26 - agitation and fornication

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I wonder aimlessly up and down the halls, thinking over and over again about what the hell actually happened. If I thought back to when Harry first started, no way in hell did I think eventually he would have me pinned down to a table and kicking me out when I wanted more. From what I know about Harry, he's such a complex person and I know it's going to be a mission to know him completely but it's a mission in willing to do. Otherwise I'll forever confuse my own mind with questions like: how can he be caring one second then raging the next? What does he want with me? Why me? Does he actually want me or is he messing with my head?, they could go on forever. Instead, I decide half hour into a two hour History lesson is long enough of being late and therefore I make my way back Harrys classroom.

My fingers massage my sweaty palms as I step closer to the wooden door. I hear a whole class gossiping and laughing on the opposite side, which eases me but I'm still equally as unprepared to meet Harrys eyes for the thousandth time today.

Shaky hands force downwards on the handle as I take a deep breath and find my attitude-filled front needed to get me through this. Once in the class, I look to the left to find Harry sat behind the desk with a look of worry and his head in his hands. Eventually, his head shoots up when he notices my presents and he speaks a shaky breath.

"Caitlyn, glad you're all cleaned up. Come take a seat and ask your group what you're doing?"

I nod toward his with attitude slapped across my face. I actually find it amusing that Harry is so nervous now; he puts on this front that he has all the power but we know really that I do, and that's probably why he's so nervous, he thinks I'm up to something. Does he think I was actually going to tell Mrs Hemswood about the two of us? If there is actually the two of us.

Leaving my constant thoughts about Harry to the back on my mind, I find my way to my seat and quickly catch on regarding the topic and activity of the class.

Hours and minutes pass until eventually it's time for lunch. Within seconds, the whole class filters it's way out of the classroom and I make find myself wanting to talk to Harry. Slowly, I collect all my papers and books from the table and delicately place them in my bag as I watch Harry from behind his desk. He sits with his head still in his hand and doesn't look up from the floor: he knows I'm still in the class waiting for him.

Silence fills the classroom as I wait for some kind of movement or eye contact, something signifying he is in fact still alive and breathing.

"Harry" I barely speak, quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "I think we should talk"

He doesn't look up, instead he pulls his hand away from his head and places it down on the table in front of him. His hair is messed up, clearly signifying his abusive tugs of frustration on the long curly locks.

"We need to sort this out, okay?" I speak softly, acting like the adult in this situation.

Despite the fact I'm trying my hardest, Harry still doesn't make a single sound, instead I watch his stunning green eyes stitch themselves to the floor ahead of me.

"Fine, be like this" I finally huff in agitation. "Let's not sort it out, instead lets just continue this awkward situation until eventually one of us kills the other" I over react, throwing my bag over my shoulder and making my way towards the door.

Although before I can reach it, Harry jumps up from the table, throwing himself in front of me in attempts to stop me from leaving.

I study his shaky features as his eyes finally fall down and meet the brown of mine. His takes a deep breath, like he's preparing himself for something.

"Yes we do need to talk" he confirms and I sigh in relief. "Meet me after school by the old corner shop and I'll drive you home?" His eyes search mine for some kind of sign.

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