Second Date

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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

The next day at 7pm Marik was waiting for Mandy again at the pier. He couldn't believe it, he was actually enjoying himself with Mandy. He hate to admit it but she was making a way to his heart. He never felt this way about anyone else.

Marik was lost in thought but snapped out of it when he heard the car honking. He quickly made his way through the passenger seat and sat down buckling up.

Mandy was looking at him smiling.


"I have another place we can check out, you want to?"

"At long as I'm with you, I'm good"

Mandy chuckled as she drove, Marik leaned back on the seat stretching putting both his hands underneath his head.

"Where are we headed though?"

"To where all the mobs hanging out from time to time. Its call mountain peek."

"What other areas do all of you own?"

Mandy smirk

"Half the city, the polices are under our authority, therefore we can get away with the law but we stay low-key, if you know what I mean"

The sun was setting and Mandy got to their destination, parking close to the cliff. Before, they got out, Mandy grabbed hold of Marik's hand.

"Hey Marik do you drive?"

"I ride a motorcycle"

"Really, you have to take me out for a ride someday"

He nodded in agreement. They both finally came out of the car and looked out towards the view. Silence settle in between them but it was a comfortable silence.


Marik turned towards Mandy who was still facing towards the sunset.

"Why did you want to kill yourself?"

Marik was confused

"I already told you my reason"

"What i mean is like why didn't you talk to someone, you told me you have a sister and a step-brother, why couldn't you talk to them about it?"

Marik glared turned towards the sunset

"Because there is this duty i have to do, but I'm tired of staying in the dark. To be honest I shouldn't even be here, I'm suppose to be underground for to fulfill my purpose for the pharaoh"

He said with distaste.

"Mandy, i don't expect you to understand ...."

Mandy put her hand on his shoulder.

"I do understand, really I do, but you are not alone in this anymore. I'm gonna help you achieve whatever you want to do."

Marik smiled at Mandy

"What if I say I want to rule the world?"

"Then I would help you with that goal and rule the world by your side"



Marik leaned a bit closer to Mandy's face and Mandy leaned more closer.

"You name when and where"

Marik then closed the distance pressing his lips to Mandy, licking her lips begging for entrance, Mandy happily accepted. He then began exploring her mouth causing Mandy to moan as he deepened the kiss. Their tongues were dancing to an unknown rhythm.

As they were making out, a flash of light shined on them causing them to break apart angrily at the interruption. They look to see it was a night time security guard.

"Hey you kids shouldn't be out here, its late and ....."

A gun shot ran through the air, the security guard fell. Marik was surprise it was Mandy who shot the bullet, she had quickly pulled out a gun and shot an innocent person.

"Stupid security ruining our date night"

Mandy said angrily.

"I thought you said the mobs own this place"

"I never said they don't need to kill the night guards"

Mandy laughs and Marik laughs as well. Mandy got up and tugged on Marik's hand pulling him along to inspect the night watch. As it turns out it was actually a police officer.

Mandy gasp and looked at Marik in surprise.

"Marik do you know what this means?"

"We are now wanted criminals?"

"No, we can ride on a police car"

She grabbed the keys and skipped to a nearby police car. Marik smirk and quickly followed her but she quickly stopped him.

"Hear put this on"

She handed him a pair of leather gloves.

"These are for what?"

"For our fingerprints won't be on the wheel, silly"

She handed him the keys,

"come on lets go for a ride"

Marik smirks and went with it. After driving the police car around they went back to the mountain peek, putting the dead body back in the car and have it drive down the cliff. Mandy quickly got ride of the keys throwing it on a nearby river.

Finally removed the paint of her car and changing the license plate. Mandy then drove by the pier once again. Before Marik got off he captured Mandy's lips on his once more.

"Have a good night beautiful"

Marik said pulling away from a happy smile.

"Good night babe"

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