Friends Til The End

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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

"Sweety the hunters brought you a little gift"

Mandy said holding on to her boyfriend's hand as they stepped out of the boat. Marik smirk as he saw who it was. It was Joey and Tea, he took out his millennium rod and hold it out to them smirking.

All too soon the plan was put into motion, knowing exactly the pharaoh would go and rescue his friends. The Pharaoh arrived and was in shock to see his friends are once again in danger.

Joey is under Marik's control. (Téa was also under Marik's control but she was released once the rules were explained and she unknowingly trapped herself.)Both players are chained to an anchor above the Dueling site. When a player's life points reach 0, his opponent's key will be unlocked, allowing him to remove the chains.

The loser is dragged into the sea forever.If anyone attempts to stop the Duel, the crate above Téa will be released (it would most likely kill her).Joey uses cards given by Marik.Yugi takes over during the Duel. At first, this angers Marik because he wants to defeat Yami Yugi, but then he changes his mind because he thinks Yugi will be easier to defeat.As he remembers more about those around him, Joey's consciousness begins to shake itself from Marik's control.

Marik got annoyed and Mandy saw this and quickly thought of another approach. She took out a walkie talkies​ and speak to one of the hunters.

"Find the rest of his pathetic friends and teach them a lesson now!"

Mandy yelled not wanting to upset her beloved.

At the same time these events occur, the Rare Hunters sent to capture Tristan and Serenity for Marik's plans are temporarily thwarted by the arriving Duke Devilin who agrees to assist Tristan and Serenity.

The duel had began between Joey and Yugi, Yugi tries to break the mind control but Marik replies back that Joey won't be set free as long as he holds the Millennium Rod. He orders Joey to play that card and win him the power he deserves.

Marik has a wide grin on his face. As soon as Joey places Meteor of Destruction, Yugi will receive 1000 points of damage, causing him to lose the duel. Then Yugi will plunge deep into the sea, and Marik will win Slifer the Sky Dragon and the Millennium Puzzle. He orders Joey to play the card now. Yugi tells Joey that he has to remember who he is. Finally, Joey remembers the promise he made to Yugi. He promised that they would take down Marik together.

Joey comes back to his senses about who he really is. Suddenly, Marik uses his Millennium Rod to try and take over Joey's mind again, but this time Joey fights it even harder. He shouts out that he won't destroy Yugi since Yugi is his best friend. Yugi tells Joey to fight it. Marik is really frustrated now. He orders Joey to destroy Yugi, but Joey continues to fight Marik's power.

Yugi knows that Joey will pull through. Yugi then calls out to Marik and calls him a coward. He tells Marik that there will be a loser in the duel, but it's now who he's thinking. Yugi won't lose and Joey won't lose. It's Marik that will lose at his own game!

Marik forgot to take in account the strong bond Joey has with his friends. Since Joey has finally broke free from Marik's spell, Marik can't wait. After all, if Marik isn't dueling through Joey anymore, how can he possibly be the winner of the duel?

Yugi calls out to Marik and asks what will he do now. Will Marik just sit there and wait until the duel ends? Yugi exclaims that Joey's mind can't be controlled anymore. Marik is in a deep rage now. He says that everyone can be controlled. Once he forces Joey to place Meteor of Destruction, Yugi is finished. Marik uses his Millennium Rod to control Joey's arm.

Joey tries to resist Marik's power again. So Marik exhausts all the power he can into the Millennium Rod to control Joey once again. The strong force places Joey under Marik's control, and Joey plays Meteor of Destruction. A meteor of fire forms and heads straight for Yugi. Joey sees his friend about to get crushed from the meteor.

He shouts out, "Help me please!" and breaks free from Marik's control once again. Marik is shocked that Joey broke free. Yugi is glad that his friend finally broke free from Marik's power.

Marik sat up from his chair angrily that Joey broke the mind control. Mandy walked up to Marik.

"Look we can still stop them, why do we even need to use a stupid card game, i can just go and kill them myself"

This made Marik even more angrier and before Mandy knew it a loud slap made its way across the whole room. Everyone stood in shock.

A/N Rate and Comment.

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