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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Marik was on top of the building staring out to the city down below, enjoying the breeze and sunlight until someone tap his shoulder.

He sees a girl with dark brown hair, black eyes, wearing a tight black suit carrying a gun. He was caught staring at her when she waved her hand in front​ of his face.

"I'm sorry but that's my spot"

Marik quickly got out of her way and she went down on the ground preparing her sniper gun and getting into position.He was now curious, the girl turned her head to see the guy still there.

"If your planning to stay with me then get down"

Marik quickly obeyed and went to lay down next to her. She then pulled out a phone.

"Hey Frankie, im ready to exterminate the rat but i see my bank account is kind of dry"

"I'll pay you when the job is done"

The girl laughs and Marik was now interested in her occupation.

"You see that's not how it works, you might want to hurry before the rat escapes"

"Ugh fine"

The girl checked her account showing $100,000,000.

"Now double it for making me wait"

"Your an ass, you know that"

The account showed double.

"That's how i roll, it was nice working with you"

The girl got her gun looking through the vernacular and shot fired. The girl laughs and quickly got up, grabbing her gun and along with the guy holding his hand. Together they ran, Marik was having thrill.

Since the girl shot fired everyone was in panic mode from below. Together they went down a fire escape and into a black car mercedes. The girl was still laugh and Marik had a smile on his face looking at the girl.

"Man was that fun or what? Sorry, i dragged you into this. So what's your name?"

She asked as she continued to drive.

"Marik, yours?"

"Mandy nice to meet ya. So where are you from, you don't look like someone from around here?"


"You don't talk much or what? Or is this your first time meeting an assassin, don't worry I won't kill ya, unless I have too"

Marik didn't respond but only smirk.

"So where am i dropping you off?"

"At the pier"

"Okay to the pier we go"

After driving for 30 minutes, Mandy finally came to a stop at the pier. Marik opened the door but Mandy grabbed hold of his hand before he got off.

"Listen, i hope your not going to rat me out or anything right?"


"Good then here call me when you get a chance because to be honest your really really handsome."

She handed him her business card, he grabbed and while he was distracted she leaned over giving him a kiss on the cheek. Marik smirk.

"Your pretty beautiful yourself"

Mandy blush

"Why mister we just met"

"How about coffee tomorrow as well as lunch?"

He asked her, she gasp

"Really well then i guess i'll move my appointment to meet up on our date"

Marik laughs

"You are something else and besides if you do agree to go, your gonna be in a whole load of trouble"

Mandy smirks

"Trouble is my middle name. Of course i'll go, a hot guy asking me out, i don't want to miss this chance."

Marik stepped out of the car, closing it and with the window rolled down he said

"Welcome to my world baby"

He said with a wink before walking away catching the blush on Mandy's face. Marik was walking away but the car followed him so he stopped to see what Mandy wanted.

"Here is your half"

She handed him $100,000,000 Marik grabbed it and looked at it.

"Are you trying to buy my silence?"

He asked raising one eye brow.

"No, you were there with me so it was like your working with me. That's why i doubled it for the other half for you. Call me later okay"

With that said Mandy drove off. Marik smiled and shook his head putting the money inside his pocket.

Mandy was at hime counting her money, when she received a phone call

"Hello Mandy here"

"Hey its Marik"

"Hey cutie"

"Hey beautiful. Are you still up for the date tomorrow?"

"I sure am. How about i pick you up, because I can't just go into any kind of restaurant"

"Sure you pick the place and time"

"How about 7pm?"

"Sounds good. Where do i meet you?"

"At the pier"

"Okay, see you tomorrow beautiful have a good night"

"Good night handsome, I hope you dream about me"

"We'll see. Bye"


With that said they hanged up.
'Wow he is good at flirting'
They both thought together happily.

A/N Rate and Comment.

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