Chapter 30. "Kier"

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"It's no surprise that in the past few years you have come into much more of a leader position in the band, in terms of fan response, and the news. Do you think that's true?" The interviewer asked Cameron. Danny exchanged a glance with me from where he was on the other side of the room, doing his own interview.

"Yeah, of course I do. Our struggle was no secret and we've made such a comeback in our lives, and changed so much, I think we wouldn't have been able to avoid it. If it wasn't for the fans, and my wife," I buried my face in his shoulder to hide my smirk. "I wouldn't be here today playing music and winning awards."

"Inspirational." He replied. "And Naomi, let me know if it's a touchy subject. You two were married only a few days after you met, right?"

"Yes." I nodded. I hadn't really given him a good look. I'd been to a million interviews. Sometimes I think I talk to the press more than Sam, and I'm not even in the band.

"And less than a year later you were involved with drugs, drinking, running away from home? Leaving you old life behind?" I looked up.

"What?" The words fell from my lips. Him. It's him. It's Kier.

"Am I correct?"

"Correct, Kier." I swallowed harshly. He glared back at me sharply, his brown eyes loading a gun.

"Do you feel like you changed for the worse?"

"No." I said slowly. "Cameron made me who I am today. If we didn't go through what we did together, no matter how hard it was, we wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Good to know." Kier replied. "So how do do you feel about being in the lime light? You've chosen quite the stunning outfit, I must say so. Different from the black attire as usual. Are you comfortable in your body again?" Taking aim. "Are you worried about people calling you skinny again? No, I think you're more worried about people calling you fat." Finger on the trigger. "At least it was a good way to lose weight." And he had shot me.

"Cut." Cameron breathed. I stood and slapped Kier hard across the face.

"How could you." I muttered. I slapped him again and again. "How could you!" I screamed. Cameron pulled me away and Sam held me back. Cam punched Kier out in one hit.

"It's okay." Sam whispered, holding me tight and trying to calm me down. "It's okay it's okay. Just breathe, Nomes. It's okay." I felt the tears start and shoved Sam off me. I just ran.

Danny's POV.

I watched her slowly. She recognized the interviewer. He struck a nerve. She was breaking already and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Cameron said something and Naomi slapped the man. Cameron had to pull her away. Sam restrained her. I couldn't get up and run over. "I really think we've come far as a band. We are one big happy family again. If we ever were." I faked a laugh. I watched Sam and Cameron carry Naomi away as I finished my own interview. I shook his hand and ran to find her.

"What the fuck happened?"

"She's in the bathroom now." Cameron sighed. "She ran. He told her to go back on drugs cause she was fat. He was her best friend back home. I didn't recognize him at first. He introduced her to us. That night. God." Cameron said, out of breath.

"Oh god." I sighed, and ran my fingers through my hair, ready to pull it out.

"Every fucking time." Sam sighed, just as exhausted.

"Why can't they just leave her alone?" Cameron looked at me sadly.

"I don't know." I put my hand on his shoulder. "But what she shouldn't be, is alone right now. Find Brandi or something to go get her. Take her home." Sam nodded and went to fulfill my request.

"She's been having dreams again." Cameron said quietly.

"Oh." Oh god. Great. Horrible. Dreams mean bad things. Always bad things for Naomi. Before or during or after bad things, the only time she dreams. And I'm afraid the current moment, is all three.

"Hey Danny." I heard the voice of my in personal demon.

"Don't you ever leave me the fuck alone?"

"Nope." She smiled.

"Hey Myca," Cameron sighed. "Don't kiss my wife, yeah? Unfortunately I can't hit you because you're a girl."

"I'm more of a man than you are." She snorted.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"Where is she?"

"None of your bloody concern." Cam snorted in return. I unbuttoned my suit a bit and sighed.

"Well, she's my best friend so yes it is. Also, that interview you just did, was live. So, have fun with that one tomorrow. And if I know my girl right, she'll be getting properly drunk tonight, and forgetting all about it."

"You're not going anywhere near her." Cam crossed his arms. "Look, she doesn't even like you anymore. So leave." James picked up Myca fireman style and carried her away, putting her down outside a barrier and returning.

"God she's fucking annoying." He forced a laugh.

"Hi!" Naomi stumbled into Cameron.

"Oh hey, baby." Cameron held her tightly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm wonderful." Coke. "Some wonderful lady in the bathroom told me I look like a fairy and gave me some wonderful powder." She wiped her nose.

"Is that so?" Cameron looked nauseous. "We're going home."

"No! I have enough to share!" She pulled out a plastic baggy from her dress and held it out obviously. I grabbed it from her and put it in my suit.

"Are you crazy, Naomi?" I snapped. The smile fell off her face as she stood tall, looking like she was about to cry.

"Aren't I?" And then she smirked, almost evil.

"I'm sorry, Nomes." I sighed. She slapped me in the face as hard as I'd ever seen her hit anyone. Cameron almost went to grab her back, but didn't.

"I hate you, Danny. I hate you so much." Oh. No. No no no. No Naomi. Don't say that. Don't do this to me.

"No you don't. I'm your best friend. I saved your life."

"I shouldn't fucking be here!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice scratching and creaking. "I HATE YOU." Cameron finally pulled her back as she struggled and kicked manically.

"Naomi stop." Cameron whispered. He couldn't calm her and I knew he wouldn't be able to. "Please, stop-" his voice broke. Everyone had gathered now, the other bands in the room and Ben and the girls. She continued to kick and scream and the attention wasn't helping. "Naomi stop." Cameron shouted. The room when silent. She stopped.

"So we're doing coke then?" Ben said, trying to lighten the mood. Very few people laughed.

"Coke it is."

The Desired Effect ~ Cameron LiddellWhere stories live. Discover now