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Marinette sat eagerly in her living room's chair. Her and Adrien were going on a date to the Bourgeois Hotel.

Her and Adrien had been happily dating for over a month. They would go to movie theatres and restaurants during the day and cruise the Parisian streets as their alter egos in the dark.

Tikki and Plagg would go on mini dates set up my Marinette in her or Adrien's room. Plagg would always try to get Tikki to try his cheese but she would always politely decline.

Marinette heard the doorbell ring and instantly jumped up from her seat to answer the door.

"Hi Adrien" a smile grew on her face.

"Hay purr-incess" Marinette's smile immediately fell.

"Must you make cat puns out of suit" Marinette groaned and walked out of her apartment, Adrien following behind her.

"My puns are a-meow-zing" a louder groan was heard from Marinette.

"I still can't believe how you of all people could be Chat Noir"

They soon arrived at their destination; Le Grand Paris.

"Hello and welcome to the Bourgeois Hotel" the waiter at the front desk spoke. "What can I help you with?"

"Could I have a table for two please" Adrien asked the man.

He clicked a few buttons on his computer before speaking.
"Sure, right this way" the waiter stood up from behind the counter and led Marinette and Adrien to an empty table.

"Here are your seats" the waiter pointed to a small table.
"Another waiter will be with you shortly" he said before walking back to the front desk.

"I can't wait to try your uncle-" Adrien was cut off by Chloe.

"Adriekins!" Chloe screeched.

"Oh no" Adrien muttered loud enough for Marinette hear, making her laugh.

"You finally came for me" she ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well I'm actually on a date with Marinette right now" he gestured to Marinette seated beside him.

"Why are you still with her? You know we are destined to be together" Chloe protested.

"Chloe, I've said this many times and I'll say again, I'm deeply in love with Marinette and not you. Could you please stop making false assumptions and except that I'm with her. If you can't except that then... I don't think we can be friends. A friend that could hurt my girlfriend so much... isn't much of a friend"

Chloe was furious. How could Adrien care about Marinette so much.
"Why do you keep defending her. You know that you love me more. Your know you deserve better then her" Chloe shot back.

"Bye Chloe" he stood up with Marinette.
"If me being with Marinette bothers you so much then I never want to speak to you again. Let me know when you're ready to except Marinette and I"

"Bye, but when you finally realise that I'm better then her then let me know"

"That will never happen" he hissed and they walked out of the hotel.
"You didn't have to be so mean to her" Marinette said once they were outside.

"I had to" Adrien started. "All the false accusations she would make up about us not dating and all the bullying she's been doing to you. I had to do something. She's needs to learn that she can't always get her way in life"

"I agree but don't you think that you were too harsh on her? She is your friend"

"Was my friend" Adrien corrected bluenette.

"Where are we going to go now that we aren't eating at Bourgeois hotel?" Marinette decided it was time to change the subject.

"I was thinking we could walk along The Seine" Adrien suggested.

"That would be great"
Adrien interlocked his left hand with Marinette's right arm.

The two went to the famous river of Paris, chatting and laughing with each other for the rest of the day.

"Apart from Chloe, today was amazing" Marinette lay her head on Adrien's shoulder.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. If my princess is happy then I'm happy" Adrien had to fight the urge to make a cat pun.
The sun started to hide behind the many of the tall buildings in the city, the last of its colour reflecting of the river.

"We should get going now" Marinette spoke up after a few moments.

"I agree" Adrien said.

They both got up from the bench set off for the Boulangerie Patisserie.

"Hay kids" Sabine waved to Adrien and Marinette when they arrived at the bakery.

"Hi Mrs. Cheng" Adrien greeted Marinette's mother.

"Oh please, call me Sabine" Sabine waved her hands to reassure him.

"Okay then Mrs-Sabine" Adrien hastily corrected himself.

"How was your date?" Sabine asked the couple.

"It was amazing..." Marinette started.

"...Apart from when Chloe came along" Adrien finished off Marinette's sentence.

"Why don't you join us for dinner one day" Sabine suggested.

"That would be lovely Sabine" a smile grew on his face.

Adrien glanced up at the clock that hung in the bakery.

"I should be going now" Adrien spoke up. "It's getting pretty late and my father is probably starting to worry about me. Bye Sabine, bye Marinette"

"Bye Adrien" Marinette pecked his lips before he walked out of the shop and to his own house.

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