Oh Baby

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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

The nine months pass in a blink of an eye. Mandy was due any time of day. She had to put her work on hold until the baby arrived. The baby's nursery was done a couple of months early and Marik was helping her along the way with morning sickness, craving and mood swings.

Mandy was currently sitting on the rocking chair relaxing at the movement looking at Marik who was on the floor trying to set up the baby crib. Marik decided to take a break and looked at his wife who was caressing her big belly.

"You know sweetheart, my sister and brother are coming over again for to help babysit the baby"

"That's fine by me.....what should we name our little girl?"

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. I thought you would have a name already?"

"No I thought you did"

"Hmmm, I guess we would find out later"

Marik then went back to assemble the crib and finally got it done. A sound of water dripping caught Marik's attention. He looked towards the floor to see a puddle surrounding Mandy's feet. Marik looked at his wife concern.

"Honey, my water broke"

In a blink of an eye he quickly got the bag ready and carried his pregnant wife to the car. He quickly drove to the hospital, Mandy was already trying to catch her breathe, panting and sweating.

They finally arrived, the nurses quickly took Mandy into the delivery room. The other nurses told Marik that he had to wait outside until the baby arrives.

A few hours passed and Marik was pacing back and forth waiting for any word of his wife and child. Until finally a nurse arrived with a smile in her face.

"You can go and see her now"

Without another word Marik quickly made his way to the room. Mandy was in sweat, her eyes close breathing calmly with a smile on her face. Marik let out a sigh happy that she is going to be okay.

Just then he heard a baby cooing noise. He looked towards the crib and walked to it. There in the crib is a baby wrapped up in a pink blanket smiling happily with her eyes close.

A nurse walked into the room and poked Marik on the shoulder, he turned to see a nurse holding a clipboard.

"What's the baby name?"

Marik didn't know what to say until a voice caught their attention.


Marik look to see his wife sitting up on the bed.

"Mandy are you sure?"


The baby cooed in response and the nurse nodded and wrote the name walking back out of the room. Marik carried his daughter out of the crib and walked towards Mandy to find her passed out.

Marik looked down to his little girl.

"I guess your name is Peaches, I hope you like it"

The baby opened her eyes to look at her father hearing his voice. Marik smiled at the beautiful purple eye color staring back at him. He brought the baby closer to his chest and Peaches fell asleep at the sound of her father's beating heart.

When it was time to go home, Mandy was still on the medication that made her a bit woozy. Marik was watching the baby, until then his brother and sister arrived to see the baby. They were surprised by the unusual name but nonetheless they still love her.

Mandy finally woken up with medication fully out of her system.

"I named her what?"


"What kind of name was that? Was i ordering a fruit cocktail or what?"

Mandy wasn't happy that the nurses put her baby Peaches when they knew she was on medication.

"Marik why didn't you stop them?"

"Because if i went against what you said you will just step on my feet again and besides you repeated the name twice. I even asked you 'are you sure'?"


Mandy then looked at her sleeping little girl.

"I guess it will do, she does have the hair color especially yours"

Marik laughs and Mandy smiled.

"She also have my eyes"

"What? She doesn't have nothing of me?"

Mandy asked sadly, Marik wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Relax, I'm pretty sure she will have your personality"

"You think so?"

"I know so"

Marik leaned down to give Mandy a loving kiss on the lips but quickly broken apart as a small cry came from the crib. Just then Ishizu came in.

"I hope you wont mind but i would like to take care of my niece"

Mandy and Marik nodded and Ishizu carried Peaches out, Marik and Mandy looked at each other one more time and resume to what they were doing making out in the nursery room.

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