25 - food and harsh moods

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Monday morning. Fucking fabulous.

Despite the fact I only have a half hour until Taylor gets here to pick me up, I stay in bed for another 10 minutes and decide I'm not up for education today.

After two rings Taylor answers the phone with a sweet: "hello?"

I will never understand how she's such a morning person.

"Hey Tay, I'm not gunna come school today so don't bother picking me up" I say with a grumble coated morning voice.

"Why? Kate, it's really not good to keep having days off, you will start getting in trouble" I have always admired how passionate Taylor is about everything; how much effort she puts into her school work, her friends, her boyfriend. I wish more than anything I was as naturally innocent and kind as she is but I'm just not. The idea of staying in bed all day is more appealing to me than actually getting up in the next 2 minutes and putting some effort in.

"I know, I know. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it" I say with a hand on my aching head. Shortly after, we say our goodbyes and I hang up the phone.

Like a car crashing into my brain, a load of impacted memory's hit me, reminding me of every detail of the day before with Harry. I'm instantly reminded of the things we said and I feel a sharp pang in my stomach at the memory of some of them. I know I didn't mean a word I said, but did Harry?

Relief washes through me when I realise I don't have to see him today, causing me to relax back into bed and sleep for another 3 hours.

I wake up at around 12 ish and wipe my eyes, freeing them of the therapeutic sleep shortly taken. My body throws itself up as I swing my legs out of bed, standing up as soon as my feet touch the ground.

I drag myself into the kitchen and check my phone on the way there, only to see a missed call from the one and only, Harry Styles.

My heart flips but my head ignores it before I place it on the kitchen side and resume in making a bowl of cereal.

Once the chef - aka me - finished her masterpiece, I make my way over to the couch throwing myself into it and clicking the first interesting channel I find.

It's not long into my favourite tv show, Friends, when I realise the aggravating buzzing noise is coming from my phone on the side. A large sign escapes my lips as I place my bowl down on the floor and trudge over to the noisy device. I see the name 'Harry' in the screen but push away the reality that my heart is beating impossibly fast just at the mention of him.

My finger hits the green button. "Hello?"

"Why are you not in?" He aggravatingly grumbles.

"Does it matter?" I quickly reply, giving just as much attitude as I get.

"You can't keep missing school" he replies.

"Who are you my mother? Shut up Harry, delete my number. Now!" I speak and realise that's my cue to hang up, but I can't make myself do it.

"But are you okay? Are you ill?" He says and I sense concern in his tone.

"Umm yeah" I say in confusion.

"Okay" he barely speaks.

"Okay" I confirm and then I hang up, holding onto my pride by having the last word.

I spend the rest of the day eating, sitting on Twitter and watching TV until it finally comes round to my favourite time of day once again...sleeping.

When I'm in bed, I hear my mum creep in the front door. The sound of her steps get closer to mine and I shut my eyes, fooling her into thinking I'm asleep when she checks in. The last thing i need is a conversation with my mother. Although, her presents doesn't last long before she collects more of her belongings and leaves the house, locking the door behind her. Despite the fact I tell myself how much I hate her, my heart sinks at the realisation she's back out for another couple of days, and eventually i drift to sleep allowing small tears to escape my sleepy eyes.

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