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Tap tap
Chat knocked on Marinette's window before opening it.

"Hey purr-incess" the cat superhero purred into Marinette's ear.

"Hi kitty" Marinette giggled.

"Are you ready to go out" Chat asked the pigtail haired girl.

"Yep" Marinette grinned.
"Tikki, spots on!" she yelled.

Marinette felt the red and black suit replace her every day clothes. Soon enough she became Ladybug, one of the saviours of Paris.

"Ready" Marinette, now Ladybug exclaimed.

Ladybug hopped onto her bed and out through her trapdoor that lead to her balcony.

"How about we have a race" Chat suggested to his partner.
"The first person to finish their route wins"

"Oh you're on kitty cat" Ladybug smirked before running off.

Chat watched Ladybug run off into the distance. He could stare at his lady all day but he had a job to do.

He finally turned around and went to check on his part of Paris.

Ladybug landed on the Eiffel Tower and sat down on one of the many beams.

"You took your time" Chat said as he sat down next to Ladybug.

"How did you get here first?" Ladybug pouted.

"Aww. M'lady, you're so cute when you're mad" Chat hugged his lady from the side.

Ladybug lay her head on Chat's shoulder and moved closer to her partner.

The two sat together, enjoying each other's presence in a comfortable silence.

"The sunset is beautiful tonight" Ladybug spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Not as beautiful as you m'lady" Chat whispered into Ladybug's ear.

"You're such a flirt, Chat"

"I'm not flirting" Chat defended himself.
"I'm just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive" Chat moved closer to kiss her cheek.

Ladybug giggled as she pushed Chat's face away from her face.

"No kiss" Chat frowned in a joking manner.

"You're doing to have to work for it" Ladybug grinned before running off.

Chat got up from the tower and ran after Ladybug.

Chloe was on her phone when she heard soft laughs coming from outside.

She got off of her bed her bed and walked over to her window.

Chloe looked out the window and saw Chat Noir chasing Ladybug.

He eventually caught up with the bug themed superhero and hugged her from behind.

Ladybug turned around to be showered in kisses by her feline companion, followed by a passionate kiss on the lips, whitch she returned.

Chloe laughed at their cuteness.
She was happy for then.

She watched as Chat swooped Ladybug off the ground, causing a yelp to escape her's lips.

Chloe grinned at the pair's banter
They were realy are made for each other.

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