2 - Him

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"Sorry K but we didn't have time to wait for you" Taylor lies through the phone.

"Okay" I huff.

"Don't be mad, we did warn you. I'm sorry" 

"It's fine, i'll walk in the rain. See you later." My finger hits the red button on my phone before I chuck it at my bed like a spoiled 12 years old that couldn't get the new toy she wanted. It's not until I look out the window when I realize just how bad the rain is...and I have to walk in it. Fucking brilliant.

My decision to wear jeans, converse and a jacket was a decision I was proud of myself for making, the second the front door opens and i prepare myself for pneumonia. 

"Bye Mum" I shout behind me into a most-likely empty house. She must be at work, or she's ignoring me.

My mum isn't a big fan of me at the moment, well, she's never really been a big fan. I know she's my mum so she has to love me but that's the only reason why she does, if I was anyone else, she wouldn't look twice before pushing me into a ditch of shit. It all started when I started hanging around with the group I do now, so when I first started Sixth Form. I had a group of friends before I joined but they were all bitchy girls who I could not stand but put up with for the time being. It wasn't until we all split up to go Sixth Form or College that I realized not everyone walking this earth is a fuck-up and there is a chance for me to meet decent people. Anyway, when I became friend with my group now, we used to go out every weekend and smoke, drink and do weed. I never used to do it, except drinking, but because I used to stink of the stuff, my mum went through stages of grounding me for weeks on end.

My Dad only left 3 years ago and I still see him but my mum gets boyfriends on top of boyfriends which aggravates me because she seems to have a specific taste in arseholes. Since my 'outburst' as she calls it, she just spends time with guys now instead of me. Which doesn't bother me much because she's not great company anyway, and it keeps her off my back. 

I'm dragged from my thoughts when I reach the school gates. Late again, hopefully this day will go quick because as always, I really cannot be bothered today. First lesson, Chemistry. I love chemistry so I don't really mind going to the classes, it's just to know that afterwards, I have to sit through a whole hour of English Literature, that is almost enough for me to turn back round and go home now. 

After sitting through Ionic bonds and William Shakespeare, I can finally get away from a classroom for half hour until my next lesson.

"Hey, sorry about this morning K we just couldn't be late again you know" Morecy looks at me with dark eyes and a charming smile. "If it helps, I did try telling them not to leave you but they wouldn't listen" he smirks at himself, causing a small giggle to escape me.

"Thanks Mor, that helped a lot" I sarcastically comment, nudging him with my shoulder before sitting down beside Taylor on Jake's lap.

"Sorry again about this morning" Taylor looks at me with an apologetic smile.

"She's fine, if she cared that much she would be on time and we wouldn't have to leave her" Jake cuts in, pissing me off once again. 

"Fuck off" I snap but instantly regret it the second it leaves my mouth.

"Wow" Taylor looks to me with shock evident in her features. "Can you two just stop with the bickering, it's getting old" she huffs.

A dramatic exhale leaves my lips as I watch Freya make her way over to us with a guilty smile on her face. 

"What's up with you?" I laugh at her weird behaviour.

Her eyes travel to Taylor. "Oh nothing, I just saw the really hot new teacher by the staff room" 

"No way!" Taylor laughs. "I still can't believe I haven't seen him yet" they both gossip and giggle like children dribbling over chocolate. 

"Apparently he teaches History. I knew I should've taken History" Taylor laughs at herself when Freya joins in. "Oh shit", she turns to me: "That means you might have him K" 

"Shit" Freya joins. "Wait until you see him, he is fine. Very fine" she laughs at her own comment and I can't help but join her. 

I open my mouth to say something else but the bell goes and I start to wonder where the hell break went to. As a group, we vacate the messy and all walk, slowly splitting off as each of us arrive at the assigned classrooms.

"See you later" I say as I walk towards my History classroom.

"Bye. Have fun with Mr Sexy-ass" Freya laughs, receiving a roll of the eyes from me.

"I will" I laugh, yanking the heavy door towards me. A class full of nosy students stare directly at me in silence as I enter the room. What the hell. The noice level is a noticable change, due to a never-ending supply of bad teachers, History is always caotic and social.

"And you must be miss Tate" my confused expression meets everyones amused faces before I turn to the source of a husky, deep voice.

Holy shit. Freya was right...what a sexy-ass man he is.

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