. Thanks for asking.. So why you call me?

Joshua: Well I have problem now.. Would you mind meet me?

Y/n: Well.. I'm boring stay at home... So why not.. What time?

Joshua: Around 10 minutes I will pick you up.. Is that okay...

Y/n: Yup.. sure..

With that we end our call.. I text Jungkook to tell him that I go out for awhile but he didn't reply me... " Maybe he is too busy with his work.." I said to myself.. I go upstairs to get ready and a few minutes later I heard car honk...

" Woahhhh... you look so beautiful y/n..." Joshua said while open the door..

" Thanks for the compliment..." I smile to him.. I continue

" So where are we going??" I ask him and he turn to face me..

" We go to lunch first cause I don't want your baby starving..." He chuckle with his statement..


We had finished our lunch and we talk more about our life now... I don't know why but I feel comfortable with him... Even though that he's one of my crazy crush before.. or could I say an obsess crush (?).. I bet he changed..

" Joshua can I ask something?"

" Yup sure..."

" You look different.. You change... what make you change..?" He look shock with my question..

" Umm sorry if I make you uncomfortable... but you don't have to answer me..." I apologize to him but then he make me shock with his answer..

" It because of you..." He look deep in my eyes and I look away... He continue " I change because of you... But don't worry.. I don't have any feelings toward you.. You are jungkook's afterall.." he smile at me..

Jungkook pov

"what is it hyung?"

" Jungkook-a.. You need take care of yourself... You look like somebody else.." Namjoon said

" Like who??" I glare at him

" It feel like you are not your old self jungkook-a... Don't stress yourself.. You will be a father in a few months and make time with your family.." Jhope adviced me..

" Shut it up hyung... I don't know if I can be like this anymore... Now get out!!" I slam my fist on my table..

They flinched at my sudden behaviour.. I knoe I'm never be like this before but this is me.. It not my fault from the start... I will end this soon...

Y/ n pov

After half an hours we arrived at our destination.. I look at Joshua in questioning look cause he brought me to a school... Both of us come out from the car and look at the school..

" why you bring me here??" I ask him

" To bring back the memories" he replied me..

Joshua pov

" Why you bring me here?" she asked me..

" To bring back the memories... Of you and jungkook" I whispered myself the last word... "I'm sorry jungkook"

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