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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

Ishizu and along with the other mob wives were taking notes and throwing questions at Marik and Mandy. They were in the living room sitting on the couch. Refreshments were on the coffee table.


"White frosting, chocolate insides along with strawberry slices"


"Duh white with a little bit of beige"


"Egyptian theme"


"Fried Chicken, rice and macaroni salad"


"Soda, water and champagne"


"Mostly family and friends"



"Live or DJ?"

"Marik, how about we ask Yugi's wife is she can sing live for us"

Marik nodded.

"I'll talk to Yugi about it"

Pretty soon everything was wrapped up. They just needed to go out and buy the things. In two months the wedding will be taking place. Rachel was more than happy to sing for the newly weds.

*Two Months*

The two months passed in a blink of an eye, the wedding was taking place at Lino's backyard behind his mansion. Marik's friends were kind of nervous when they found out it was a gathering of mobs.

Marik was already next to the pastor waiting for Mandy to walk down the red carpet. Everything, was in a style of the epygtian and Marik had a big smile on his face when he saw Mandy in her wedding dress.

Mandy walked down the red carpet and reached Marik wrapping her arm around his arm in a link. The ceremony began and at the end Marik and Mandy kissed officially married.

Everyone made their way to the dinner reception, where a stage was at for Rachel's performance. Surprisingly Yugi would be singing with her. Many friends and family gave them gifts.

Rachel went on stage and told the newly weds to get on the dance floor in front of the stage along with Yugi.

(Happy Feet- Kiss/Heartbreak Hotel)

You don't have to be beautiful, 
to turn me on. 
I just need your body, baby, 
from dusk 'til dawn. 

The song wasn't too fast or too slow, Maik and Mandy just danced together enjoying each other.

You don't need experience, 
to turn me on. 
You just leave it all up to me ... 

... Huh? 

You don't have to be rich, 
to be my pearl. 
You don't have to be cool, 
to rule my world. 

Ain't no particular song, 
I'm more compatible with. 
I just want your extra... 

Yugi stepped in and they were surprise Yugi could sing. They suppose when your with a singer it kinda grows on you to sing as well.

Well, since my baby left me... 
I found a new place to dwell. 
It's down at the end of Lonely Street, 
at Heartbreak Hotel. 

And I said, 
I'm feelin' so lonely, baby. 
I'm felein' so lonely. 

I'm feelin' so lonely. 

I could die... 

Don't have to be rich, 
to be my girl 

Don't have to be cool, 
to rule my world 

To rule my world 

Ain't no particular sign 
I'm compatible with 

I just want your 

The dance came to an end and everyone cheered.

Extra time... 
And your... 

Marik gave Mandy a kiss on the lips, looking up on stage Rachel and Yugi holding hands. Rachel spoke on the Microphone.

"To the new couples, may they have many memories together and cherishing their moments. Congratulations you guys."

Rachel and Yugi jumped off the stage and Mandy gave Rachel a hug and Yugi shook hands with Marik.

"That song was a wedding gift to you guys."

Mandy smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, i love it, we love it"

Marik and Mandy then left to cut the cake, and feeding it off to each other. Marik made it on purpose to get frosting on her nose so he can lick it off causing Mandy to blush because everyone witnessed that moment.

Lino tapped on Marik's shoulder catching his attention. Lino pulled him aside so they can talk in private. He took out a pamphlet map.


"What's this?"

"Consider it a gift for your honeymoon."

"Woah, thanks"

"No problem, its going to be at my beach house, so you both cam use it"

"Thanks Lino"

"No problem and congratulation"

Marik and Lino shook hands and Marik made his way back to his wife who was looking to see where he went off to. Marik explained to Mandy that their honeymoon is going to be at a beach house that Lino was going to let them use.

Mandy smiled happily jumping into his arms squealing in joy. Mandy had her legs wrapped around his waist so when she jumped he grabbed hold of her legs making sure she doesn't fall back.

Ishizu raised up her glass and along with everyone

"To my new sister in law and my brother. To Marik and Mandy!"

Everyone yelled with their glass in the air

"To Marik and Mandy!!"

A/N Rate and Comment.

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