Chapter 28 - rain and bad days

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Wednesday. I feel like all I do lately is moan about what day it is. It could be Monday (ew) or it could be Friday, I guarantee i'll still moan about it. Actually scratch that, I don't just moan about days, I moan about anything and everything. I don't know whether it's just my age and it's sort of a package deal with being a teenager, or is it that I literally hate my life so much at the moment that I know no matter what day it is, I am still required to get out of bed and face the same shitty world every day. Or, it could possibly mean that that said dreaded world is once-again forcing me to face a particular young englishman who is so set on making my emotions fuck me up impossibly more. Yeah, I think it's that.

After rushing to registration and sitting through a whole hour of staring at a computer screen, pretending I'm actually doing something productive, it's time for History. I walk slowly with multiple friends but i'm honestly not listening to a single word they're saying, i'm too caught up in the idea that I get to sit in-front of Harry and watch him nervous run his hands through his curls as he speak passionately about medicine through time (or some shit like that). The thing is, as much as i hate to admit it, i'm actually quite a sensitive person, the last thing I want to do is see him right now because i'm still pretty upset about what happened yesterday. But i'd never let him know that. Instead, I take a deep breath, put on a brave face and enter into the silent class room.

"Soz, i'm late" I say without looking at him, walking straight to my chair and getting my messy book from my bag.

"Well 'soz', but that's not acceptable Caitlyn, stay behind after class" she says and I still don't look up from my surprisingly interesting book.

"No" I breath out casually, leaning back in my chair. To be honest, I think if this was a new class, right now they would all be gasping and 'oo'ing but because all my classmates know me by now, I think they saw this coming and are honestly not surprised when it happens.

"Excuse me?" I hear him speak. Why does he even fucking bother, he knows i'm going to act up so why even cause himself the grief.

I take a deep breath, putting on the hardcore act that generally makes his eyes shake in defeat. "I said.." my eyes finally raise to his with fire deep within "no"

The heads of pupils in the room, all watch back and fourth like they're sat in a tennis court watching Andy Murray and his extremely boring sport. Except, this is exciting...

"No is not an option Caitlyn" He stalks towards me with every word, getting angrier by the second. "You will stay behind or you will sit outside for the remainder of however needed lessons until you finally get it in that thick skull of yours that I am the teacher and you are the student and you will do what I say" he comes incredibly close. "Get it?"

Normally, this kind of behaviour would not fly with me; I would never normally let him get away with talking to me like that in-front of the whole class. But honestly, i'm exhausted and still hurt from what happened yesterday, right now is not time for games. Plus, as much as I act like I don't like it, History is my favourite subject and i'm actually pretty good at it, I don't want to sit outside and miss a whole hour of it while others feed off the new information and he knows that, and he's using it against me.

I stare him down but don't say a word, the whole classroom fills with silence as we intensely stare into each-others eyes with rage. Instantly, he puts out the fire as he turns away from me. "That's what I thought"

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