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A few days later

Jungkook pov

I need to do something.. So I plan to bring Y/n for holiday.. her pregnancy just a few months now.. So she still ca travel for now..

" Steven, come to my office now.." Then I heard knock on my door..

" Yes sir.. How can I help you?"

" I want you to book ticket for tonight flight.. I don't care about the price and please do it asap.." I command him..

" Alright, sir..."

Mr jeon POV

I'm waiting for Mr. Kim.. It been a long time we don't spend time together.. While sipping on my Cappuccino, I see a couple walk together while holding hand.. at first, I think maybe because I'm too tired but this time I see it clearly that is my son, Jungkook and a girl? Don't do something stupid son.. Please.. I relax on my seat and clear off my mind.. Then Mr. Kim come into the cafe..

" Hello Mr. Kim.. How are you?" I give my hand for shake hand...

" Hello to you too and I'm fine.. Sorry I'm late.. I just finished my meeting." He chuckle

" Nah.. That what a businessman need to do right?" We laugh together..

" Btw, why not y/n the one handling the company.. Isn't she the new CEO now?"

" I let her rest for now.. And I think I will let my nephew to handle the company.."

" Aaa.. your nephew who just graduated in London, right?" He smiled and nodded.. We continue our talk but I still can't take off my mind from Jungkook..


I come back home and I see my lovely wife cooking for dinner... Before I want to approach her, she turn around..

" Oh my.. Aish, yeobo... next time, tell me when you home. I almost have heart attack you know." She put her hand on her chest and I just smile at her..

" Mianhae. I know I'm too handsome and you can't handle it.. That why you almost have heart attack." I jokingly said to her.

" Yes and I'm proud cause you give your handsome genes to your sons.." My smile fade when she said that..

" Hey yeobo... are you ok? Waeyo?"

" It Jungkook.." She stop cooking and listen to me.. All she can do is sigh. I really hope Jungkook doesn't do anything stupid this time..


I feel like want to cook for our dinner tonight.. So I start cooking before Jungkook come home. On the time I prepared the table Jungkook already arrive home. He see me and immediately help me with the food.

" hey Jungkook-a.. Clean yourself first the you can eat. Now go go.." I take the plate from his hand but he insist..

" Nope. You know that you need to have a rest. I can cook for both of us.. geez.. I know you hungry babe.."

First, I feel happy cause this is the first time he being nice with me after came out from the hospital. Second, I miss to hear him call me babe..

" Ok, Ok. But at least wash your hand. I don't want my baby get sick because of you."

" Yeah yeah." he rolled his eyes and he wash his hand.

Then, he turn to me and we made eye contact. He start to lean in and I don't resist. Instead, I'm the one kiss him first.

" Now, let's eat. ppali.." He just chuckle at me.

During the dinner suddenly Jungkook hold my hand and tell something that is unexpected.

" we will go to Maldives tonight. I already book the tickets and I already packed our clothes."

" What!! Maldives.. OMG!!!!!" I jump in joy like a little kid..

" hey hey... carefull" He shook his head and chuckle at my reaction.

Seoul International Airport

"Thanks Steven. I will be there for a few weeks. So help my father handle the company."

" No problem Mr. Jeon.. Have a nice trip there.." I just smiled at him and Jungkook grab my hand.. We both hand our ticket at the counter. The counter lady look at Jungkook in a seductive way. Ewww back off bitch.. He is mine. I look at Jungkook and unexpectedly he winked to the lady. Then, he realize I stare at him the whole time..

while waiting for our flight announcement.. We walk in the airport.. Well the airport is huge as a mall.. and it have so many shops, so why not walk around right? While Jungkook, I just ignore him.. He poke my arm and say sorry to me.. But I just push him away from me. He pout and give me pity look.. Urghhh how can I resist him.. He stop in front of me and open his arm to stop me from walking..

" What?" I ask him coldly.

" I'm sorry y/n.. Please.." He look at me while hoding my hand..

" Fine.. but don't sleep in the same bed with me when we arrive there.. arasso?" I said to him and he look Jungshook.. His eyes as wide as an owl..

" But y/n.. I can't sleep without you by my side.." I ignore him and start walking again..

" Then I don't forgive you.." He just sigh. Actually I feel a little bit guilty toward him but he deserve it..

After a few minutes walk around we passed a jewelry shop.. And my eyes land on a beautiful bracelet.. It really beautiful until I didn't realize that I left Jungkook..

Jungkook POV

I busy look around me and suddenly I felt y/n is not beside me.. I get panic.. I look around and there he is.. in front of the jewelry store.. I walk to her and I notice that she stare at a beautiful bracelet.. I poke her shoulder..

" Hey.. You want the bracelet? I can buy it for you.." I ask her

" No thanks.. I just want to see it.. Don't waste your money.. we need it when we arrive in Maldives afterward.." She chuckle and walk away..

I follow her and I can see that she look exhausted from the long walk.. So I bring her to the Starbuck to relax our foot.. I order Caramel Latte for her and Ice Americano for me.. While waiting for our drinks I remembered about something..

" Mmm.. Y/n I need to go to the toilet.. Can you take the drinks for me..?"

" Yup sure.. but not too long.. I'm scared.."

" Alright Jagi.." I smile at her and I rush to the place..

Another update huh? Hahahahha.. Don't forget to vote and comment..

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