13 - "Fuck"

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All emotion drops from his face when his eyes meet mine but I ignore his response and sit down opposite him behind the desk. "Hey" I calmly say.

I watch his squinted eyes and hard jawline as he concentrates on the attention-hoarding device ahead of him. But I soon lose my patience when I realize he's completely ignoring my existence.

I cough into my fist and wait for some sort of sign from him, but nothing tells me he is as willing as I am to have a mature conversation about his behaviour. I repeat: "Hi"

"What do you want Miss Tate?" He grumbles as he continues to type away at his laptop in-front of him.

"I want to talk about what happened the other day" I propose.

His beautiful, green eyes rise from the laptop screen and meet mine but instantly fall back down before replying with a simple: "Why?"

"Because I think it's worth a simple conversation"

"Leave my room right now Miss Tate" he orders, still channeling his attention towards the bright light directly in-front of him.

"Fine" I give in, and stand from my chair. "I guess i'll have to go talk to Mrs Conners about this then" I threaten and begin walking the same way I entered.

"Wait" He says. I pivot on my feet towards him as he closes his laptop and waits for me to take my seat once again.

"I'm glad you agree that we need to talk about this" I say, knowing good and well that i'm winding him up to his last nerve with my comprehensive attitude.

"Look Caitlin, we have no problem here as long as you get your arse here on-time every lesson, stop talking when you're told to, and stop with the 'bad-ass' attitude. You are a young adult Miss Tate, not a child."

When he finishes, I know all I want to do is scream at him but I know that's not the way this needs to be handled. So I take a deep breath and begin: "There are many students who act this way in lessons Mr Styles but in no way does it means their clearly bipolar teachers need to spring themselves on them and handle them violently."

"Now wait right there Caitlin, in no way was I violent towards you" he rises a finger, pointing it towards me.

"You forcefully grabbed my wrist"

He stands from his chair and walk towards the back of the classroom, getting as far away from me as possible. "You deserved it, you were being a child" he argues.

"I deserved it? How exactly did I deserve that kind of treatment?" my face creases with confusion and his with anger. This is not going how I planned it to go, I can already see this ending badly. "That doesn't sound like someone fit to teach children would do"

He stalks towards me until we're face to face: "You think you're so cool and hard because you don't try at school and you don't care about education. You go to drug-influenced parties all for an ounce of male attention and show off the bruises you get when you make stupid decisions. You dress like some punk-rock, girl-band member with some fake-ass, care-less attitude and think you are something special. Guess what Caitlin, you're not. You aggravate me without even realizing it and it tortures me to know you're coming to my lessons late, because you really 'don't care' and are 'too cool' to care when really you're one of the most bright and intelligent students in the school and if you just channeled your interests correctly, could really do something with your life."

Heavy breathing fills the room along with the burning sound of silence as I think of a way to respond...but I cant. I can feel Harry watching me comprehensively as I slowly rise from the seat I'm in and face him. Eventually, my eye sight gets the courage to meet his.

We both stand in an empty, silence room, staring into each others eyes. Tension and lust fills the space between us and I know there's no ignoring it.

I step closer to the towering male, while he stares me down, clearly unsure of what either of our next move is going to be. I notice myself as I slightly nibble on my bottom lip and can't help but smirk when Harrys eyes fall straight to them. Eyes dilated.

Before I can plan my next move, he throws himself forward and grabs my slender wrists in his large hands like he did before. He forcefully pushes me back up against the way, his face inches from mine.

An aggravated groan leaves his lips and I know he's frustrated that he can't do what he clearly is dying to do.

His hands wrestle my probably red wrists and I don't think before I speak. "Kiss me" I whisper.

Quicker than a heartbeat, his plump lips slam into mine, forcing me even tighter up against the display-filled wall. My fingers find their way into his curls and I bring them into my fists, clutching them tight. His rough lips desperately move with mine and his hands grip my sides, groping my hips and eventually my back side.

"Fuck" he groans into my mouth as I press myself against him. My chest is squashed tight against his and my hips begin to circulate against him.

Rough fingertips slightly push up my t-shirt and his digits trace the soft skin above my jeans. I direct my hands down towards his pelvis and begin undoing his buttons when i'm stopped. Before I can process whats happening, he forces me away from him by my hips and pushes himself as far away from me as possible.

I stand in silence with my eyes glued shut as I comprehend what the hell just happened, but I just can't. A deep breath is taken into my lungs as I find the strength to open my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I finally speak. "I-"

"You need to leave" Harry speaks and I comply the second it leaves his perfect lips. My shaky legs carry me to the door and I don't look back before leaving him alone in the silent room, cutting the ambiguous tension.

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