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A/N I don't own Yugioh.

A few days has passed since the honeymoon and Marik and Mandy continued to stay united, there were times that Marik actually goes and accompanied his wife on the hunt. Mandy convinced Marik not to work because she stated they have enough money for even their grandchildren.

Marik at first didn't agree but later changed his mind. Ishizu and Odion went back home leaving Marik and Mandy to their happily ever after. One morning, Mandy quickly sat up in bed and threw the covers off and bolted straight to their restroom connected to their bedroom.

Marik quickly woken up by a wretching sound. He quickly went into the bathroom to see his wife on her knees and her head towards the toilet. Marik went behind her and grabbed hold of her hair and patted her on the back to help her let it out.

After a couple of minutes, Mandy scooted away from the toilet panting and Marik handed her a hand towel.

"Are you okay?"

He asked concern.

"I don't know, i was fine like always"

She said worriedly.

"Maybe its something else you been like this for a couple of days. I think you should go see the doctor"

Marik said helping her stand up making her way to the bed.

"Uh uh no way. Doctors and I don't mix"

"But Mandy please I'm worried. Like i told you when we got married for better or worse through sickness and health"

Mandy pouted knowing that Marik got her right there and then. She crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.


"Good, im gonna go and make a doctor's appointment and stay in bed until i say so"

"Yeah yeah yeah"


He said sternly


She said mockingly.

"I'm serious"

He said narrowing his eyes at Mandy and she looked at him knowing exactly that he means business.

"Okay, I'll stay put"

Marik gave Mandy a loving kiss on the forehead before leaving the room to make the call. A few minutes later, Marik came back.

"When's the appointment?"

"This afternoon at 1:20, they said they can squeeze us in"


"So how about breakfast?"

With a mention of food, Mandy quickly bolted back to the restroom. Marik decided to have a light breakfast for himself and once that was done, they got ready to head to the doctor. They waited until Mandy was called in, the doctor ran some test and finally have the results after waiting for half an hour.

"So what does the results say?"

"Well congratulations Mr and Mrs. Ishtar you both are going to be parents"


Marik and Mandy yelled together.

"The results says here your pregnant"

The doctor said again. A smile crept up on Marik's face and he looked towards Mandy who was still in shock. The doctor looked between them and smiled.

"I'll give you both a moment"

He then left them alone. Marik got in front of Mandy holding both her hand in his.

"Honey, isn't this great?"

"Y-yeah it s-sure is babe?"

But Marik didn't look convince.

"Are you okay? You don't want to be parents?"

Mandy then snapped out of her trance and shook her head.

"No no no, i want to be a parent really i do"

"Then why that uncertain look?"

"I just didn't thought it would be that soon"

Marik then caress her face with his hand and kissed her cheek.

"No worries, we are in this together"

Mandy smiled looking at her beloved.

"You sound so confident"

Mandy said amused

"Well yeah but inside i am literally shaking"

They both laughed and then the doctor came back in.

"So i see everything is settle now."

They both nodded holding hands with a smile on their face.

"Now would you like to know the gender?"

Mandy raised one eye brow.

"So soon?"

"Of course, our technology had advanced"

Marik smiled and nodded

"Its going to be a girl"

"Oh that's wonderful"

Mandy said with a bright smile. The doctor then prescribe some vitamins to take during the pregnancy. Marik and Mandy left hand in hand happy at the fact they are going to be parents and plus its going to be a baby girl.

When they arrived home, Mandy quickly wanted to buy the things they will need and plus set up the nursery. Marik was thinking it was to soon and that in time they will buy everything but all he git was a glare from his pregnant wife.

The next day they went off to buy baby supplies, but when Marik didn't say anything about what Mandy select she glares at him or stomp on his feet.

'Ugh this going to be a long nine months by then I wont be able to feel my feet'

Marik thought rubbing his aching feet and followed Mandy around the stores.

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