11 - Confusion

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"Sir, I wasn't even that late today" I moan.

"You were 3 minutes late" Harry argues back.

Instantly, my mouth goes to argue back but I fight the urge as I know there's no use, it was a bad idea getting on the wrong side of a teacher this early of his career at this school. I need to just shut up, don't say a word and the minutes will pass like seconds.

"So what happened to your face?" He breaks the silence.

"None of your business" I sulk.

He looks at me with screwed-up features. "Who did it?"

"No one...well I don't know" As bad as it sounds, i'm telling the truth, I have no idea how it happened, it was probably just something I done when I got home, but then again it could've been someone at the party but I just can't remember.

"Classy" he huffs under his breath. A familiar look spreads across his entirety...he's angry at me.

Silence fills the air around us again as I wish for those minutes to hurry up so I can get the hell out of this classroom.

"Why did you go to the party?" He finally speaks.

"Because I wanted to" my body stiffens in the chair as I cross my arms and study the way Harry is getting an attitude over stupid things that I do.

"I told you not to go"

"Yeah, well I didn't listen"

"Well, you should've"

"Well, I didn't" I sharply reply. "And i'm glad I didn't"

Again. Again that awful silence fills the room and I'm perfectly aware that the 3 minutes are up but I can't help but want to know exactly what Harry's thinking. Why didn't he want me to go to the party?

"I knew you should'nt have gone" he says with anger clear in his tone.

"Yeah? And why do you care?" he looks at me blankly. I can tell he's thinking of something to say but there's nothing. His mouth opens acutely but closes instantly.

"Huh?" I urge. "Just leave me alone Harry" i'm brought to my feet as I throw my bag over my shoulder.

"It's Mr Styles to you" he stands.

"Ok whatever..Harry" I smirk at him and turn towards the door.

"Don't call me that again!" he slightly raises his voice, slightly making me jump but I don't show it. An even bigger smirk spreads across my face.

"Why not?" a laugh almost escapes my lips but I hold it back.

"Get out" he sternly says.

"No" I laugh.

"Get out now" his anger only makes me laugh harder as he traces his hands through his hair in frustration. "I won't say it again Miss Tate"

"Make me" I smirk but instantly regret it as he storms over to me.

Balled fists and a red face come my way as I step back in confusion. When he reaches me, his anger disappears. With his lips inches from mine, our heads touching, I can feel the tension in the air as he slowly calms down. The silence is filled with heavy breathing, our chests rising and falling.

After what feels like minutes of silence, he pulls away and releases his firm grip on my wrists. He doesn't make eye contact with me as he talks. "I'm sorry...Please leave now"

I stare in confusion at the attractive man standing before me. But the second my brain kicks in, I turn on my feet and towards the door. The air smells like cologne and I can almost taste the tension.

The halls are noisy as my feet carry me through them and into the canteen. My eyes find the others as I make my way over to them, not completely feeling myself.

Polite 'hi' and 'hey's' are reciprocated before I sit down beside Morecy. He's telling a story but I don't listen, all I can think about is Harry and the way he almost kissed me. Me, a student, someone he hardly likes.

"What's wrong?" Taylor breaks me free from my thoughts.

"Nothing. I've just got to do something" I stand from the table.

"But we have a free period?" she asks in confusion.

"Yeah i'll meet you in two, i've just got something to do" and next, my legs carry me rapidly to Harry's classroom.

The classroom appears empty as I burst through the door, eager for some sort of explanation. Fuck.

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