6 - Dynamon

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It's Thurday and I can't stop thinking about just jumping out the 3 story window behind me. It's only second lesson but I feel like i've been here all day which makes me literally want to rip my eye balls out of the sockets.

I haven't got History today which is good because I don't have to see the dick of all dicks but I'm annoyed because that's the only lesson that goes reletively quick.

Funnily enough, time flies when you're staring at a potential-model for an hour while he talks about things we already know. Comparing to any other of my lessons, it goes stupidly quick.

Just before I start planning on how to use my shoe-laces to hang myself from a book-case, the bell rings for lunch and I pratically sprint out of English, a simple conversation is needed so bad right now.

We all file into the canteen for lunch and I barely get a chance to breath before Freya turns to me with gossip. "Apparently Matty Gears is involved with Weed dealers again" she says and I can't help but become disapointed in people. Drink, is okay, socially smoking: can be exceptable, but doing drugs at parties isn't fun and people shouldn't do it but I know I have no say in his actions what-so-ever.

"I also heard he slept with Casey Fr-" im interupted when I watch Mr. Styles come and stand beside me at the table. "Umm..Can I help you?" I rudely ask.

"Caitlin you need to come with me, I need to talk to you" his deep, monotone voice absolutely grinds me, especially at times when I don't even want his sexy-ass around.

I notice Taylor wink and giggle at me, only to recieve a middle finger. I watch as my history teacher begins to walk away before I even stand.

"Can't it wait?" I half-shout towards him.

"No. I need you immediately. My room. Now" he turns and walks away, back through the doors to the right of us and out into the rain.

"Fucking brilliant. See youse in a bit" I role my eyes and aim for the double doors he presently retreated to.

As I walk away, I hear a mixture of 'Bye's and 'use protection's and wolf whistles but honestly they have no clue, this guy is not my cup of tea.

"Yes" I walk into his room and sit in the chair opposite his desk, waiting for him to look up from the attension hoarder.

"Get out" He says.

"What? Are you syco? You just came and got me" I fiercely bite, anger clear in my voice.

"You didn't knock" he speaks once again without looking up from the paper-stacked desk.

"You've got to be fuc-" I stop before I dig myself deeper, getting up from the chair and walking out of the room.

A much-needed breath of fresh air fills my lungs, calming me down before I knock and re-enter the room. I hear him say 'enter' and I push the door open to meet his willing smile.

This guy is really starting to get to me.
He knows i'm aggitated but his smirk only grows the more annoyed I get.

"You are always late" he starts. I watch his large hands cup themselves together on the desk as he leans his wait forward. "and it's not okay." he adds.

"Okay?" my eye brown furrow as he sits back, scrapping his fingers through his hair, pushing the curly mess away from his face.

"You've had 2 lesson with me so far this week, you've been 5 minuites late to each one.

That means i'm going to keep you in detension for 10 minutes" he apprehensively watched me, wating for me to react. But I won't, because i know that's excactly what he wants.

"Okay then" I sit back in the chair, tracing the whole room with my eyes, reading every single word written on the boring white walls until the time passes.

Eventually, I've read every single detail that I pretty much already knew but soon come to realise it only took up a minute and a half, shows how much time really can drag when you're bored out of your mind.

"So.." I say as I turn back to him, only to find his face buried back into the papers infront of him.

"Shh" he sharply sounds.

"What's your name?" I ask but recieve no reply. I cough slightly into a balled fist to grasp his attension before asking again. "What's your name?"

Still no reply.

"Hello?" I almost sing.

"Shh, it's a detension. No talking" he says and still doesn't look up from the desk.

"I bet it starts with a R. Or a P. Like Robert or Peter." a small, amused smile spreads across his face but I notice he puts his head down further so I don't get a peak at it.

"Or something like Michael or Fredrick. Or is it something adventerous like Slovekniran or Dynamon, that would be cool" I actually hear a giggle and as much as I don't like him, the giggle is cute and I suddenly find myself wanting to hear it more. "Is it Reternationpa-"

"Enough" he finally looks up at me. "It's a detension Miss Tate, no talking. I'm not saying it again" his head falls back down.

"Fine" I laugh when he looks up at me one more time with a cute smirk on his face. Why is he such a dick all the time. Just when I start to deveope the person that is Mr. Styles, the bell goes for last lesson and I can't wait to get out of this shit hole.

I don't bother saying bye, instead I rush out the door and towards Chemistry. Let's get this over and done with.

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