16 - Notes and Digits

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Friday. Finally Friday. Which means not only do i have a full weekend of drinking coming up, I also have two hours of history for my two last periods. Which also means i have to reunite with the one and only: Harry Styles.

To say I survived ICT and chemistry is an understatement. I'm still pretty mentally scarred from talking about computers and atoms for the last two hours. But when the torture was finally over, I was absolutely buzzin to chill with my friends for a bit.

"You look exhausted" Taylor spoke as I made my way over to the table full of teenage weirdos.

"Thanks so basically, I look shit?" I replied, stting down next to my blonde bestie.

"No of course not" She defended but it was obvious thats what she meant.

"Anyway" I spoke. "It's Friday, and my mum's out tonight, piss up at mine?"

The next few minutes were filled of "Yes"'s, "Sick"'s and arrangments of times and things. Eventually we decided there was going to be about thirty people, the usual people, and was going to end when everyone leaves (which means around 3ish). It also meant normally a lot of cleaning for me to do the next day. But I didnt really mind; even though I normally have the hangover from hell and can hardly last 5 minutes without puking, I usually just plug my phone into the speaker and blare my favourite artists as I clean up the alcohol-covered floors and sick-infested toilets.

After the third lesson of the day, English, I begin to pack my shit away and start to travel towards the History block for the last two painful lessons. I ponder over bunking the last part of the day so I can get home and begin getting the house ready for the small get-together later but instantly realize the resentment Harry would give me if I didn't show, making me decide on my attendance.

"Late again" the devil speaks. A look of confusion races through my features as I look up to the handsome guy. How comes he's started paying some attention to me again. Weird.

"Ok" I speak and make my way over to my seat and planting myself in it.

"Okay so today we're working in groups and I will give you a time period and you will write down all the events that happened in that time and i will come round and see how you are all doing. " He then put the group up on the board and waited while we moved our tables to get into the groups.

"No that happened a decade later" some kid Carter argued with me. He was sure he was right but he clearly wasn't, seeing as though I'm the smartest in the class.

"Sir" he yelled at the curly-haired beauty standing beside the table opposite us. A quick nod was headed in our direction before he made his way over to us.

"No Caitlin's right" he spoke, surprising the shit out of me. Even if I was right he wouldn't normally admit it. What's happening and why is he acting so weird.

"Thank you" I spoke at him and i swear to god, there was a small smile thrown at me, knocking me straight out of a clue. This is too weird.

"K" I heard a familiar voice shout across the room as Mr Styles began to walk away. I turned my head in the direction of the sound and found Matty looking right at me. "Party at yours tonight?"

I smiled: "Yeah, just the usual, not too many people" was confirmed before he replied with a quick 'Got it' and turned back towards his work.

When my body brought me back round to face my table, Harry caught my eye as I looked up to him staring straight at me, almost intrigued. But I shook it off and concentrated on what really mattered...what I was going to wear.

* * *

"Caitlin, come here please" Harry almost spoke on cue the second the bell rang and people began to make their way out of the classroom. My Conversed feet carried me towards his desk with my dont-let-him-get-to-me attitude, nodding towards him when I reached him. He sat behind the brown, wooden desk and gestured for me to sit before he began.

"Stop being late" he grumbled but I could tell that was only the beginning. And I was right. "It's really going to affect you in the long run Miss..."

"Wait" I intereupted. "You win, I will stop being late! Just please, please stop keeping me behind. You may not realise but unlike you, I actually do have a life" I huff.

The expression he holds confuses me as I begin to wonder what kind of emotion he's holding. But I don't have long to think as he begins to talk back.

"Good. But it still means I have to keep you behind for 5 minutes, so shut up and get on with it" he says.

Roughly 4 minutes pass so I know I only have a few seconds left but Harry begins to speak as I plan my exit. "So you're having a party tonight?" he says.

"What is your problem with listening to my conversations?" my voice betrays me, showing my annoyance.

"If you speak over my class, I will listen" he sternly replies, catching me off-guard. "You should be careful you know, last party you went to, you got a black eye and didn't even realise how you done it"

"I know how I done it actually"

"That's not what i heard." How does he know this stuff? And why is he so interested?

"I-" before I could speak, I was interupted.

"It's my duty to take care of all my students and make sure they don't get in trouble or dont hurt themselves under my watch" he says. "So i'm giving you this, if you need help or are in trouble of any sort tonight or whenever, I need you to ring this number okay?" he pushes a small peice of paper towards me with his long fingers. I look down and notice roughly 11 didigts on it, clearly a phone number.


"Promise me you will ring it okay" He sternly says. "Okay?" he pushes when I don't reply instantly.

"Yeah okay" a barley audible voice escapes as I stand, grabbing the note and leaving the classroom without saying another word.

I wait until the door behind me closes and look down at the neat paper in my hand. What the fuck just happened? Without giving it anymore thought, I shove the un-wanted paper in my bag, knowing I wont need it despite what he says.

The last lesson goes painfully slow but before I know it i'm out and on my way home to begin the tidying for later on. In the car I don't mention anything about what happened between Harry and I but can't help and ponder over it when I eventually slop down on my sofa and think to myself: What the fuck.

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