14 - Dramatic exiting

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As usual, I wake up to an empty house. The silence is definitely deafening and it takes everything in me to drag myself from the warm confinements of my bed and downstairs towards the highlight of my day: food.

I rummage the cupboards unsuccessfully as I come to realize there's no food in it. The problem with my mum being away all the time is she doesn't see the point in going shopping for the house that she doesn't stay at; she's a very selfish women, as it's clear to see.

"Shh" I tell my rumbling stomach while I continue rummaging through the fridge. Eventually, I have to settle on a crappy apple and breakfast biscuits that clearly no-one like because they've been in the cupboard for months.

Refreshing water ripples down my body, warming every muscle in dread of another school day. Of course, I can't do anything without thinking about something as complicated at Mr Harry Styles. Therefore, my entire shower is taken up by thoughts of a strange curly-haired guy who never fails to leave un-wanted situations complicated.

When I eventually drag myself from the heavenly waterfall, I can hear my mum in the next room: talking to someone. Fuck is my instant reaction as I realize that the other voice my mother is communicating with is most-likely her new boyfriend. Yay.

Quietly, I get dressed, apply a small amount of make-up, throw my hair back into a pony-tail and grab my shit before sneaking downstairs to the kitchen. I make sure not to make too much noise; absolutely dreading the idea of my mother and her boyfriend getting up in search of me: someone who strongly does not want to meet the arsehole adopting my mother's time. So instead, I grab a packet of crisps and run out the door towards an angry group of teens waiting desperately for me in the car.

"Woah, you actually wasn't too late today" Jake comments, turning round in his seat to look at me as I climb in.

"Thank you for your input Jake, that really meant a lot" I sarcastically reply, earning a laugh from the rest of my friends.

"Have you spoke to Matty?" Taylor intervenes.

Shit, Matty! He said he needed to talk to me urgently about something but I totally forgot to go find him.

But, the thought almost immediately escapes my mind when Morecy nudges the side of my jeaned leg, spanning me from my re-occurring daze. "Oh, no I haven't why?"

"He told me yesterday to tell you to go find him at lunch because he needed to talk to you about something but it completely slipped my mind until last night" she explains.

"Hmm, what else were you thinking about last night" Jake interrupt's, placing a hand on the inside of her thigh as she drives.

"Babe please, I'm driving" she says, but the smirk totally betrays her voice.

Erg, they make me sick. I love Taylor but Jake is an asshole and the thought of them two together makes me physically ill. Mr Styles and I, now that was something I wouldn't mind thinking about, and didn't stop thinking about all night until my eyes physically couldn't take it anymore. I'm completely terrified for 2nd period where I have to actually face the green-eyed devil that unintentionally keeps me awake at night.

Eventually, we arrive at school and I can't wait to get out of the car (away from the cringe) and into our form room. When registration is over, I sit through a long hour of ICT until eventually the bell goes and we're free to travel to our next lesson.

"Matty!" I yell when I see the long-haired boy travelling the same direction as me towards our next class. He turns round towards my voice catching his attention and immediately makes his way through the crowd and over to me. "Hi, what did you want to walk to me about the other day?"

"Oh, don't worry it can wait" he says but I notice the slight nerve in his voice, almost like he's guilty for some reason.

"No wait" I pull his arm and drag him to the side of the busy corridor. "What's going on? If it's got something to do with me, I have the right to know" I demand.

"No really it's nothing" he hesitates. "I just needed to talk to you because...um..well" he stutters.


"I was actually wondering if you wouldn't mind tutoring me for history. I was a bit nervous to ask before but you always seem to know the answers when Mr Styles springs them on you and i'm falling behind lately?" He waits for my reply. I sense and eager kind of emotion and instantly feel bad for trying to get it out of him when really he was just nervous.

"Yeah sure, you should've just said so. We're late for class so we better go but just text me the day and times and stuff, i'm free whenever" I explain, leaving him with a smile as we both make our way through the empty corridors, towards the history block, side-by-side.

When we both enter the class room 5 minutes late (obviously) I can't help but notice Mr Styles doesn't even look up from his desk and completely ignores Matty when he apologizes for being late. Weird.

I don't think I will ever understand this man. Strangely, he doesn't interrogate me like he normally does in every lesson. Instead, he barely makes eye contact me with me throughout the whole lesson until the bell rings for lunch.

Normally, I rush out the door in attempt to not get noticed by Harry but this time, i'm intrigued to know why he hasn't acknowledged me the whole lesson. Therefor, I slowly pack my books away until every student has left the room, then make my way over to his desk.

"Hi" I innocently speak but he doesn't take any notice. Instead, he begins clearing and sorting his already-clean desk, giving me the impression he's just trying to make himself busy. "Hello" I almost sing, followed by a small cough and attention-seeking wave. "Harry"

"Don't call me Harry, you are not allowed to call me Harry, I'm Mr Styles to you" he sternly says, still keeping his eye line away from mine.

"Okay..Mr Styles how comes you didn't moan at me for being late today? And how comes you didn't interrogate me?" I ask but he continues to move around behind his small desk, moving and removing irrelevant pieces of paper. "Hello?" I question again, clearly hitting a nerve as his eye shoot up to me.

"Fine, you want an interrogation Miss Tate, who was Aristotle and what did he do? You answer that and I promise I will interrogate you every single day until you finally leave my class and another load of irrelevant students take up my time" he snaps.

"Woah, what's wrong with you?" I question, completely oblivious to the reason he could be pissed off.

"Nothing's wrong with me Miss Tate, I need you to leave my room right now and carry on as normal in my class"

"What is this about what happened yesterday?" I notice microscopic anger beginning to grow in my voice the more and more he dismisses me and flips me off.

He finally looks up, staring me straight in the eyes but waits moments before actually saying anything: "No, nothing happened yesterday! I don't know what you're talking about but I know you need to leave" he orders and it frightens me when he raises his voice but I try desperately not to show an inch of it.

"Calm down okay, all I was going to say is maybe you need to not act like a complete arsehole towards me since I can walk into Mrs Conners office any second and get your arse fired. So don't test me Harry because you're going to loose" I pick my bag up and begin to walk away, in attempt of a dramatic exit. But of course he doesn't leave it there.

"You pathetic little girl. I don't know what you're talking about but if you think I 'want' you in anyway, you're so, so wrong Miss Tate. I'm not that insane, just leave"

I stand by the door, shocked at what just left his mouth. "Wow, charming! Thanks for that" I turn towards the door but turn back instantly when my mind catches up with me. " You know what, you're the insane one! You really think i'm interested in some up-tight asshole who kisses student because he can't get anyone his own age. You disgust me. Fuck you" and with that, i'm gone, away from the class room and away from his childish games. Who does he think he is.

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