21 - wines and crys

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"Oh" my Mum stops herself just before the tsunami of anger was about to sweep me off my feet. "Hi" she says and the whole table turns to look at us.

To say she is surprised is saying the least, she's only seen me with one boy before, and that's Morecy who i've multiple times explained that we're just good friends. This must be a big shock for her to see me with someone as hot as Harry, let alone the fact that i've actually shown up.

I feel Harry nudge me slightly, breaking me from my thoughts and making me splurge out the first thing that comes to my head. "Hi, we're late"

"Oh that's fine" she lies, standing from the crowded table and waving us over towards her end.

I would say there's about 8 people sitting at the table, and that's without Harry and I before we eventually make our way over.

"Mum this is Harry" I quickly speak before slumping down into the un-comfy wooden chair located at my mums end of the table.

"Nice to meet you" my Mum politely greets Harry and I instantly find her nice attitude unsettling seing as she's normally so dismissive; she's so fake.

"Nice to meet you too Miss Tate" he offers his hand for her to shake and she complies while I scoff at what can only be described as, bum-licky attitude. He shoots a glare at me as he takes his seat and i laugh at his clean-cut behaviour. He wasn't so well behaved when he had his number 1 student pressed up against the wall.

He doesn't forget to shake Mum's 'new guy's hand before he sits down in the seat beside me, opposite my mother and the rather-handsome guy sat beside her.

"Oh yeah, this is Dave. Dave, this is my daughter, Caitlyn" she smiles.

"Kate" I correct her and he giggles slightly and awkwardly.

"It's nice to meet you Kate. You too Harry" he adds and I try to smile but fail miserably, only to crack a real smile when I look to my left and see a huge one gracing Harry's'. He's such a teacher.

"Caitlyn, this is Dave's Mum and Dad, Sarah and Mark" she starts and I look over to them on the right of me, trying my best to show any signs of happiness, but my face refuses to turn up at the annoying people who I know are only temporary. "And this is their oldest son, Darren, and this is his girlfriend, Rebecca"

"Becca" she smiles and I find myself smiling a real smile, even though it's only small and she probably can't even see it, my face does still manage to show some emotion.

"And last but definitely not least, Sarah's Dad, John" my Mum introduces the last person at the table and I sign in relief. I'm bored already, thank god we only have to stay for an hour.

Dave then begins to ask me stupid, cliche questions about what year I am, what school I go to, what A-levels did I take..blahblahblah. Basically, any time-filling questions that he can use while he pretends his interested so we can get out of this dump as soon as possible and he can shag the brains out of my Mum and then leave her for a better looking, skinnier version like all the others.

When he finally stops torturing me with his brain-numbingly stupid questions, I sign in relief and look off into the distance, wishing I was somewhere else right now.

I almost forget Harry's here until he moves into my vision and hoards my attention instantly. "You're doing great, your Mum looks really happy" he says and I roll my eyes.

I change the subject:"What the hell was that 'Miss Tate' thing all about?" i whisper so no-one hears but loud enough for only him to.

"It's called being polite, you should try it" he says with a slight smirk on his face.

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