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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

A couple of weeks passed and their love continue to blossom. Mandy and Marik were currently at the pier making out on a bench. Many people that saw either quickly pass by them or simply ignore them.

Marik pulled away panting and Mandy was panting as well in a daze looking at Marik with such admiration and love in her eyes everytime she looks at him or touch him.

Marik looked down to see Mandy looking up at him, he could see that she would do anything for him, he smiled at her, caressing her cheek which caused her to squeal in happiness.

"Mandy, can I ask you something?"

Mandy quickly sat up looking at him, giving him her full attention.

"Yes anything?"

"Would you help me to take over the world and getting rid of anyone who stands in our way?"

Mandy nodded happily.

"I would need some things"

Mandy smiled and perked up at that.

"What would you need?"

"Henchmen's, a boat and a couple of materials and then I will do the rest"

"When will you need it babe?"

"As soon as possible"

"I can get everything done by tomorrow"

"Good, now come"

Marik stood up stretching out his hand towards Mandy for to help her up.

"Where are we going?"

"I think its time you meet my step-brother"

Marik said handing her a helmet and getting on the motorcycle. Mandy sat right behind him, holding him tightly from the waist. After a while, Marik came to a stop, he got off and Mandy followed close by him.

"Are you sure your brother lives here? It looks abandoned to me ...."

Mandy was cut off by Marik yelling

"Odion come forth"

A few seconds later they heard footsteps and a tall man with half his face covered with tattoos.

"You called Master Marik?"

"Its good to see you too Odion. I would like you to meet my girlfriend Mandy"

Mandy poked out from behind Marik.


She waved at him.


Mandy looked at him and back at Marik.

"Geez he is just like you not much of words"

Marik shook his head and walked up to Odion.

"Odion I have a job for you. Tomorrow we will be heading to Domino City to get rid of the Pharaoh. You will enter the battle city tournament"

"Very well Master Marik."

Marik then stretched out his hand to Mandy who happily was by his side in a matter of seconds, he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Now my dear, from this day forward we are closer to achieving our goal"

*Next Day*
Marik, Mandy and Odion were on the boat that Mandy was able to snatch. She also gathered a lot of minions that were willing to work for Marik for bribe, blackmail, threat, etc.

Once everyone was in a row, Marik smirk revealing the millennium rod and used mind control. He scattered them around the city searching for the Pharaoh and his pathetic friends.

As Marik was busy, Odion pulled Mandy aside to talk to her in private.

"You should not be here, it is not your place"

Mandy glared at him

"Excuse me, you are in no position to tell me if i should be here or not"

"I am trying to protect you. Master Marik is not himself, you will get hurt"

"I don't care, I love Marik and I made a promise to him that I would help him rule this world he said so himself together side by side."

"Idiot, he will not share power, there is pure darkness controlling his mind"

"Your wrong, you just don't understand him like I do"

"He is using you"

"No he is not, he loves me"

Mandy said angrily walking away from him and going up to Marik who was sitting in his chair smirking as he was seeing what his minions were doing using mind control and using them as his puppet.

His minions which he calls the hunters were able to track down the pharaoh's friends one by one because each were going to play a role. Marik wasn't pleased that the pharaoh was able to defeat his hunters but he had also seen it coming.

"Oh love?"

"Yes babe"

"Is everything set by the pier?"

"Yes, I was able to get rid of the guards personally"

"Excellent, soon my plan will soon be fulfilled"

"By tomorrow we should arrived at Battle City and what are you going to do when we get there babe?"

"I will have some personal errands to run just stay by the ship, are we clear?"



Marik stood up feeling a bit tired from so much energy getting drained from him.

"Come let's go to bed I need to relax"

Mandy smiled and ran by his side holding his hand in hers happily.

'Odion is wrong, Marik loves me and that won't ever change'

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