1 - Same old same old

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And again. I wake from a dreamless slumber, drag my half asleep body from the comfortable cradle I always desire, and force myself into the shower. As always, I'm in the shower way too long and make myself late once again.

"Wait, i'll be two seconds" I moan into the white iPhone gripped between my fingers.

"Not again K, we can't keep being late" my academically genius friend moans down the line, making me instantly roll my eyes at her whiny tone.

"OK." I quickly hang up, grabbing my bag and coat from the bed before shoving white converse on my un-willing feet and scurrying out the door.

"Bye mum"

No reply.

"Love you too" I sarcastically mumble to myself and turn towards the white Opel Corsa packed with people awaiting my company.

"Come on K, are you kidding? Mrs Moore's going to go crazy" Jake moans but honestly, I couldn't give a flying fuck.

"Oh well, we're late, there's not point in moaning about it now" I mumble like a spoiled child.

Jake's also one of those people that doesn't like to be late and always has to give his homework in on time. It's so annoying but it's one of those things you have to get used to if he's going out with my best friend. My best friend is Taylor. She's blonde, green eyes, skinny and absolutely perfect in every way, anyone would agree with me. I'm not just jealous of her appearance, i'm jealous of her brain too; she's one of the smartest in our year and the fact that she can drive and I can't, pisses me off further. It's not that I can't drive, it's that my mum wont buy me a car and there's no way i'd be able to afford one.

I look at Taylor to the right of me and watch obliviously as she moans about how we've been late everyday this week, and how she's going to have to stop picking me up because i'm making everyone else late. I know she won't though, I was the first person to ride to school with her when she first passed her test and I have ever since, there's no way she would drop me like that.

Behind her is Jake, moaning along with her about my punctuality. Bite me.

But seriously, if he weren't her boyfriend...I would let him bite me...damn. his beautifully chocolate brown hair sweeps across his face &&&&&

Behind me is Freya, now she is definitely not one to mess with. She is the nicest girl, if you're on the good side of her, but I pray everyday that I stay on that good side; she is a nasty bitch. I love her to pieces, I think she's brilliant but damn is she scary. Her dark skin and dark hair are the highlight of who she is, she wouldn't be Freya with the gorgeous skinny face and long black hair.

And lastly, in-between Freya and Jake is Morecy. Morecy's my favorite when i've had a rough day and I need someone to have a laugh with; he never fails to put a smile on my face.

Before I know it, we're pulling into the school parking lot. I climb out of the small, white car and we make our way into the school.

It's a defiant struggle but I eventually make it to 1st period with my un-willing brain still intact. Everyone's eyes land on me as I walk through the door 10 minutes late but they are honestly the least of my worries. I hate school. I also hate people. I see life as a chore, I'm not suicidal or nothing because at times (usually when I'm at parties) I enjoy life, but today is not one of those days and by the tired look on my averse face, people should get the clue and piss off for once.

"Nice of you to finally join us Miss Tate" Mrs.Connors sarcastically states. Well isn't she in a swell mood today.

"Sorry I'm late" I mumble under my breath. I couldn't give a shit whether I'm late or not, schools shit, teachers are shit and I hate 95% of the people breathing in this room right this second.

"Not good enough, ask the person next to you what we're doing" she demands with a straight, un-amused face.

When everyone begins talking again, i'm happy enough to pretend i'm doing something while I sit and stare outside at the wet weather that I detest so very much. Today's going to be...special.

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