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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Marik was waiting at the pier exactly at 7pm, waiting for Mandy. Not too soon, a black drive by where Marik was standing and came to a stop. He quickly getting into the car and Mandy was dressed in a black dress up shirt and a black tight skirt.

"Hey cutie"

"Hey beautiful"

"So ready to go?"

"If i wasn't ready I would not be in the car right now"

Mandy laughs and she drove. It was going to take a while for them to get there, so she decided to make conversation.

"So how was your day?"

"Boring. Yours?"

"Well since you saw a glimpse of my life, you can say I have quite an adventure"

Mandy made a turn going up the mountains.

"Hey I can trust you right, because if they find out you rat them out, they will come after you and then me along with other people have to put you out"

Marik nodded in understanding.

"Besides, I like you. I don't want anything to happen to you"

Mandy came to a stop at a restaurant. They got out of the car, Marik was looking around and notice that they close to the middle of no where.

"Mandy, do you think this outfit is okay for a place like this?"

He took notice of the cars looking very expensive and classy. Mandy walked up to him, wrapping her arm around him smiling.

"You look great. Now come on"

She pulled him into the restaurant. Once they entered, everyone quickly turned to face the new comers, but when they notice Mandy they turn back to whatever it was they were doing.

"Mandy are you sure we can be here?"

He asked nervously.

"Of course, im sure. Here look, let me introduce you to some"

Mandy pulled Marik to a table where a bunch of guys and girl were playing poker.

"Hey Lino, I want you to meet someone very special to me"

She signaled her hand to Marik.

"Hey, how you doin? What's your name?"


"This here is my family, well everyone here is my family, isn't that right?!"

Everyone in the restaurant cheered.

"This here is Frankie, Lenny, Bonnie and Clyde. You'll know more people later"

Marik nodded.

"It's nice meeting you"

Mandy grabbed Marik once again pulling him to a table for two. They placed their orders, but Marik was still edgy about being in the restaurant full of mobs and gangsters.

"Hey Marik, I need to go use the girls room"

"Okay, hurry soon"

Once Mandy left, every one got up surrounding Marik, he gulp nervously.

"Look we are not gonna cause trouble for you but we just want you to know is take care of our girl because she is something special. You my friend, must be special to her if she brought you here, she doesn't bring just anyone. Understand?"

Marik nodded, Lino smirk

"Now that we all know each other, welcome to our family. If you want something don't hesitate to ask."

Marik smiled

"Thank you"

"Uh hum"

A voice said catching their attention they all looked up to Mandy with her arms crossed, tapping her feet and glaring at the mobsters.

"Please don't tell me your terrorizing him already"

Every one chuckled and frankie spoke up, wrapping his arm around Marik's shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"No no no, we were just telling our pal here, that if he needs anything don't hesitate to ask."

"Alright then now shoo, we are on a date."

Everyone moved away as Mandy shook her head taking her seat.

"So Marik, what do you think about this place?"

"Its interesting"

Mandy smiled, just then the waiter came with their order and they began to eat and talk more getting to know each other.

"Marik, there was something that was bugging me they time we met"

"What is it?"

"That building that we were on has a reputation of jumpers aka suicides. So tell me were you planning to jump?"

Marik put his fork down and look down at the table. Mandy notice he was trying to avoid but she wasn't going to have that.

"Marik why?"

"I-I just wanted to give up. You may think I might sound crazy when I say this but there is a dark spirit inside me and I'm afraid one day its going to take control over my body and the whole world might be in stake because of me, but you found me and I just have to say this you really did save my life."

Mandy smiled, she was honestly surprise.

"No it doesn't sound crazy at all, I believe you."


"Yeah and I'm glad to hear that I saved you"

Marik smiled. After eating, they left saying farewell to everyone and agreed to have another date tomorrow after separating.

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