17 - Glassy eyes & curly-haired guys

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It's almost half 7 and i'm happy with the finishing results of my outfit. I'm wearing beige, suede heels and a white playsuit. To be honest, it probably wasnt the best idea to wear white as normally these small parties do get a little out of hand. It's not too out of hand that I can't deal with it but it does get out of control enough to ruien my outfits. Oh well, atleast I look hot. Foundation is rubbed into my face with a foundation brush before I apply loads of eye liner and mascara to my eyes and finish with some bronzer along my cheek bones. I lightly curl my long locks and sit in the open kitchen/living room area and wait for people to arrive.

At about 8, my friends arrive and start the pre-drinks as we know no-onees going to arrive on time and therefore have time to get the party started. We play a bit of beer pong and blast the music and before we know it, theres a knock at the door and a flow of people barge through the door in a space of minutes.

It gets to about 9 when I stop my dizzy head and begin to realise actually how many people there are in my house and I start to panik. There's never been this many before.

"Taylor!" I grab her attention. "Where the hell did all these people come from?"

"I don't know! I swear our group only invited the usual!" she innocently shouts over the impossibly loud music.

"Then who-...Matty" I say and charge away from her, looking for the long-haired rebel who seems the have the idea this is his party. When I get to the end of the kitchen, I find him standing in a group of, i'll be it, scary-looking people. The kind of people I would want to get involved with. Eventually, I decide to leave talking to him, those people are too scary to be with and who cares if theres too many people, parties are always better that way. Also, shouting at him isnt going to take back the un-authroised invites of all these people.

"K" someone shouts across the room and I spin in manik towards the loud voice. All the air exhales out my lungs as i relax at my blonde bestfriend. "Come play thruth or dare"

So, like we're stupidly young kids again, we are playing thruth or dare and before you know it, it's my turn.

"I dare you to kiss him" Jake says, adding to my already astronomical hate for the boy. My eyes follow his eye line and look towards the boy i'm supposed to be kissing. Shit he's hot. My already dazey head tells me to go for it and before I know it, I'm up and onto his lap. Kissing away as his hot pink lips. And just like that, I'm sitting in a strangers lap, shoving my tounge down his throat, tasting every single drink he's had tonight. Oh wow.

When we eventually finish, I sit back and begin to run my hands through my hair, aiding my spinning head. I can already feel my acahol-filled tummy becoming very very ill and decide maybe it's best not to stay here and chuck up all over the boy I just kissed.

"I'll be right back" I tell Taylor before walking away and looking to my left to see Matty and the group of scary-guys. Much to my regret, theres already enough alcohol in my system that I get enough non-exsitent confidence and begin to make my way over to the group of people. This can't end well.

"Hey Matty!" I stumble as I make my way over to the long haired beau. "What's up with all the people dude?" I slur. When my eye sight meets his, I notice they're very abnormal. They're glassy but almost kind of wide and his pupils are dialated more than I've ever seen anyones before.

"Who's she?" one of the large boys says to Matty.

"The host of the party you're at" he laughs, jumping to catch my arm and steady me when I almost fall.

I silently thank him and look up once more to the large guy speaking above me. "Woah you like to party dont you" he says to me, smiling. "How about something else to get you going?" he winks causing Matty to look right at me with panik in his eyes.

"No she don't want none of that" he buts in, standing half infront of me, also as a way of protecting me. Once I whisper 'why not?' into his left ear, he replies with a quick "it's drugs".

"What?" I panik. Never have I ever had a party where there was drugs involved! And i'm not going to start now! "Okay everyone needs to leave! Now!" I shout but no one listens. Before I can comprehend whats actually going on, Matty has me by my shoulders whispering 'shh' and 'shut-ups'.

"You can't do that, seriously, i'm trying to be a friend, they wont leave quietly" he whispers before looking back towards the scary group. "Trust me, people leave about 3ish usually so we only have about an hour! Just chill" Where's tonight gone?

Just as I begin to understand what he's saying, I realise something that annoys me to the bone. "Are you high?" I blurt. Only to be shut up and pushed away from his small group. Seriously what is his problem?

Then the real problem hits me like a ton of bricks, there are drugs in my house. Fuck.

I get sweaty and paniky when I realise I need to do something about it.

"Taylor!" i shout. "Taylor?" after asking loads of people and looking in every room, I panik when I realise i have no one here to help me. "What am I going to do" I panik to myself and run into my bedroom, throwing myself on the bed and vigerously wipping away the streaming tears running down my cheeks.

After sitting in silence and realising theres nothing else for me to do, I pull my head from my hands and look towards the bag capturing my attension ahead of me. And without thinking, i'm on the floor with a scrunched up peice of paper in one shakey hand and my phone in the other.

He picks up on the other end after 2 rings and I struggle to speak when I realise it was a stupid idea but I talk anyway. "Harry"

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