Chapter 27. "Stealing Kisses"

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"As you and your caring guardian have agreed, you're being taken to SunnyStone hospital. It's very nice there. The doctors are nice. You'll be on medication, talking to a therapist daily. As you're 21, you can leave at any time. It's highly recommended that you succumb to the treatment and let us help you, help yourself. Danny has gone to get some of your things from your house, and when he comes back with them, he'll bring you to the hospital. I know you'll do the right thing." When the doctor left I didn't bother asking questions. I didn't really care if I could visit people. I hadn't seen Cameron in days. I was only just starting to let them put the needles in - no more kicking and screaming. I wasn't sure if Cameron was there or not. I wasn't sure if he had even tried to find me when I left. Danny told me nothing of the outside world. We just talked about what we would do when I got out, and he told me he wanted to kiss me and talked up how good things would be when we all move away and hide from the world. When the drugs wore off I knew that he was only saying those things to keep me calm and give me something to look forward to. Either way, it was nice to hear in the moment. It did what it was supposed to do. Danny came back with a backpack of my clothes, all my favorite things he said, and then he drove me to the hospital in his SUV. I knew someone in a hospital car was following directly behind us. But being with Danny in my last moments of the outside world was nice. He kissed me on the cheek goodbye when I got there, and right away, someone came outside and took me in.


"Cheers." I held up my glass. "To a life care free. To a happy life. To good friends, and family." I looked around to everyone holding their glasses high. "To our health, and happiness, and our love." Cameron took my hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I got something to say too." Danny spoke up, taking the attention off me. "I think I speak for everyone when I say I am so fucking proud of you, Naomi. And you too Cam. You both overcame your addiction, and got everything together. You both look like normal people again."

"Hey that's-"

"I mean that you're smiling again, fuck off." Danny laughed. "You both look happy. It all turned out like I knew it would. All of us are back to normal. Much like Naomi's body. Thank god. I was starting to miss that ass..."

"Hey." Cameron said sternly, giving him the eye. I could help but smile.

"Normal." I smiled softly.

"I second what Danny said." Sam put up his hand. Cameron put both his hands on my ass and stood in front of me.

"My wife my ass." He said loudly.

"Not for much longer." Danny smirked at me. "I may have to steal her away from you again."

"Last I recall she only fucked you because she was mad at me..." Cameron sighed, sliding his finger down the front of my high waist jeans. I grabbed his wrist and held it up.

"Last I recall she still fucked me."

"Last I fucking recall," Cameron started, shifting his weight and crossing his arms like a pouting child. "I put a fucking ring on it."

"After six days yeah you did you crazy fuck." James laughed. We all finally drank, and stuck into the meal he and Brandi had prepared, in Cameron and my kitchen. Everything Danny said was true. I got better. We all got our houses in the hills. Far far away from the city where nothing could hurt me. We got a nice pool and when I got confident enough that I didn't look like a skeleton, we threw pool parties every single weekend. We lounged out by the pool and got nice tans and drank champagne. I had my girls nights with Brandi and Myca and Sam and we got a little drunk and ate pizza and watched romantic comedy movies. Once a week. And once a week Danny stole me away to his hideaway in the hills. He made me dinner and spoiled me and we drank wine and he stole kisses here and there. I was sure Cameron knew. But he got me every other day of the week, so he let Danny get me for only a few hours. He knew I'd never leave him. Both of them knew I would never leave Cameron. But everything was exactly like Danny said it would be. It was like a dream come true. My life was a dream. I got my social media back. I stopped having to see doctors once a week when I proved to them I wouldn't relapse. It didn't hurt anymore. The pain went away just like Danny said it would. When everyone went home Cameron and I put all the dishes in the dish washer, and he carried me upstairs over his shoulder, and threw me down onto our king size bed with the red satin sheets.

"My beautiful wife." Cameron smirked to himself as he knelt over top of me. "My beautiful girl." I slowly pulled off my tight black tank top to reveal a black lacy bra.

"My gorgeous husband." He leaned in and kissed me passionately one of his hands holding him up and one of them undoing my tight black jeans. I moaned loudly as he started rubbing me through my panties.

"That sound, God I love that sound." He growled into my skin as he kissed and sucked at my neck. "I wish I could just fuck you all day every day." I unbuckled his jeans started palming his length through his boxers.

"Then fuck me." I looked him in the eyes. He smirked evilly as he ripped off my panties. You used to do that all the time I thought.

The Desired Effect ~ Cameron LiddellWhere stories live. Discover now