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His phone ringing and I sigh in relieve... But then what make me feel uneasy is who is Nasha?

" Hey Nasha... Why are you calling me?"

" what?? where are you?"

" I'll be there in 10 minutes.. Don't do anything stupid.."

he hung up and leave me dumbfound in the kitchen.. I sigh and start to cook for our dinner..

" who is Nasya and why she call Jungkook.. Is she doesn't have any boyfriend to be with? Ughhhh...." I thought by myself... I still think about it until I feel sting of pain on my finger...

" Omg blood... Ouch..." I quickly wash my finger and sigh... I took the first aid and treat myself...

Few hours later

I called Jungkook for a few times already but he did not pick up his phone... Is there something wrong with that girl... why I feel uneasy... He already gone for three hours... Now it late why he doesn't come back home yet... I look at the food that I prepared on the table, I guess we will not having our dinner today... So I having my dinner by myself while watching the TV...

Next morning

I woke up and my neck feel painful... It killing me... Then I walk upstairs to our bedroom... And Jungkook still not home yet... I go to the bathroom to do my morning routine and suddenly I feel a little bit dizzy.. maybe I'm too stress with my work lately and I did not take care of my health...

After I finished taking bath I heard the door open and it show Jungkook... He look so messy.. Don't he dare to sleep with that girl...

" Why you comeback home late... and why are you look so messy?" I ask him while putting on my clothes.. he lay down on our bed and close his eyes.. he just ignore my question and it killing me...

" Jungkook-a answer me... Why are you come home in the morning..?" I shook his body and he slap my hand away.. He sit himself up and look into my eyes.. his eye full of anger and I'm scared to see this side of him..

" Why are you asking so many question.. Don't you have manner toward your husband huh?" He yelled at me...

" But I'm worried about you ok... I just wonder why are you not came home early last night after meeting that girl..." I replied him and he cannot control his anger anymore so he slap my face... I feel tears roll down my cheeks and I quickly get out from the room...

I take my car key and start the engine... I drive for almost half an hour and I arrive at the Han River.. It Saturday morning and it still early.. Probably people still sleep at this time or having breakfast with their love one... But now I cry and go out from the house without my husband permission... I start to cry when remember what he did to me just now... I'm scared if his old self will come back...

Jungkook POV

I accidentally slap her face... I froze with my action and I didn't stop her... Now I messed up with myself.. I should take care of her not hurt her... Suddenly my phone ringing..

" yeobosaeyo...?"

" Hello son... You woke up early today... So how are you and your wife..?"

" We are ok.. why you call me in this early morning?"

" I just want to remind you that you need to have child cause you will be the new CEO.. you need to take care of your wife.. you know that I don't want Jungin will take over the company..."

" I know dad.. I will never let him to do that.." I sigh and hung up the phone call...


Now it already pass 6 in the evening... where the hell is she... Don't she dare try to do something stupid.... Aishh... When I just stand up from the couch the front door open revealing y/n... She look tired and his eyes are puffy and red...

" Look y/n I'm sorry with what had happen early this morning.. I'm just too tired and-..... Omg y/n... Y/n wake up please..."

She faint and I take her upstair... I called Jin hyung to check o her..

Phone call

Jk: Jin hyung... Y/n fainted just now can you come to check on her..

Jin: Orite... I will be there in a few minutes..

Jk: thanks hyung..

I stare at her face and she look so beautiful but I'm sorry Y/n...


" Well she need some rest and you need to really take care of her..."

" Okay hyung I will take care of her.."

" Jungkook-a.. I'm really serious with this ok.."

" what do you mean?? Is y/n really sick?" I hold his arm and shake his body...

" She is pregnant for few days now... So you better take care of her.. Beside this is her first time and congratulation bro.." Jin hyung hug me and I smile happily...


We had done the check up for y/n... She look so happy with it and we are in good term now.. I told her everything after she woke up that day..

" Jungkook-a can we go to eat after this...?" She ask me while looking at me with puppy eyes... Aishh how can I resist this girl..

" Alright Jagi.. so what do you want to eat?" I pinch her cheek...

" Pizza? Yes, Pizza please.." She command me..

" No... it junk food and it not good for the baby.."

" Woooo you really care about me huh?"

" I am.. only you doesn't care about me?" I pout...

Wait for the next chapter...

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